Tamriel Rebuilt:Hunting an Ogrim

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Is this young Telvanni courageous or just plain stupid to attempt to battle an Ogrim?
Quest Giver: Nalenteris Brendu in Port Telvannis
Location(s): North of Port Telvannis
Reward: 100 gold
Disposition: +10 (Nalenteris Brendu)
+40 (Aresthi Brendu)
Reputation Gain: +1
ID: TR_m1_PT_Ogrim
Required Level: 10
Nalenteris Brendu does battle.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Nalenteris Brendu in Port Telvannis.
  2. Find the Ogrim on the road out of town.
  3. Help Nalenteris kill the Ogrim.
  4. Visit Aresthi Brendu's store in Port Telvannis.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

The Young Spellsword[edit]

Nalenteris Brendu is a young Dunmer who can be found near the northwest gate in Port Telvannis. He has heard that an Ogrim has been sighted on the road out of town and wants to procure its heart so that his father can sell it in his store. He is looking for some help - not to join in the combat, but to boost his abilities through magic or heal him during the fight.

The Search[edit]

Head out of town and head north along the road, then west along the coast. Just before the road turns south again, you should see the Ogrim on the shore. Let Nalenteris attack it. He fights with a silver sparkslayer, a longsword, and wears some light Molecrab armor, so boosting his Long Blade or Light Armor skills will help with the fight. Alternatively you could try fortifying his health, or just restoring it if he gets wounded. One way or another, make sure he wins the fight but don't hit the Ogrim yourself.


Once the Ogrim is dead, Nalenteris will reward you with 100 gold and tell you that his father will also reward you. Return to Port Telvannis where Aresthi's disposition will increase by 40 points, which should result in lower prices in his store, and you will also receive one point of Reputation.


  • Once you start looking for the Ogrim, you have six hours to find it before Nalenteris gets annoyed and tells you to leave.
  • If you are too far away from Nalenteris when you change cells, he will disappear and the quest is over.
  • If you do hit the Ogrim during the fight, Nalenteris will be extremely annoyed and head off in a sulk. After talking to his father, however, he will be rather contrite and apologize, offering the daedra heart as a token of good faith.
  • Nalenteris doesn't appear until you reach level 10, so you can't start this quest until then.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Hunting an Ogrim (TR_m1_PT_Ogrim)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I have encountered a young Telvanni named Nalenteris Brendu, who has been informed an ogrim can be found on the road leading northwest from Port Telvannis. He has asked that I aid him in killing the creature, but he doesn't want me to directly attack the beast. My job is to provide magical support to aid Nalenteris. He intends to recover the heart so that his father can sell it.
20 I have elected to aid Nalenteris Brendu in his quest to kill the ogrim.
100 Finishes quest☑ I have elected not to aid Nalenteris Brendu in his quest to kill the ogrim.
101 Finishes quest☑ After searching for the ogrim some time, I have decided to stop assisting Nalenteris Brendu.
105 Finishes quest☑ After searching for the ogrim for about six hours to no avail, Nalenteris Brendu became disillusioned and left me, after throwing an angry tantrum.
110 Finishes quest☑ Nalenteris Brendu has died.
200 Finishes quest☑ The ogrim has been defeated, but I have angered Nalenteris Brendu by doing too much of the work. He stormed off claiming that he was going to inform his father, Aresthi Brendu, and that I would pay a price for angering him. Perhaps I should seek out this Aresthi Brendu in Port Telvannis.
210 Finishes quest☑ The ogrim has been defeated and Nalenteris Brendu was pleased with my services, so I received a modest reward. He also said that if I visit his father, Aresthi Brendu, in Port Telvannis I could expect first rate services.