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Online:The Gryphon

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The Gryphon
Location The Scholarium, Wing of the Gryphon
Species Gryphon
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
The Gryphon

The Gryphon is a Luminary of Magic associated with the Scholarium.

Related Quests[edit]


After the completion of the Wing of the Gryphon, you may talk to the Gryphon in his wing at any time:

"Our time together has been most impressive. Perhaps in a past life, you walked this world as a gryphon.
In the meantime, I'll try to keep the Fox from meddling too much in your other affairs. I make no promises."

If spoken to while on the quest for the Dragon:

"You face the Dragon's riddles. I cannot help you, but rest assured her eccentricities are outweighed by her wisdom.
Most of the time."

If spoken to while on the quest for the Netch:

"Dealing with the Netch, are you? I can tell by the expression on your face. Send it my regards.
But please do so in a way that does not imply any sort of invitation to my domain."

If spoken to while on the quest "The Wing of the Crow":

"You are on your final trial. The Wing of the Crow. Your time with us, your mastery of Scribing … you're so near the end. Good luck."

If spoken to after completing the Scribing questline:

"When I look back on our quest for justice together, when I see all that you've accomplished.
I can't help but be impressed in spite of myself. Well done, mortal. Very well done."

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

The Wing of the Gryphon[edit]

The Gryphon sealed by Ulfsild

In the Wing of the Gryphon you will encounter sealed Gryphon and his companion The Fox.

After dispelling the ward:

The Fox: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy, easy! It's me! Remember? The Fox!"
The Gryphon: "I remember you, my friend. Don't worry. I've just been holding that in a long, long time."
"Mortal. Greetings and defiance. My companion has clearly adopted you. But then he's always seen the best in people.
Why should I stay my claws?"
I'm working with a group to restore the Scholarium. We have no reason to fight.
"I have been trapped here for a very long time, mortal. I did not feel the full passage of time. But I know it's been many years. I know Ulfsild is dead.
And I know what happened to Eyevea."
If Eyevea is in the Oblivion:
If Eyevea is on Tamriel:
I heard what happened with Shalidor and Sheogorath.
"Ulfsild's mate was an old fool. And the Daedric Prince of nonsense … bah.
You have a Luminary's apology, mortal. This has not been an easy awakening. Once, my feathers were armor. My talons cut stone and my beak could rend the sky itself."
Eyevea has returned to Nirn. I helped Shalidor to reclaim the island.
"Truly? Impressive to think you may have bested the Daedric Prince of nonsense.
You have a Luminary's apology, mortal. This has not been an easy awakening. Once, my feathers were armor. My talons cut stone and my beak could rend the sky itself."
I just want to restore the Scholarium and master Scribing.
"Focused. Driven. You remind me of Ulfsild. But I suppose that's to be expected. Give me a moment to gather my thoughts, mortal.
Place the fable upon the dais. And if you want, speak to my companion. He'll be eager to chat, no doubt."
I'll place the fable and open the door.

If you speak to him before placing the fable:

The Gryphon and the Fox
"The fable … lightly chewed, I see. Oh, Fox.
The fable will open the path between my domain and the Scholarium. And then we can discuss the future."

After placing the fable:

"It's so good to be able to stretch my limbs, to breathe deep again. I'll need to go flying soon to truly shake off this chill.
But first. We have business, you and I."
What would you like me to do? Challenges, like the Indrik?
"The other Luminaries concern themselves with challenges, riddles. Frippery and dalliance.
If you wish to earn my trust, my strength, know it takes heart to protect. To shield those that do not have the strength to defend themselves."
You want me to protect people?
"I chose to be a bulwark against the hordes, and I'll ask you to do the same. I will summon a list of safeguard tasks.
Complete the ones that appeal to you, I will rally my strength. And we will see what happens next."
I'll complete some of your safeguard tasks and return, Gryphon.
"Injustice did not rest while I slumbered. Your time will be well used on these tasks.
And while you are gone, the Fox and I will have some time to catch up. I missed him, dearly."
Why are you and the Fox companions?
"He is loyal, perhaps to a fault, a quality that we both share. When we first met he was attempting to save a life, and I felt compelled to intervene.
Just another creature to protect. Sheltering beneath my wings."
But that's not true now?
"I would call what we have a partnership if he had any interest in making decisions.
He is fiendishly clever, and unless I'm mistaken I would not be talking to you today if not for him."
You seem an odd pairing.
"Our differences, I think, do not weaken us. But instead make us stronger. I act as a shield for the weak. He aides me in my calling. And we enjoy our time together.
What else would you ask for in a companion? In a friend?"
Can you tell me about yourself?
"I am not so old as the Indrik, not so young as the Netch.
I was born from another's death, a great sage who stood against a terrible enemy and burned them out from within. A mighty and beautiful spell that cost them their life."
How were you born from that magic?
"The casting required a lengthy ritual. A vast pool of magicka. Built day upon day. Only to rush forth in a great flood.
When the dam burst, there was still a great reservoir left behind. One that coalesced, distilled, into me."
Why did you choose to be a Gryphon?
"Elves have carved the shape of winged beasts since before Mankind existed. I am a symbol. And top of mind or not, symbols have meaning.
So I am the Gryphon. Sharp of talon and beak, wings to block the sun. Justice incarnate."
Why is protecting people so important to you?
"The circumstance of my existence is … strange, to say the least. But my power, my strength, is a gift. From Magnus, from Aetherius, choose as you will.
That is a gift that I could honor. Or I could squander. I choose the path of honor."
You feel compelled to act this way?
"I believe it is what we choose to do that defines us, not where or how we are born.
When I see cruelty against the weak, when I know my gifts can make a difference, I step in. How could I not?"

After reading the safeguards:

"These safeguards, these tasks, are a chance to right what has gone wrong. To stand against injustice.
Thank you mortal. I can't wait to return to the skies, to my own patrol."

You may still ask him the same set of questions as before.

Once you return back to him:

"Mortal! Welcome back. Standing against injustice is a reward all its own, but you have my thanks as well.
The time I've had with my oldest and dearest friend has been a balm on my heart. And together, we've come up with a plan."
A plan for what?
"If I am to lend you my strength, if you are to master Scribing, you must complete for me a boon. It's a tradition, at this point.
You have been as a shield for those that need it. Now the Fox and I want you to protect those closer to home."
Are you talking about protecting the Scholarium?
"I am. In the end, as she always was, Ulfsild was right. I cannot be its only defense. With the help of my companion you will borrow protective magic to reinforce our own."
Where are we going to borrow this magic from?
"Speak to the Fox, mortal. This was his clever idea, and he will be your guide. In the meantime I will make preparations.
It has been some time since these talons did delicate spellwork."
I'll talk to the Fox, then.
"Move quickly and with courage as you steal these magics, mortal. The Fox is a stalwart ally, but where you are going the shadows run deep."
What are you going to do with the magic we steal?
"This may surprise you, as our last moment together was a tempest of frost and ice, but Ulfsild and I were great collaborators.
Before the departure of the Scholarium, we dreamed of ever-vigilant watchers that would protect the complex."
So you're going to use the magic we steal to make these watchers?
"Yes. Animated armor based off of Ulfsild's design. Sentinels that can stand guard even when my gaze falters.
All those years ago we felt there was no pressing need …. Until it was too late."
Why are you and the Fox companions? (his answer will be identical as before)

After you spoke to the Fox:

"The Princes should cause you no trouble, if the Fox plays his role correctly. You have nothing to worry about."

After your return:

"I sense you return with treasures of fire, ink, and shadow. Though, to be fair, the Fox spoiled the surprise. He was quite giddy upon his return.
Well done. These stolen magics will allow me to secure the Scholarium."
How are you going to use the creatia we stole?
"Ages ago, Ulfsild and I researched an ancient type of mystical soldier. I imagined these constructs as silent protectors, watching over the Scholarium's halls.
With the untamed power of the Daedric Princes, finally our vision will become reality."
You'll support my journey to explore Scribing, then?
"I will. You have upheld justice, acted as a protector, and been a boon companion to my dearest friend.
You've earned this, and then some. You may add my power to the Scribing Altar."
Thank you, Gryphon.

He will then awaken the animated armors:

The Gryphon: "Now is the time to put these stolen magics to use. Burn with the fires of the Deadlands."
The Gryphon: "Let rise the shadows of Evergloam. And writhe with the ancient power of Apocrypha."
The Gryphon: "Stand, knights of the Scholarium. Begin your watch. May it never end."
The Gryphon: "Use my strength well."
The Gryphon: "Rejoin my domain to the altar. May you master Scribing as you master yourself."

If you speak to him again before claiming the sigil:

"Take the sigil, mortal. The Fox has been known to claim shimmering objects left out in the open. Best not to tempt him."

After taking the sigil:

The Gryphon: "Go, and carry my strength. You will always be welcome here."
"The struggle for justice never ends, mortal. Always be prepared to fight. To defend what matters most to you."

At this point in the quest the animated armors will protect the halls of the Scholarium.

After placing the sigil but before completing the quest:

"The ritual is complete. The Scholarium is safe. And you are a shield for Ulfsild's legacy, just as much as I am."

The Wing of the Crow[edit]

In the Crow's test you can hear the Gryphon as you interact with the corresponding brazier:

Flame of the Gryphon: "Act with justice."

The Gryphon appears at the Dragon Wall in the Crow's Labyrinthian after you defeat Aut'arioth.

The Crow: "I am the Crow, a piece of Ulfsild left behind to see Scribing passed to you. To the world."
Votary Nahlia "The Luminaries. Look!"
The Indrik: "She wisely used her power to ensure her legacy."
The Dragon: "Ulfsild's keen mind ensured you could follow in her footsteps."
The Gryphon: "She was a fierce protector, defiant for what she cared about most."
The Netch: "Her compassion lifted everyone around her. Just as it lifted you!"
The Crow: "I am the shadow of a singular person. A being born in sorrow but filled with hope.
I have soared on the winds of magic for centuries to be here with you today, Inheritor."
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