Tamriel Rebuilt:May She Rest in Peace

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Arrange a proper cremation.
Quest Giver: Vaden Baro in Almas Thirr, Monastery of St. Veloth.
Location(s): Almas Thirr
Prerequisite Quest: Pilgrimage to the Bloodstone Shrine
Next Quest: A Flooded Tomb
Reward: Counterspell Ring
ID: TR_m3_TT_RIP, TR_m3_TT_RIP_2
Required Rank: Curate
Performing the cremation ritual.


To begin this quest, you will need to be rank of Curate, and have completed the Bloodstone Pilgrimage. Completing the preceding Temple quests in Almas Thirr, starting with Lloris Dalen in the Canalworks Temple, will get you to the required rank.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Vaden Baro at the Monastery of St Veloth about join our sacred order and sacred task.
  2. Travel to Dondril and speak to Garvs Ovav about cremation services.
  3. Return to Almas Thirr and speak to Dala Aralen in the Upper Waistworks.
  4. Speak to Dala at Garvs and Fedura Ovav's Shack, south of Dondril.
  5. Either speak to Hetman Nalis Varo about Fedura to ask him to permit burial
  6. Or speak to Bradys Hlaalo in Necrom.
    • If the hetman is convinced, convince Garo to allow a cleansing ritual, then give the Ashes of Fedura Ovav to the hetman.
  7. Return to Garvs, then Vaden Baro (or just Vaden Baro if Garvs is arrested).

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Speak to Vaden Baro at the Monastery of St Veloth on the east side of Almas Thirr. He will offer you a place among the Speakers of the Dead, assuming you agree to complete two sacred tasks first. For the first task, Vaden asks you to seek out Garvs Ovav, who is mourning over the death of his daughter, Fedura. Before setting out, it may be useful to set a mark in the monastery, for easy return later. You can find Garvs Ovav, wandering the streets of Dondril. He will ask for someone from the Temple who can perform cremations. Seek out Dala Aralen in the Upper Waistworks of Almas Thirr. Once she has agreed to help, meet her at Garvs's shack, south of Dondril. Speak to Dala to receive the ashes of the deceased. She will note an odd energy, as if Daedra were watching. Present the ashes to Garvs. He will ask you to take them either to the city of Necrom or convince the hetman of Dondril to bury Fedura here.

Convincing the hetman[edit]

The hetman, Nalis Varo, is in the only non-wooden hut in Dondril. He will need 70+ disposition towards you before allowing Fedura to be buried nearby. On 90+, he will also welcome Garvs back into the village. He is susceptible to bribes however – 10 gold provides a considerable disposition increase alone. The hetman does have one requirement before burial however – Fedura's remains must be subjected to a cleansing ritual. Return to the shack and speak to Dala. She will warn you that refusing this cleansing ritual is a serious crime, and that Garvs must accept when asked or be taken in for questioning. Garvs himself will need a disposition of 90+ before he accepts. You will get three chances to ask him about Fedura before he refuses to speak about it further. If Garvs accepts the cleansing ritual, speak to Dala to have it performed, and then return the ashes to the hetman, who will have Fedura buried. You may then return to Garvs for your reward, and Vaden Baro for the second sacred task. If Garvs cannot be convinced, speak to Dala. She will instruct you to take the ashes to Necrom while the inquisitors come for Garvs. Reward (if Garvs is not arrested): Counterspell Ring

Traveling to Necrom[edit]

Necrom is a Dunmer holy city for the dead, on the eastern coast of Morrowind. You may wish to mark Garvs' shack before setting out, as it's a very long way away. On arrival, seek out Bradys Hlaalo in the Chamber of Parting, a round tower in the northwest of the city. He will accept the ashes without question. If Garvs has not been arrested, return to him and speak about the 'sacred task' to collect your reward. Then return to Vaden Baro to complete the quest. If Garvs has been arrested, return straight to Vaden Baro.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

May She Rest in Peace (TR_m3_TT_RIP)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Vaden Baro in Almas Thirr gave me a sacred task: to investigate a troubled Dunmer whose daughter passed away recently. His name is Garvs Ovav and he should be in Dondril north of Almas Thirr.
11 Garvs mentioned his daughter died due to a terrible affliction. Apparently the village didn't trust him enough to help him find a cure.
15 I spoke with Garvs, who asked me to travel back to Almas Thirr to request the cremation services of a priest. I can meet him in his home to the south of Dondril when I have found one.
16 Dala Aralen in the Almas Thirr Waistworks specializes in cremation services.
20 The priest Dala Aralen will visit Garvs soon. I can meet her at Garvs' house south of Dondril.
25 I received Fedura's ashes from Dala Aralen to present to Garvs.
26 Dala Aralen mentioned the presence of strong Daedric forces in Garvs' home, but did not know precisely why they were there.
30 Garvs admitted to easing his daughter's passing after realizing there was no cure for her.
35 Garvs says the villagers of Dondril refuse to allow him to place her remains in the village shrine due to nasty rumors. The only options are bringing the ashes to the Head Priest of the Charnelworks in Necrom, or convincing the hetman to allow the ashes to be placed at the shrine.
200 I brought Fedura's ashes to Necrom to be interred.
210 Garvs thanked me for transporting his daughter's ashes and gave me an enchanted ring.
220 Garvs thanked me for convincing the hetman to inter his daughter's ashes and gave me an enchanted ring.
300 Finishes quest☑ Vaden Baro noted my completion of his task.
May She Rest in Peace (TR_m3_TT_RIP_2)
60 The hetman Nalis Varo claims people have seen Garvs and his daughter colluding with a group of witches in Hadrumnibibi several years ago. The Indoril cleared their names, but the rumors are still rampant.
65 Garvs mentioned having an ancient shrine on his property, but claims the superstitious rumors have always been false. He thinks the shrine may have caused his daughters sickness and warned me to stay away.
70 The hetman refuses to let Fedura's ashes remain at the shrine. He suggests taking the ashes to Necrom instead.
80 The hetman has agreed to let Fedura's ashes be spread at the communal shrine if a cleansing ritual is performed.
100 The hetman has agreed to let Fedura's ashes be spread at the communal shrine and clear Garvs' name if a cleansing ritual is performed.
110 Dala Aralen agreed to the cleansing ritual, pending Garvs' approval. If Garvs does not agree to participate, there may be consequences.
120 Garvs agreed to the cleansing ritual.
150 Garvs has completed the cleansing ritual.
170 I brought Fedura's ashes to the Dondril hetman.
190 Garvs has refused the cleansing ritual and refuses to speak with me.
200 Garvs has been branded a heretic by the Temple and will be hauled away for questioning.