Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Wormmouth Problem

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Kill a violent wormmouth.
Quest Giver: Geod Entoriane in the Guild of Fighters, Karthwasten
Location(s): Karthwasten
Next Quest: Kill Orcish Bandits
Reward: 500 gold
Disposition: +5 (Haldine)
ID: Sky_qRe_KWFG1_Journal
The Wormmouth in question

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Geod Entoriane who will send you to Haldine at the Karthwasten Docks.
  2. Haldine will send you to find the wormmouth.
  3. Follow the road north past the docks, across the bridge and head towards Karthgad. Cross the first ford you come to and a bit off the road to the right, you will find the wormmouth you have to kill.
  4. Inform Haldine of your success and return to Geod.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


Geod Entoriane will give you a quest to kill a violent Wormmouth, he will tell you to get more details from Haldine at the Karthwasten Docks.

Meet Haldine[edit]

You can reach the Karthwasten Docks by exiting through the northern city gate and just keep following the road. When you reach the bridge, do not cross it, turn left and you'll see the Docks. When you find Haldine she will tell you that a Wormmouth is causing all kinds of trouble for rowers and people trying to cross the river. She tells you to follow the road north, over the bridge this time, and keep going along the road until you find the creature.

Finding the Wormmouth[edit]

After crossing the bridge to the north, you'll need to take a right and keep following the road. Keep following the road past the caravan and the path in the water. After crossing the water the Wormmouth is almost directly to your right behind the rock, just keep going on the road and it'll attack you. Kill it and return to Haldine.

Return for your reward[edit]

Now that the Wormmouth is dead you should return to Haldine to tell her the good news and get a slight increase in Disposition. Now return to Geod to get your reward of 500 gold, if your ready for your next task you can ask him again about orders.


  • If Haldine dies during the quest you will not receive a reward and Geod Entoriane's disposition will drop by 30 points. He'll also refuse to give you further orders and if you try to talk with him about orders his disposition will drop 10 points.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Wormmouth Problem (Sky_qRe_KWFG1_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 Geod Entoriane has asked me to speak with Haldine at the Karthwasten docks, regarding an outstanding contract for a wormmouth the Guild was paid to deal with.
10 Haldine told me the beast has been nesting near one of the fords downriver from Karthwasten. She recommended that I follow the road north out of Karthwasten and search the first ford. The wormmouth is larger than usual and aggressive, so I should be careful.
15 I found the wormmouth's nest and slew it. I should tell Haldine the beast is dead.
20 Haldine was pleased that the wormmouth problem had finally been dealt with. I should inform Geod Entoriane back at the Guild.
100 Finishes quest☑ Geod was pleased to have Haldine off his back and gave me my cut of the Guild fee.
105 Haldine is dead.
110 Finishes quest☑ Geod was enraged when I told him Haldine was dead.