Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Eye-Spy

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Deal with Dalach's spy in the Crown Palace in Dragonstar West.
Quest Giver: Anbod in the Shadowkey Tavern, Dragonstar East
Location(s): Dragonstar East
Prerequisite Quest: Distractions
Next Quest: The Dragon Heist
Reward: Scroll of Ekash's Lock Splitter, 200 gold
Reputation Gain: None
ID: Sky_qRe_DSTG6_Journal

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Anbod.
  2. Talk to Ilera, the Crown Spymaster.
  3. Talk to the three suspects: Eugien, Razin and Anisin.
  4. Talk to Ilera again after talking to the suspects.
  5. Look for evidence in Razin's room.
  6. Confront Eugien about the note in Razin's room after talking to Ilera.
  7. After finding the spy, wait for a day for Ilera to interrogate them.
  8. Return to Anbod for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Eye-Spy (Sky_qRe_DSTG6_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 After inspecting the journal, Anbod determined that we should deal with the spy in the Crown Palace first. The Guild has done some work for Ilera, the Crown Spymaster in the past, and Anbod believes she would be open to further cooperation. Anbod wishes me to meet with Ilera to inform her of the spy and offer our services. Cael will be working on something else in the meantime.
20 I spoke with Ilera, who agreed to cooperate with the Guild in order to find the spy. She suggested I question the Palace staff in the North Wing, particularly Eugien, Razin, and Anisin.
30 Anisin told me she does not know anything about a spy, but that Razin has been acting strangely.
35 Eugien told me that he has seen Razin leaving the Palace at night, for hours at a time.
40 Razin told me he caught Eugien in his room, looking through his things two nights ago.
50 I told Ilera what Razin and Eugien said. She suggested we investigate Razin's room, since it was the more easily-verified claim. Razin's is the middle room on the bottom floor of the Palace's North Wing.
60 I have found a note in Razin's room. It contains orders for the spy to watch and listen to the Palace, to make sure no one suspects anything, and to wait until Dalach gives the signal to deliver an ultimatum. The note also instructs the spy to plant the note in another room.
70 I turned the note I found in Razin's room over to Ilera. She instructed me to confront Eugien about Razin's accusation, and to determine whether he planted the note in Razin's room.
80 I confronted Eugien about sneaking around in Razin's room. Eugien claims that he was with Anisin the whole night, and that Razin was lying.
90 Anisin confirmed Eugien's claims that they spent the night together. It seems that Razin was lying.
100 Ilera deduced based on the evidence I had gathered that Razin was the spy. He planted the note in his own room in order to divert the suspicion away from himself. Ilera will have him arrested and brought before her for interrogation. This will take time, however, and she has asked me to return tomorrow.
110 Enough time has passed to question Razin. Ilera asked me to check in with her.
120 I returned to Ilera. She has broken Razin, who confessed everything. Dalach was planning to steal the orichalc sword Tangra from Jarl Jona's vault, and to ransom it back to the Crown Prince. Ilera would like to contract the Guild to steal Tangra instead, for a reward and the favor of the Crown Prince, as well as their assistance in rooting out Dalach's gang. Ilera asked me to bring the offer to Anbod.
130 Finishes quest☑ I returned to Anbod and informed him of the spy's identity.
140 Finishes quest☑ Anbod was incredulous that Ilera had been killed.
150 Ilera was outraged that one of the suspects had been killed, and refused to work with the Guild any further.
160 Finishes quest☑ Anbod was incredulous that Ilera had severed ties with the Guild.