Tamriel Rebuilt:Interview with a Vampire

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Ask questions on vampirism to an isolated pack.
Quest Giver: Ranosa Orrels
Location(s): Akamora
Prerequisite Quest: A Rare Enchantment
Next Quest: Harvest Time in Akamora
Reward: Mock-Blood Amulet
Reputation Gain: up to +4 (Mages Guild)
ID: TR_m2_MG_Ranosa2
Natasia and her clan have taken up residence in Mugen Crypt, where you must venture with a curious mage's questions

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Travel to Mugan Crypt.
  2. Pacify the vampires using Calm spell, and ask vampire elder Natasia questions to vampires.
  3. Return to Ranosa Orrels for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Speak to Ranosa Orrels, who has had word of a renegade group of vampires settling near Akamora, in Mugan Crypt. She will instruct you to speak to Francine Aldard before departure, who can give you scrolls to deal with the vampires - most importantly, a Scroll of Tevil's Truce, which inflicts Calm on a wide area. Ranosa also suggests having a means of escape ready.

Journey to Mugan Crypt. You can get here by journeying to the town of Sailen, and following the road north from that town. When the road forks, take the left path, until you reach Geras Egg Mine. Mugan Crypt is directly west of this. Once inside, do not expect to encounter the vampires all in a cluster - save your Tevil's Truce either until they are all clustered together, or for the leader, Natasia, who is the only one you need to actually talk to. She can be identified by her red shirt.

It is worth raising Natasia's disposition before beginning questioning - her most informative answers are locked behind a disposition requirement of 70+, with other still good ones requiring 60+. To make matters more complicated, her disposition will decrease by a small amount with each question, until she eventually refuses to answer any more. Therefore, the higher you can get her disposition beforehand, the more information you can obtain, and the better the reward from Ranosa, and the happier she will be. She is essentially impervious to bribes however - money matters little when the only need is blood.

Consider also that you need to answer Ranosa's questions, in her note, rather than your own. These are:

  • What is the bloodline, what are its powers and how do weaknesses differ between clans?
  • What is the mechanism behind the resistance to mundane weaponry, and what are its limits?
  • Are vampires truly undead?
  • What relations to vampires have with the Daedric planes, and specifically Coldharbour?
  • Are vampires ever 'full', and are their powers affected by how recently they have fed?
  • Do vampires have any protections to the combusting effects of the sun?

Interview With a Vampire[edit]

The questions you can ask Natasia in the initial interview round are below, including the hits taken to disposition by asking them. The disposition requirement listed indicates the minimum disposition needed to get the fullest answer to that question - other, terser answers may be available at lower dispositions.

  1. Which bloodline do you belong to? (disp -6, req 20 disp.)
    • Unlocks:
      1. How did you become a vampire? (disp -8, req 70 disp.)
      2. How long have you been a vampire? (disp -6, req 60 disp.)
      3. Why were you cast out? (disp -5, req 70 disp.)
  2. Describe your resistance to steel weapons. (disp -12, req 30 disp.) (disables question below)
  3. Why do some weapons hurt you more than others? (disp -0, req 30 disp.) (disables question above)
  4. Are you undead? (disp -4, req 30 disp. for a full answer)
    • Unlocks Can you feed on other vampires? (disp -10, req 20 disp.)
  5. Are you related to Ash Vampires? (disp -6, req 20 dis. for a full answer)
  6. Do vampires maintain a link to the Daedric realm of Coldharbour?# (disp -5, req 20 disp.)
  7. Are you different from the vampires in Vvardenfell? (disp -6, req 20 disp.)
  8. Are the vampires of Cyrodiil different? (disp -4, req 20 disp.)
  9. Are the vampires of Skyrim different? (disp -6, req 70 disp.)
  10. Are the vampires of Black Marsh different? (disp -8, req 20 disp.)
  11. Is your thirst for blood ever sated? Does it affect your abilities? (disp -5, req 20 disp.)
  12. How exactly is one turned into a vampire? (disp -8, req 20 disp.)
    • Unlocks Have you created any vampires? (disp -8, req 70 disp.)
  13. Can you protect yourself against sunlight? (disp -10, req 20 disp.)

An Optimal Route[edit]

To please Ranosa, you should shy away from the personal questions and engage in the ones about the nature of vampirism. For example, with a starting disposition of 80:

  1. Can you protect yourself against sunlight?
  2. Are the vampires of Skyrim different?
  3. Why do some weapons hurt you more than others?
  4. Are you undead?
  5. Do vampires maintain a link to the Daedric realm of Coldharbour?
  6. Are the vampires of Cyrodiil different?
  7. Are the vampires of Black Marsh different?
  8. Are you different from the vampires in Vvardenfell?
  9. Which bloodline do you belong to?
  10. Is your thirst for blood ever sated? Does it affect your abilities?

And opt to close questions here. If your starting disposition is below 70, ignore the top two questions in this example.

Concluding the Interview[edit]

After you have concluded your questioning - assuming she did not tire of it and attack, Natasia will ask a favor - that you kill her. Choosing to do so will have no effect on your actual reward - but either way, you should return to Ranosa in Akamora.

Ranosa's reaction depends on how many of her questions you were able to ask, but provided that you got some answers, she should reward you with an enchanted amulet when you return, three days after reporting back.


  • Natasia has unique dialogue for player vampires, depending on their clan.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Interview with a Vampire (TR_m2_MG_Ranosa2)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Ranosa wants me to interrogate a vampire. I am to speak to a stray group of these creatures staying in Mugan Crypt, and ask them the questions on vampirism she wrote down for me. She expects me not to fight nor destroy them so that they may be studied in the future, though the vampires will no doubt have very different provisions in mind...
11 Ranosa wants me to interrogate a vampire. I am to speak to a stray group staying in Mugan Crypt, and ask them the questions on vampirism she wrote down for me. She expects me not to fight nor destroy them so that they may be studied in the future. The vampires might see things differently, especially if they belong to a rival clan.
20 I received two enchanted scrolls from Francine Aldard which might prove useful. However, she hinted that pacifying an old vampire would require a more powerful spell.
21 I received an enchanted scroll from Francine Aldard. However, she hinted that pacifying an old vampire would require a spell more powerful than these.
50 I have obtained the answers to most of Ranosa's questions.
51 I have obtained the vampire's answers to all of Ranosa's questions.
52 The vampire elder in Mugan Crypt is dead, and Ranosa's questions remain largely unanswered.
100 Finishes quest☑ Ranosa was pleased to learn the vampire's answers. She told me to come back and see her in a few days.
101 Finishes quest☑ Although she was disappointed by the way I handled the vampires, Ranosa was still pleased to learn the answers. She told me to come back and see her in a few days.
102 Finishes quest☑ Ranosa Orrels took umbrage with my killing the vampire, and dismissed me.
110 Restarts quest It's been some time since I delivered the vampire's answers to Ranosa Orrels. A visit might be in order.
111 Restarts quest It's been some time since I delivered the vampire's answers to Ranosa Orrels. A visit to the Mages Guild in Akamora might be in order.
120 Finishes quest☑ Ranosa rewarded me with an improved amulet, a result of her experiments on protective enchantments. She warned me not to use it in sunlight, as its imitation of vampirism, although temporary, confers more properties than intended.
121 Finishes quest☑ Ranosa was pleased to learn the vampire's answers. She rewarded me with an amulet granting resistance against fire.
122 Finishes quest☑ Although she was disappointed by the way I handled the vampires, Ranosa was still pleased to learn the answers. She rewarded me with an amulet granting resistance against fire.