Tamriel Rebuilt:Hjaskar's Debt

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Extract repayment from a smooth-talking Nord.
Quest Giver: Neras Hardil
Location(s): Andothren, Guild of Fighters
Next Quest: Theft from Above
Reward: Nothing OR 125 gold OR 250 gold
Disposition: -40 to -20 (Neras Hardil) OR no change
Reputation Gain: -6, -3, or +3 (Fighters Guild)
ID: TR_m4_FG_Hjaskar
Hjaskar has a debt to pay.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Neras Hardil in the Andothren Guild of Fighters, about orders and Hjaskar's Debt.
  2. Confront Hjaskar the Sharp on the city's western jetties to secure repayment of his debt, by either:
    • Challenge him on his story as a member of House Hlaalu.
    • Demand full payment with 55+ Speechcraft.
    • Kill or pickpocket him to retrieve the full amount (is a crime if caught).
    • Accept half payment.
      1. Report to Neras.
      2. Return to Hjaskar's last-known position.
  3. Speak again to Neras Hardil for your cut of the collected money.


  • Hjaskar could fall under the wooden pier he stands on, and it may be worth looking there if you cannot find him for the first time.
  • Hjaskar will skip town after your first conversation as soon as you change cell (i.e., go from outside to inside), making it impossible to recover any funds other than those secured during that initial chat.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Hjaskar's Debt (TR_m4_FG_Hjaskar)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 A local thug, Hjaskar the Sharp, owes our client 500 gold he borrowed from them on credit. He is now overdue, so I am to collect Hjaskar's debt. He can be found in the Andothren wharf.
10 Hjaskar claims that he is under Tholer Andas' protection, and that if I want to collect his debt I should take it up with him.
15 I refused to go talk with Tholer, instead demanding Hjaskar pay his debt here and now. He yielded, but only paid half his debt, claiming he would have the rest of it next week.
16 Citing my membership in House Hlaalu, I told Hjaskar that his story was ridiculous and demanded that he pay his debt. He yielded.
17 After an argument with Hjaskar, I managed to get him to pay his debt in full.
18 I agreed to speak with Tholer Andas about Hjaskar's debt. I should go to the Andas Estate and ask if I could see the councilman.
20 Ulvys Ulen, a servant of Tholer Andas, told me that serjo Andas would never cover his retainers' debts. I suppose I could take his word for it and confront Hjaskar, or I could try to meet with Tholer Andas regardless.
21 Tholer Andas was annoyed with me for bothering him about Hjaskar, stating that he's not responsible for his debts. I should confront Hjaskar.
22 After lying to me about his status in House Hlaalu, Hjaskar appears to have fled the docks. I should report back to Neras Hardil.
25 Finishes quest☑ I returned to Neras, informing him that Hjaskar had fled. He was annoyed with this, and I received no pay.
26 Finishes quest☑ I returned to Neras, informing him that Hjaskar had fled. He was annoyed with this, but believed me, and I was able to keep Hjaskar's debt.
30 I returned to Neras, informing him that I had collected half of Hjaskar's debt. He told me to get back to the docks and get the rest of it.
31 Hjaskar has apparently fled the docks. I should report back to Neras Hardil.
33 Finishes quest☑ I returned to Neras, informing him that Hjaskar had fled the docks. He was annoyed, but did not fault me.
35 Finishes quest☑ Neras was pleased that I had managed to collect all of Hjaskar's debt.
40 I have killed Hjaskar the Sharp. I should let Neras Hardil know of this.
45 Finishes quest☑ Neras seemed uncomfortable with the fact that I had killed Hjaskar for the money, but took no other action when I turned over the money.
46 Finishes quest☑ Neras seemed uncomfortable with the fact that I had killed Hjaskar for the money, and was annoyed when I told him that Hjaskar had no money. However, he seemed to believe it.
50 Finishes quest☑ Neras severely admonished me for attempting to keep all of Hjaskar's debt money.
55 Finishes quest☑ Neras admonished me for attempting to pay the debt with my own money.
Prev:  Up: Fighters Guild Quests Next: Theft from Above