Project Tamriel:Skyrim/The Penumbra

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Clear out several ghosts from a ruined village.
Quest Giver: Nistamal in the Guild of Mages, Karthwasten
Location(s): Karthwasten
Prerequisite Quest: Turbulent Teleporting
Reward: None
ID: Sky_qRe_KWMG6_Journal

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Nistamal about duties

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


Talk to Nistamal in the Karthwasten Guild of Mages for your duties

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Penumbra (Sky_qRe_KWMG6_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Thane Fomir of Karthwasten has contracted the Guild to clear out a number of ghosts from Ruari, a ruined village in the Lorchwuir Heath, so that the town might be rebuilt and resettled.
15 I destroyed all the spirits in Ruari. Whatever haunted that place will do so no longer.
20 I met a Redguard miner named Mayra in Ruari. She appears to be some kind of spirit, and seemed to be only partially aware of my presence.
30 From what I can understand of Mayra's scattered comments, she believes Ruari has not actually been destroyed. I fear she may have been somehow detached from reality. My only clue is her mysterious comment about a "shadowmage".
33 Nistamal was intrigued by my encounter with Mayra's spirit.
37 Nistamal rewarded me with my share of Thane Fomir's commission for the Ruari job. She was intrigued by my encounter with Mayra's spirit.
40 Nistamal told me about shadow magic, its connection to the war, and the story of the Umbra'Keth, a great monster that terrorized the borderlands during that time.
45 I spoke to Azra Nightwielder about the fate of Ruari. He denies being the shadowmage Mayra mentioned, and told me that Pergan Asuul is likely the one responsible for the catastrophe that took place there.
50 I told Nistamal about the Penumbra, the gemstone I recovered for the matriarch of the Braign Reachmen. She asked me to return to Criaglorc to recover the Penumbra, if I can.
60 Muirach, the matriarch of the Braignan at Criaglorc, refused to give me the Penumbra.
65 Muirach, the matriarch of the Braignan at Criaglorc, refused to sell me the Penumbra.
70 I acquired the Penumbra from Muirach's hut.
80 Nistamal was relieved that I recovered the Penumbra from Criaglorc. She recommended I speak with Rulat gra-Khagim, the Guild alchemist, about safely handling the artifact.
85 Rulat told me that she believes it is possible to free the souls inside the Penumbra, but that she has no idea how to accomplish such a task. Without an expert on shadow magic at hand, she recommended I pay a visit to Karthwasten's resident historian, Nerus Lalrav, for information on the villages destroyed during the war. Rulat believes the ruins might reveal some trace of the shadowmage who destroyed Ruari.
86 Azra Nightwielder told me that if activated with a substance made from of spider silk, void salts, quicksilver, and shadowfly stalks, the Penumbra could possibly be used to undo the shadow magic afflicting Ruari.
90 I spoke with Nerus Lalrav, a historian in Karthwasten, who told me about Ruari and several other Reach villages destroyed in the war: Ahreg, Blencath, Haimtir, Hoarbeld, and Saern. If Rulat is right, some trace of the shadowmage might be found in the ruins of one of these villages.
95 In Haimtir, I met a Redguard named Reesha, who told me a tale passed down from her mother about a strange mage who passed through Haimtir during the war. According to Reesha's late mother, the mage was scarred and deformed, and wore a "cloak of shadow". He was last seen headed northwest, towards the village of Blencath, but Blencath was destroyed shortly thereafter, and no sign was seen of the mage.
100 I found a mysterious bound journal owned by someone with the initals "PA" in the ruins of Blencath, atop the Briag Cnoss plateau in the Druadach Highlands. It describes a strange ritual and some rather unconventional notions about cosmology, but more importantly, it details the ingredients required to activate the Penumbra. With this information, Rulat should be able to advise me further.
110 Rulat believes that it is possible to free Mayra - and potentially the other ghosts as well - from the effects of the Penumbra, if we replicate the formula the mysterious shadowmage described in the journal I found. While Rulat has void salts already, she needs five shadowfly stalks, spider silk, and a piece of quicksilver ore to complete the recipe.
120 I brought Rulat the ingredients she needs to dissolve the shell of the Penumbra. Rulat has prepared the solution for me; all that is left is to place the Penumbra in her alchemy basin.
130 Rather than dissolving the Penumbra, the solution appeared to calcify into a brittle morass. It looks like it might break with a bit of pressure.
140 I broke the hardened mass of shadow-magic in Rulat's alchemy basin. When it shattered, there was a burst of dark energy.
150 Rulat recommended I return to Ruari to see if the Penumbra's destruction had any effect.
200 Ruari is no longer a ruin. Activating the Penumbra seems to have restored the entire village.
210 Mayra, no longer a shadowy apparition, was grateful that I managed to save her and her town from its shadow magic-imposed prison. She told me that I will always be a welcome guest in the restored Ruari.
220 Finishes quest☑ Nistamal rewarded me with a pair of rare Dunmer books from Ji'Tavarad's private collection for solving the mystery of Ruari.
230 Finishes quest☑ Nistamal rewarded me with my share of Thane Fomir's commission for the Ruari job, and a pair of rare Dunmer books from Ji'Tavarad's private collection.
240 Finishes quest☑ Nistamal rewarded me with my share of Thane Fomir's commission for the Ruari job.