Online:Pets C
Cantaloupe Swamp Jelly[edit]
- Though Argonians do relish the elastic flesh of the Black Marsh Swamp Jellies, the whimsical names they give them refer more to their appearance than to their flavor.
The Cantaloupe Swamp Jellywas available from the Crown Store for 1,000 , as well as being bundled with the Murkmire Collector's Bundle. It is now available as an Epic-level reward in Sovngarde Crates. Its default name is "Melonbobber".
Carmine Wood Moth[edit]
- Nearly driven to extinction a century ago by Nibenese, who used their brilliant ruby wing dust as rouge, these moths made a comeback in a different area: Valenwood. Friendly to a fault, they are now favored companions among alchemists.
The Carmine Wood Moth is available as an Epic-level reward in the Grim Harlequin Crown Crates. Its default name is "Rouge Rogue".
Carnelian Theodolite[edit]
- The Dwarven Theodolite was a sort of automated measuring device designed to explore and survey subterranean areas; this version is notable for its distinctive red "eye."
The Carnelian Theodolite was available from the Crown Store for 1,200 , and with the Wrathstone Collector's Bundle.
- The cat's eyes seem to speak, saying, "Jolly good to see you! We appear to have a small blight of rodents. Dreadful crawling things. Scuttling everywhere. Hmm, skittering blights. I knew a good joke about that. What? Oh, yes. Lovely day for a hunt!"
Catwell is a domestic pet that was available in the Crown Store for 1,000 from April 4 to April 11, 2022.
Cave Bear Cub[edit]
- The Cave Bear Cub may miss its mountain home, but that just makes it twice as loyal to its mortal companion.
A brown bear cub released alongside the Orsinium DLC, available from the Crown Store individually for 700 or as part of the Orsinium DLC Collector's Edition for 5,000
. When idle it may rear on its hind paws and play with a butterfly. Its default name is "Honeymuzzle".
Cerulean Scorpion[edit]
- The colors exhibited by the Cerulean Scorpion make it a creature sought after by artists and by those who prefer their companions to have a bit of a sting to them.
The Cerulean Scorpion is available as an Epic-level reward in the Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates. Its default name is "Clamper".
Chaosball Cohort[edit]
- "Look, some might call it cheating to play with a ball that follows you around, but it's not like you asked it to! It's perfectly safe. Fine for a regulation game. I think. Might get confusing with two balls on the field, though."—Carrier Clairene
The Chaosball Cohort is a floating pet. It was distributed for the first time to anybody who watched the ESO Live: Battlegrounds, In-Game Events & More livestream (which premiered at on September 10, 2024 at 2:30PM EDT) with their ESO and Twitch accounts linked received a free Chaosball Cohort pet, which was delivered by the same day. Its default name is "Rolling Recall".
Chaotic Creatia Cub[edit]
- A playful bit of incarnated plasma first summoned by talented arcanists from the strange realms beyond Tamriel, these cubs are mischievous, devoted, and harmless. Well, mostly harmless.
The Chaotic Creatia Cub is a senche non-combat pet that is available as an Epic-level reward in the Buoyant Armiger Crate. Its default name is "Helrietta Pussycat".
Chorrol Retriever[edit]
- These playful golden canines happily accompany their people on journeys near and far, making friends with anyone they meet along the way. The downside to this endearing show of trust is, of course, that they're not the best guard dogs.
The Chorrol Retriever is available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Its default name is "Isabel".
Chromatic Scorpion[edit]
- "Nightmares of scorpions. So many colors, but the dream-sea blue one tipped with angry-eyes red stepped forth. I woke to see this wondrous creature. A gift from Vaermina? My partner says they live in Satakalaam, but how did one get to Wayrest?"—Gaelle
The Chromatic Scorpion is a non-combat pet available as an Epic-level reward in the Unfeathered Crown Crates. Its default name is "Angry-Dreams".
Chub Loon[edit]
- A denizen of Tamriel's northern shores, the Chub Loon survives on the bounty of the sea, dining on small fish of all types. Though clumsy and awkward on shore, it flies gracefully and is a nimble swimmer. Best of all, they make affectionate pets.
The Chub Loon is available as an Epic-level reward in the Storm Atronach Crown Crates. Its default name is "Waddles".
Cipher's Eye Pocket Watcher[edit]
- "What have you learned, Watcher? Mortals on Nirn keep small companions. Oh, is that so? Names you say? As my small companion, you wish one? Very well, I shall call you Ocula. You have indeed earned it."—Morian Zenas
The Cipher's Eye Pocket Watcher is available to those who purchase the ESO: Necrom Deluxe Edition. The pet was delivered when the Chapter launched in June of 2023. Its default name is "Ocula".
Clearspring Striped Fawn[edit]
- Long ago, some of the striped fawns of Clearspring Tarn felt a call to migrate elsewhere, and they eventually found protection and a home with the Falinesti Wood Elves. Though you can spot them in many areas, they retain their original name.
The Clearspring Striped Fawn is available from the Crown Store individually for 1,000 , or as part of the Flames of Ambition Collector's Bundle for 4,000
. It entered the Crown Store on March 8, 2021 for PC, and March 16, 2021 for consoles. Its default name is "Valedancer".
Clockwork Nix-Hound[edit]
- A fabricant from the hidden laboratories of Sotha Sil, the clockwork nix-hound is a small but lifelike imitation. It even "hunts" and consumes tiny scraps of metal in its vicinity. Watch out for your coinpurse!
The Clockwork Nix-Hound is available as a Superior-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Coinsneak".
Clockwork Shalk[edit]
- The Clockwork Shalk is a fabricant from the hidden laboratories of Sotha Sil. It seems programmed to obey the master it imprints upon, but who knows what secret orders it will follow if events occur to trigger them?
The Clockwork Shalk is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Dwarven Crown Crates. Its default name is "Cogroach".
Clockwork Skeevaton[edit]
- Originally designed for probing tiny, inaccessible areas of the Clockwork City, the mechanical Skeevaton can be set to recognize and follow an individual mortal, replicating pet behavior on the surface of Nirn.
The Clockwork Skeevaton is a robotic mouse construct that was available from the Crown Store for 700 . It was also part of the Clockwork City Collector's Bundle. Its default name is "Skweex".
Cloud Spring White Sheep[edit]
- Both the fleecy white sheep and their doughty shepherds enjoy the clear water of Cloud Spring in High Rock. Though dangers abound, the sheep avoid the worst of it, making the rumors of their ability to sense and avoid peril seem plausible.
The Cloud Spring White Sheep is available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid crates. Its default name is "Praan".
Clouded Senche-Leopard Cub[edit]
- Of all the varieties of wild senche-cats, the Clouded Leopard may be the most beautiful. Their cubs love to play-fight, and stalk tiny bugs with the most hilariously serious expressions.
The Clouded Senche-Leopard Cub is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Storm Atronach Crown Crates. They were also given away as gifts to users who attended the Bethesda Game Days livestream on February 29, 2020. To receive one, users must have had their ESO account linked with their Twitch account. Its default name is "Li'l Thundercloud".
Cobalt Sep Adder[edit]
- The blue-scaled Cobalt Sep Adder is the rarest of the wild varieties, and almost never seen in captivity. They are particularly prized by the royalty of Hammerfell's contentious city-states, as they're said to be able to detect poison in drinks and food.
The Cobalt Sep Adder is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Wild Hunt Crates. Its default name is "Poison Pals".
Coldharbour Bantam Guar[edit]
- Start with a dollop of wiggly cuteness, add a dash of the Coldharbour glow, and you get a bantam guar that causes "oohs!" and "ahhhs!" wherever you go, plus helps you avoid stubbing your toe at night when you leave your bed. Genius!
The Coldharbour Bantam Guar is available as a Daily Reward on day 21 of June 2021. Its default name is "Wiggles".
Coldharbour Ocular Observer[edit]
- Not all of Molag Bal's eyes are as vigilant as the Prince would like, it would seem. This one exhibits open curiosity about the world! The blinking certainly is creepy, though.
The Coldharbour Ocular Observer is available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Its default name is "Blinky".
Coldsnap Durzog Pup[edit]
- Young durzogs acquired from the Coldsnap Goblin tribe are temperamental and require a firm hand. After you've established firm boundaries with this creature, though, its loyalty is boundless.
The Coldsnap Durzog Pup was available in the Crown Store for 1,000 from September 26 to September 29, 2019. It is now available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates. Its default name is "Sludgepuppy".
Coldspring Nix-Hound[edit]
- Dark Elves of House Hlaalu, knowing that Vvardenfell isn't the only place with deadly flora, fauna, and folk, bred a nix-hound that can thrive in different environments. Even with its gorgeous blue-purple shading, it still possesses a menacing air.
The Coldspring Nix-Hound is available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates. Its default name is "Bugeyes".
Colovian Badger[edit]
- Though Badgers mainly eat burrowing rodents, farmers hate them because they'll take chickens, kwama scribs, and bantam guar if they get the chance. Cranky and irritable, they make terrible pets - which makes them a favorite among the Undaunted.
The Colovian Badger was available in the Crown Store for 700 from July 7, 2016 to January 30, 2017. They are now a Superior-level reward in Reaper's Harvest Crates. Its default name is "Grumps".
Companion Revelry Tomeshell[edit]
- "Look, I know tomeshells need a place to live too, but that's one of the rarest volumes in the archive! Sure, it looks flashy now, but Mora knows what state the book will be in whenever this one decides to move on."—Cipher Caldaafin
The Companion Revelry Tomeshell is available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Its default name is "Pageturner".
Companion's Wolf Pup[edit]
- The ancestry of this rambunctious dark-furred pup goes all the way back to the Five Hundred Companions of Ysgramor. That doesn't stop it from acting like a mischievous little furball, though!
The Companion's Wolf Pup was available in the Crown Store for 1,000 with the launch of Firesong on November 1, 2022 for PC/Mac, and on November 15, 2022 for consoles. It is also available as part of the Firesong Collector's Bundle alongside the Cinderstone Kagouti for 4,000
. Its default name is "Trouble".
Conjured Dragon Imp[edit]
- This impressive vision is the work of a very dedicated illusion imp. The shimmering form sparks the adoration of all who see it, making for easy handouts and safe havens for this tiny so-called Dragon.
The Conjured Dragon Imp is available as an Epic-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Shardovah".
Copperback Bear-Dog[edit]
- The Copperback variant of the Markarth Bear-Dog is renowned for its responsiveness to training, but keep an eye on it, or it will get into all sorts of mischief. Especially keep an eye on its eyes, which are two different colors!
The Copperback Bear-Dog is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Dwarven Crown Crates. Its default name is "Winker".
Coral Haj Mota[edit]
- Native to the Systres Islands, these haj mota prefer coastal areas, where they spend so much time submerged that coral forms on them. So, if you love to spend quality time at the beach, this fierce predator might just make for a great beach buddy!
The Coral Haj Mota is obtained by combining fragments obtained from both of High Isle's public dungeons. Its default name is "Deek-beeko".
To obtain it, you must combine 25 Coral Haj Mota Decoys from Spire of the Crimson Coin and 25 Coral Haj Mota Lures from Ghost Haven Bay. Interacting with either of the parts while all 50 are in your inventory will unlock the Coral Haj Mota pet in your collections.
Coral Mudcrab[edit]
- Native to Summerset Isle, the gaudy Coral Mudcrab has elaborate coral growths on its back, as well as a claw that looks comically over-sized, but which is surprisingly functional. Count fingers after petting.
The Coral Mudcrab was available in the Crown Store for 1,200 from June 5, 2018 to July 2, 2019. It is available as a Legendary-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates. Its default name is "Scatheclaw".
Covenant Breton Terrier[edit]
- The blue and silver of the Daggerfall Covenant decorate this adorable Breton Terrier, who wants to sniff all the sniffs while you go to war in Cyrodiil. For King and Covenant!
The Covenant Breton Terrier was first made available during 2021's Midyear Mayhem celebration. Its default name is "Kingling".
To receive the pet, you need to collect and combine ten Breton Terrier Mammoth Bones while playing on a character that is part of the Daggerfall Covenant. In doing so, you will receive a Runebox: Daggerfall Breton Terrier Pet, which you can consume to collect this pet. You can find Breton Terrier Mammoth Bones inside of Pelinal's Midyear Boon Boxes. Alternatively, this pet can be purchased from the Impresario for 5 .
There are three separate Alliance Breton Terrier pets, one for each Alliance. The Alliance your fabricated pet is associated with is determined by the Alliance of the character that consumes the ten mammoth bones; Aldmeri Dominion players will receive a Dominion Breton Terrier if they consume ten bones, and Ebonheart Pact players will receive a Pact Breton Terrier if they consume ten mammoth bones. This pet is not like the Alliance War Mastiff. The costume for one Breton Terrier does not change if you set it as your active pet on a character from a different Alliance.
Craglorn Welwa[edit]
- Credit for the irresponsible and foolhardy project of domesticating the Craglorn Welwa is usually claimed by the Iron Orcs, who are always looking for ways to prove that they're "more bad-tusk" than the Orcs of Wrothgar or Skyrim.
The Craglorn Welwa was available from the Crown Store for 700 from May 4, 2017 to February 12, 2018. It returned to the Crown Store from August 8 to August 19, 2019. Its default name is "Ears gro-Loth'Na".
Cream and Coffee Sheep[edit]
- Rarer than their alabaster cousins in High Rock, these spotted sheep are beloved for their gentle demeanors and extra soft wool. Many inexperienced farmers can't resist their sweet faces, and these sheep have been known to grow fat on extra treats.
The Cream and Coffee Sheep is available as a Superior-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Its default name is "Sweet Bean".
Crested Reef Viper[edit]
- If you're looking for a warm and fuzzy companion animal to cuddle with, don't start with the Crested Reef Viper. But if what you want is an intimidating reptilian monster that says "Don't mess with me, city boy," this is the ophidian follower for you.
The Crested Reef Viper is available as an Epic-level reward in the Hollowjack Crates. Its default name is "Spines".
Crimson Torchbug[edit]
- Khajiit claim these torchbugs are the light of Jode given form, which allows them to dance amid the moon-sugar cane and bless the crops. Now you can have one flitting about you! After all, having Jode's blessing is never a bad thing, right?
The Crimson Torchbug was given as a thank you gift to the ESO community for completing the re-download of the game for Update 25. For PC, the window to receive it for free from the Crown Store was from February 24 until March 9, and console players could claim it from March 10 until March 24. Its default name is "Massermoon", a reference to the red moon, Masser.
Crony Scrib[edit]
- The caramel scrib crony is a quiet companion, devoted and easily housebroken.
Crony Scrib pets come with the purchase of the official Fighters Guild Journeyman figure from Symbiote Studios (redeemable only on PC/Mac). Its default name is "Grubchum". The item was originally called "Pet Scrib".
Cropsford Hen[edit]
- The Cropsford Hen is a beloved staple of many Cyrodilic farmsteads since just one hen will staunchly protect the entire coop against foxes. Children in Cropsford say the hens herd them into the coop whenever a hawk is circling.
The Cropsford Hen is available as a Superior-level reward in the Grim Harlequin Crown Crates. Its default name is "Plucky".
Crow Court Pony Guar[edit]
- "You wouldn't think a guar would get along with a murder of crows, but this fine fellow does! Maybe it's the exquisite purple hue? In any case, it's started leaving gemstones for the little menaces. Most peculiar."—Irastimil Direnni, Creature Creator
The Crow Court Pony Guar is an upcoming pet. Its default name is "Sneakthief".
Crusader's Coin Chicken[edit]
- Easily identifiable by their flaming red feathers, this aggressive barnyard fowl has been used as an alternative to a guard dog by knights on crusade. Their loud crowing is nearly impossible to sleep through.
The Crusader's Coin Chicken is available as a Superior-level reward from the Wraithtide Crown Crates. Its default name is "Sir Bawk-Bawk".
- These mesmerizing creatures hail from the Daedric realm of Mirrormoor. Unlike some of the other denizens of that realm, Crystaljacks appear to be organic in nature, with shimmering skin that simply mimics the appearance of mirrored surfaces.
The Crystaljack is a non-combat pet available to those who complete the quest "In Memory Of". Its default name is "Prisma" .