Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Optimistic Outreach

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Bring some scrolls to a Guild member.
Quest Giver: Ji'Tavarad in the Guild of Mages, Karthwasten
Location(s): Karthwasten, Karthgad
Next Quest: Out for a Spell
Reward: 2 Quality Restore Intelligence Potions (If you read the Report)
Disposition: +20 (Ji'Tavarad)
-40 (Ravos Terandas) If you don't give him the scrolls
ID: Sky_qRe_KWMG1_Journal
The hidden Dark Elf

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Ji'Tavarad about duties
  2. Go to Karthgad and find Ravos Terandas in Nauk gra-Olad's house
  3. Deliver the scrolls to Ravos, or keep them
  4. Deliver the Report to Ji'Tavarad

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


Talk to Ji'Tavarad in the Karthwasten Guild of Mages for your duties, he tells you to deliver some scrolls to a Guild Member in Karthgad, Ravos Terandas. He'll give you a Scroll of Healing, Scroll of The Third Barrier and a Scroll of Trollish Health to deliver.

Deliver the Scrolls[edit]

The easiest way to get to Karthgad is to go to the Karthwasten Docks, north of the city. From there, speak with Haldine, she will transport you to the Vorndgad Forest region, just outside Karthgad. Go a bit northeast from the launch to reach the town. When you ask people around Karthgad about Ravos, they'll tell you he is hiding out in Nauk gra-Olad's house, it is the big house in the middle of town. Enter the house and find Ravos hidden away in the attic. Deliver the scrolls to Ravos (or don't) and he'll give you Ravos' Report on Karthgad, read it to find out the report might not be that optimistic at all.

Report your findings[edit]

Now go back to Ji'Tavarad again and tell him about the Report, if you read the Report, Ji'Tavarad will give you 2 Quality Restore Intelligence Potions, otherwise he'll just thank you. Speak about duties with Ji'Tavarad for your next assignment.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Optimistic Outreach (Sky_qRe_KWMG1_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Ji'Tavarad, the guildmaster of the Karthwasten Mages Guild chapter, asked me to deliver some scrolls to a Guild member named Ravos Terandas in Karthgad. I have also been asked to return with Ravos's report on the local situation.
20 I found Ravos Terandas living in a Karthgad attic, and delivered the scrolls. Though he claims otherwise, it seems Ravos' outreach mission is not going well.
25 I found Ravos Terandas living in a Karthgad attic. I kept the scrolls for myself. Though he claims otherwise, it seems Ravos' outreach mission is not going well.
30 Ravos Terandas' report to Ji'Tavarad seems somewhat embellished.
40 Finishes quest☑ I delivered Ravos Terandas' report on the situation in Karthgad to Ji'Tavarad.
50 Finishes quest☑ I delivered Ravos Terandas' misleading report on the situation in Karthgad to Ji'Tavarad, but clarified the truth of the situation there.