Skyrim:Windhelm Guard

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Windhelm Guard
Location Windhelm
Race Nord Gender Male
Level PCx1 (Range=20-50) Class Warrior
RefID N/A BaseID 0003EF2C
Other Information
Voice Type MaleGuard
Faction(s) CrimeFactionEastmarch; Stormcloaks; Sons of Skyrim; NPC faction; Guard Faction; GuardFaction; Dialogue Faction for Wndhelm Guards
Windhelm Guard

Windhelm Guards are guards who act as the military and police force of Windhelm. These guards serve under Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak. Should the Imperial forces gain control of Windhelm, they will be replaced by Imperial guards under the service of Jarl Brunwulf Free-Winter.


Below is a table of guard dialogue specific to Windhelm Guards. All guard dialogue, including generic guard dialogue, can be found here.

Dialogue Requirement Notes
General Remarks
"You should unload some of that unwanted gear. Head over to Sadri's Used Wares, talk to the Elf." None
"We got a nickname for anyone who trifles with us guards here in Windhelm - "Suicide."" None
"The Dunmer get their drinks down at the New Gnisis Cornerclub. Why they can't just call it a tavern is beyond me..." None
"Stay away from the Aretino Residence. That place is cursed." None
"If it's bed or board you're after, Candlehearth Hall's got both." None
"If you need an apothecary, the White Phial has respectable stock." None
"By the gods, you're diseased. Get yourself to the White Phial and purchase a remedy, before you infect us all." Have a disease [verification needed — see Skyrim talk:Guard Dialogue]
"Hjerim is a fine house, and it's up for sale. You should talk to the steward in the keep if you're interested." Haven't purchased Hjerim
"Don't think you'll get special treatment just because you have a house in the city..." Purchased Hjerim
"You hear the news? There's a dragon roosting up on Mount Anthor, to the northwest." None Adds Mount Anthor to map
"Tell me you've seen them. Those... things. Small and evil, like something out of a nightmare. They come from Stillborn Cave, to the north. I know it." None Adds Stillborn Cave to map
"Maybe you've seen masts sticking out of the water to the northeast? That would be the Wreck of the Winter War. Fine vessel, back in its day." None Adds Wreck of the Winter War to map
"South of here, and west of the road, lies Cronvangr Cave. Stay away from that cursed place, and the vampires that call it home." None Adds Cronvangr Cave to map
"I've no problem with Orcs. But that stronghold they've got in the southeast? Narzulbur? It's an affront to my people." None Adds Narzulbur to map [verification needed]
"Across the river to the northeast lies Yngol Barrow. Stear clear of the foul place, lest the walking dead claim you as their own." None Adds Yngol Barrow to map
"The Eye of Talos was a fine ship, once. Now it lies wrecked, off an island just north of here." None Adds Wreck of the Pride of Tel Vos to map
Reactions to Player Equipment
"Ah, Aegisbane. Sigil of Clan Shatter-Shield. But didn't that get stolen awhile back? Hmph. Must be rememberin' wrong." Must have Aegisbane equipped
"That hammer... Why that's Aegisbane, heirloom of Clan Shatter-Shield! Last I heard, it was stolen by a couple of swindlers. Alain and... Muiri. Yeah."
Reactions to Player Race
"I've no problem with your kind, Orc. But that stronghold they've got in the southeast? Narzulbur? It's an affront to my people." Player must be an Orc
Quest-Related Dialogue
"There's been talk amongst the guards. That you are... Dragonborn. But such a thing... Surely that's not possible..."
"You couldn't possibly be the Dragonborn of legend. Could you?"
"My heart goes out to Clan Shatter-Shield. Kin murdered, family warhammer stolen... There's no fairness in all that." Blood on the Ice not completed
"You did this city a great service by catching that killer. Well done." Completed Blood on the Ice
"I was this close to catching that killer. I swear it."
"It's no secret the Aretino boy is doing some ritual, trying to call the Dark Brotherhood. But who's going to stop him? Me? I'll have no part of that." Innocence Lost not completed
"Shirking the law in Windhelm ain't what it use to be. Not with the Thieves Guild running things..." Completed Summerset Shadows
"Maybe you haven't heard, but the Thieves Guild is back. Windhelm is their city now, if you catch my meaning..."
"Good thing you did for Nurelion, returning that phial for him before he died. Man was obsessed." Completed Repairing the Phial