Book Information
Aedra and Daedra |
ID |
bk_Aedra_Tarer_Unique |
See Also |
Lore version |
50 |
3.0 |
Needed for |
A Rash of Insults (unique version) |
Writer |
Michael Kirkbride |
Locations |
Found in the following locations:
- Ald'ruhn, Arobar Manor Bedrooms
- Ald-ruhn, Council Club
- Andas Ancestral Tomb
- Balmora, Balyn Omarel's House
- Balmora, Dorisa Darvel: Bookseller (×3)
- Balmora, Dralasa Nithryon: Pawnbroker
- Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor
- Caldera, Verick Gemain: Trader
- Dren Plantation, Helvi's Shack
- Buckmoth Legion Fort (Dulian)
- Ebonheart, Imperial Commission
- Ghostgate, Tower of Dawn Lower Level
- Holamayan Monastery (×6)
- Ibar-Dad
- Kogoruhn, Vault of Aerode
- Mababi
- Molag Mar, Redoran Stronghold
- Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior (×5)
- Mournhold Temple: Office of the Lord Archcanon (×3)TR
- Mournhold, Bookseller (×2)TR
- Mournhold, Geon Auline's HouseTR
- Mournhold, Thendas ManorTR
- Rethan Manor, Drelas' House
- Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild
- Sanabi
- Shishara
- Shishi
- Tel Aruhn, Maren Uvaren: Enchanter
- Tel Aruhn, Upper Tower
- Tel Branora, Upper Tower
- Tel Uvirith, Tower Lower
- Tel Vos, Central Tower
- Tower of Tel Fyr, Hall of Fyr
- Tureynulal, Kagrenac's Library
- Vivec, Hall of Justice Secret Library (×4)
- Vivec, High Fane (×8)
- Vivec, Hlaalu Records
- Vivec, Justice Offices (×6)
- Vivec, Library of Vivec (×2)
- Vivec, Office of the Watch (×4)
- Vivec, Redoran Records (×3)
- Vivec, St. Olms Yngling Manor
- Vivec, Telvanni Alchemist
- Vivec, Telvanni Tower (×2)
- Vos, Dreynos Elvul's Farmhouse
- Yesamsi
Aedra and Daedra
Overview of the basic differences between Gods, Demons, Aedra, and Daedra
Note: One copy of the book is called Tarer's Aedra and Daedra and is handed over by Tarer Braryn during a quest.
The designations of Gods, Demons, Aedra, and Daedra, are universally confusing to the layman. They are often used interchangeably.
"Aedra" and "Daedra" are not relative terms. They are Elvish and exact. Azura is a Daedra both in Skyrim and Morrowind. "Aedra" is usually translated as "ancestor," which is as close as Cyrodilic can come to this Elven concept. "Daedra" means, roughly, "not our ancestors." This distinction was crucial to the Dunmer, whose fundamental split in ideology is represented in their mythical genealogy.
Aedra are associated with stasis. Daedra represent change.
Aedra created the mortal world and are bound to the Earth Bones. Daedra, who cannot create, have the power to change.
As part of the divine contract of creation, the Aedra can be killed. Witness Lorkhan and the moons.
The protean Daedra, for whom the rules do not apply, can only be banished.