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Flag Wales.png This user is an immigrant in Wales.
User-userbox-Pride.jpg This user is a proud member of the LGBT community.
Information icon.svg This user uses any/all pronouns.
User-userbox-Neurodiversity.png This user is a proud member of the Neurodivergent community.

I've been active on this site for a while, though mostly as an Anon account.
I mostly use the Visual Studio code app to write pages for this site, so I usually have a dozen or so pages that are WIP at once that I'll be working on. I'm keeping a log below of some of them, mostly to help me remember specific details, or in case I lose anything.


This user performed with distinction in the Online Quest Project

  • Mostly by checking over others work, adding dialogue, or adding screenshots if needed. Doing it as I play.

To Do[edit]

The Shackled Guardian < add dialogue, using npc pages Raynor Vanos, Narir, Kireth Vanos, Daneras, Valdur

To Honrich Tower < write walkthrough, do dialogue. Valdur, Jorunn

A Ritual in the Ragged Hills < dialogue

The Farmer's Champion < add some dialogue, do a check

Soul Harvest < add dialogue and do checks

Shattered Hopes < add dialogue, do checks

Soldier Down < add image, write walkthrough, do stages

Online:Beneath_the_Surface < add dialogue

A Ritual in Smokefrost Peaks < write walkthru, add pics, do stages, do checks

Song of Awakening < write walkthru, do checks, fix stages

Guard the Knowledge < write walkthru, do checks, edit summary

Blood Upon the Soil < add image, do the stages, run checks

Ritual at the Dragonshrine < run checks, fix stages

In His Wake < check, maybe rewrite, the walkthru; fix and check stages; check summary and other deets

Pulled Under < add image; check walkthru, rewrite if need; fix stages; add xp



Flag Wales.png This user speaks Welsh.

Not that there's a push for a Cymraeg UESP (or any fan-wiki), but you never know... :3


UESP-social-Discord.png This user frequently visits the official UESP Discord Server.

I mostly lurk on the UESP discord, though I do ask the occasional question.
I can also be found on Tumblr, under the same-ish username! I have other SM sites, but I don't really enjoy them.


LO-map-Tamriel (Oblivion Codex).gif This user is a cartographer.
User-userbox-Oghma Icon.png This user is a loremaster.
OB-icon-misc-Quill.png This user writes fanfiction.

I make maps (digitally) for fun and sometimes for commission. I have a map of Tamriel that I made a few years ago for a game of UESRPG (a fan-made hack of WHFRPG for TES, ask me about it!) I ran for my friends!
I do also write fanfic, though I've never shared any, but maybe at some point! I especially enjoy writing things like "Apocrypha", like the stuff you see on r/teslore sometimes.

Me, as a Wikimedia User[edit]

User-userbox-Wiki Mercenary.png This user is a WikiMercenary.

The only other wiki I actively edit for is Wiktionary, to which I've been slowly working on adding many, many Welsh given names to the site using various baby books.
On UESP, I'm hoping I can help flesh out lot of unloved Online pages, so usually side or "in-between" quest pages, like To Honrich Tower and the like.


ON-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Elder Scrolls Online.
CTA-cover-Core Rules Box Set.png This user is knowledgeable about
Call to Arms.
User-userbox-PC Icon.png This user plays on a Windows PC.

I have actually played all of the games (besides one or two of the niche ones), so I've listed either "weird" ones (CtA) or things I know a LOT about (ESO).
I've played ESO since launch, either on Xbone, or on PC, where I am now.
I play on PC-EU as @Ender_Tender - feel free to add me! I'm not in the UESP guild, but that's mostly because I keep forgetting.

With that said... vvv

ON-icon-alliance-Daggerfall.png This user fights for the Daggerfall Covenant.


User-Justeazy-MW Icon Tribunal.png This user is a Daedric translator.
Lore-dragon-A.png This user is a Draconic Translator.

Even though I wouldn't call them languages, as they're not much more than ciphers (as most game-devs rightly make their languages) I have read/looked a lot into the two listed above. I have also read much about the others.
Linguistics is a sort-of hobby of mine. I'm as big fan of DJP and his work (Dothraki and others).
I'm currently working on making conlangs for most of the TES languages. This is putting it very roughly. To explain, I started with Reach-tongue, and then decided it'd be much easier and better to start from Aldmeris, Ehlonofex, and the others and use them as "proto-languages".


User-userbox-The Infernal City.jpg This user is knowledgeable about The Infernal City.
BK-cover-The Elder Scrolls The Official Cookbook 02.jpg This user owns The Elders Scrolls: The Official Cookbook.
DF-item-Sanguine Rose.png This user stands by The Ebon Arm.
OB-npc-Varel Morvayn.jpg Today is Turdas, 3rd of Frostfall.
This user believes.