Tamriel Rebuilt:Sarvanni Courier: Molecrab Eggs

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For some extra drakes, deliver the molecrab eggs too!
Quest Giver: Gulen Belaram at the Sarvanni Molecrab Farm
Location(s): Llothanis
Prerequisite Quest: Sarvanni Courier: Molecrab Shells
Reward: 200 gold
Disposition: +10 (Gulen Belaram)
Ten molecrab eggs

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Gulen Belaram in Sarvanni about a delivery of molecrab eggs.
  2. Take ten molecrab eggs to Drolan Omothan in Llothanis.
  3. Take Drolan's payment back to Gulen Belaram and receive your share.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Talk to Gulen Belaram again and he will ask you to make another delivery to Llothanis; this time Drolan Omothan requires ten molecrab eggs.

Take the eggs to Drolan. His shop is up a staircase to the east side of town. In exchange for the eggs, he will pay you 500 gold.

Take the gold back to Gulen who will give you your share: 200 gold.


  • There is no check on the amount of gold in your inventory when you finally talk to Gulen. If you drop all your gold on the floor, talk to him, then pick it up again, you will keep the full 500 gold plus your 200 reward. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Sarvanni Courier: Molecrab Eggs (TR_m1_SA_SC:ME)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 Gulen Belaram asked me to deliver some molecrab eggs to Drolan Omothan in Llothanis but, unfortunately I had to refuse.
10 Gulen Belaram has given me some molecrab eggs to deliver to Drolan Omothan in Llothanis.
20 I've delivered the molecrab eggs to Drolan Omothan and he gave me some money to take back to Gulen Belaram.
100 Finishes quest☑ I returned the money to Gulen Belaram and he gave me some money for my troubles.
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