This user is knowledgeable about Tribunal. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user plays on the Xbox. |
This user is male. |
This user is from the United States. |
This user wishes they could play on the Nintendo. |
Other Things you might care to know:
I'm a musician, bass player
I'm Knowledgable about most games
I Play Fallout 3
I Play Fable, Fable The lost chapters, and Fable 2
I'll make mods for oblivion once I get my own personal computer
I Decorate my game houses, and everyone says I'm great at it (and I've got too much time on my hands)
I'm interested in creating a multiplayer Arena PVP for oblivion
I realy wish I could Mod X-box 360, but I can't
I think Morrowind was better than oblivon, mainly because of size.
I think Dagoth Ur has a realy funny head
I don't like the tribunal, the nine devines, or the church of atom
I'm an abolitionist in my games
Most of my characters are orks, orks that can do magic and fight
I kill those who don't greet me nicely in most games
It makes me angry when people run away in fear if I haven't attacked anyone
I wish Levitation was in Oblivion
V.A.T.S. Would be funny in oblivion
The Adoring Fan doesn't piss me off
I wish I could get people to stand on my balcony in Rosethorn Mannor from Oblivion
I don't like any of the great houses, especialy not Telvani, I kill Telvani any chance I get
I Value Strength and Endurance, but Major in Strength and Intelligence
Personality in videogames is overrated
Luck seems to work well for me if I lower it from the standard ammount and never work on it
My father's death in Fallout Made me mad, So I killed everyone I found in the Enclave
A green Gate to Oblivion would look cool
Magic makes a game no fun.
Enchanting sounds amazing, but isn't all that great.
Money makes my shopping funner, So Yes, I will cheat to get it.
better that than kill innocents for it
If you like me in a game or life, I'll like you
I wish I could slap people in games, not kill, just disrespectfuly slap.
I'd like to have a wife and kids in a game, even if it's just like the fable style family
Why won't anyone bow to me if I'm sheogorath?
I'd love to be able to make custom weapons from materials I find in the game, IE: Ebony ore, Raw Glass.
The Traders are my friends, I strive for that.
Economy never changes in Bethesda games, I wonder why?
I'm oppinionated usualy.
I love to talk to people
David |
Home City |
Skingrad |
House |
Rosethorn Hall |
Location |
Cyrodiil Let it be known if not in Rosethorn Hall, Character is likley found in ShiveringIsles |
Race |
Orc |
Gender |
Male |
Level |
48 |
Class |
Soul Eater |
Services |
Other Information |
Health |
528 |
Magicka |
243 |
Respons. |
0 |
Aggress. |
25 |
Essential |
When in use |
Faction(s) |
Theives Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Mages Guild, KotN, Nine Devines, Arena, Court of Madness, Order of the Dragon, The Order of the Virtuous Blood, and Vampire Faction |
Name: David
Game: The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
Race: Ork
Sign: The Tower
Health: 608
Magicka: 206
Fatigue: 419
Strength: 105
Willpower: 100
Agility: 100
Speed: 58
Endurance: 120
Personality: 57
Luck: 51
Major Skills:
Athletics: 112
Blade: 110
Block: 61
Sneak: 125
Heavy Armor: 125
Restoration: 94
Acrobatics: 100
(Some)Minor Skills
Conjuration: 71
Distruction: 54
Mercantile: 59
Security: 100
Blunt: 63
Other Statistics:
Items Stolen:13229
Creatures Killed:3605
People Killed:2248
Places Found: 353
Necks Bitten: 103
Time Spent Playing: 308:54:31
Factions: Theives Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Mages Guild, KotN, Nine Devines, Arena, Court of Madness, Order of the Dragon, The Order of the Virtuous Blood, and Vampire Faction
Equipment: Count Cirions Helm, Perfect Madness Armor, 129 Perfect Madness Arrows, Dawn/DuskFang Supiorieor, Ring of War, Ring of Lordship (Dementia), and Talisman of Abitment.
Spells: Soul Steal (Drain life 100-100 for one second on touch), Gift of life (Restore health 55-55 points on self, restore health 35-35 points in 99feet on target), BOOM! (Lightning damage 1-1 point on target in 99feet on target)
My additions to EUSP.wiki:
Oblivion Mod Ideas: Weapons and Quests Necrids Orb
Morrowind Eastereggs: Nerevarine's daedric Helm