Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Just Asking Questions

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Continue the investigation of the apprntice's murder.
Quest Giver: Vesmorah
Location(s): Merduibh
Prerequisite Quest: Murder in Merduibh
Next Quest: A Promise Kept
Reward: 2 Aeli
Disposition: +5 (Vesmorah)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Taliesinn)
ID: Sky_qRe_BM2_Journal

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Vesmorah in the communal hut in Merduibh about travelling to Bailcnoss.
  2. Travel to Bailcnoss, northwest of Merduibh.
  3. Talk to Eoghran and Salgaic in the communal hut in Bailcnoss about the apprentice's murder.
  4. Return to Vesmorah.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Just Asking Questions (Sky_qRe_BM2_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Vesmorah wishes me to travel to Bailcnoss, a rival village of Taliesinn, and question the villagers there about her apprentice's murder.
15 Finishes quest☑ I decided not to travel to Bailcnoss and ask about the apprentice's murder.
20 Restarts quest I agreed to travel to Bailcnoss and ask about the apprentice's murder.
30 Eoghran and Salgaic, warriors of the Bailcnoss Moon Cult, might know more about the murder.
40 I learned that a Bailcnoss villager went missing on the night of the murder.
50 Finishes quest☑ I brought what I learned in Bailcnoss back to Vesmorah. She asked to speak again when I am ready.
100 Finishes quest☑ Vesmorah, the Merduibh matriarch, has been killed.

Just Asking Questions (Sky_qRe_BM2a_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Finishes quest☑ Salgaic, a warrior of the Bailcnoss Moon Cult, has been killed.