Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Abecean Sea
The Abecean Sea, sometimes referred to as just the Abecean, is a large sea that lies between the provinces of Hammerfell to the north, Cyrodiil to the east, Valenwood to the south, Summerset to the southwest, and the vast Eltheric Ocean to the west.
Climate and Extent[edit]
Cyrodiil's portion of the Abecean extends west from the Strident Coast and Brennan Bluffs out as far as the isle of Stirk and reaches as far south as the Viduscan Isles and as far north as the Mykoi Isles. The climate of the Abecean is typically calm and sunny; tropical storms, though not common, are not unheard of. Its waters are also quite placid, perhaps owing to the Summmerset Isles and the western extents of Hammerfell and Valenwood serving as barriers for any larger waves and storms. Nearby regions include the aforementioned Strident Coast, Brennan Bluffs, and Stirk Isle; beyond Cyrodiil, the sea borders Goldmoor and Hew's Bane in Hammerfell and Meditea in Valenwood. Further out, the sea reaches the shores of Auridon and the Summerset Isle, the southern Alik'r peninsula, and a number of Eltheric islands.
Geography and Ecology[edit]
At first glance, the Abecean may seem a barren expanse of salty ocean, little more than an aquatic desert; however, this assessment couldn't be more wrong. The Abecean Sea is host to a wide array of geographical formations and ecological systems of note. Geographically, the sea features: numerous islands and atolls, like those of the previously mentioned Viduscan and Mykoi Isles; vast coral reefs, such as those found south of Stirk or the White Reef near the Viduscan Isles; two deep sea chasms, one unnamed west of Thresvy as well as Iachus' Rift south of Stirk; and several kelp forests spread throughout the sea.
The sea is equally varied ecologically. Pods of dolphins swim at the sea's surface while jellyfish, chrysophants, longfins, spearmouths, and stridfish can be found schooling beneath the waves alongside solitary sturgeons. Benthic species, such as coral, giant clams, kollops, sea urchins, and starfish are also common sights on the sea floor of the Abecean. Less friendly waterdwellers include slaughterfish, hardhat prawns, lamia, and dreugh, the latter two being known to engage in territorial disputes. Above the waves land dreugh and mooncrabs can be found on Abecean shorelines while mastreeves and seagulls fly high above the water.
In terms of flora, kelp can be found growing on the sea floor in large kelp forests, as already mentioned, while cattails grow along the shore of islands in the region. Larger terrestrial plants include palm and yucca trees, though the latter are limited to the northern Mykoi Isles. Smaller plants include a several species of deciduous and succulent shrubs and a wide range of smaller plants; notably, the northern Mykoi Isle tend to have plants more representative of flora found in the Brennan Bluffs and Hammerfell where as the southern Viduscan Isles' flora is more similar to that found on Stirk and the Strident Coast.
Settlements and People[edit]
Modern settlements are sparse in the Abecean, outside of those found on Stirk. Besides the occasional pirate or smuggler operation or, as of late, sea-faring goblin, the sea is mostly devoid of permanent settlements other than the rare hermit or lighthouse. This, however, has not always been the case; ancient ruins belonging to both the Ayleids and Rourken Dwemer can be found both above and below the waves of the Abecean. Among those ruins of Ayleid origin are Nagaiarelle, Vabriasel, and Wormusoel, all constructed as by the Ayleids in anticipation of a potential invasion by their Altmer or Direnni cousins which, of course, never manifested. As for the Dwemer, little is known of why they built Acharamz, though the remoteness of its location on Olvos likely played a role in its contruction. In modern times, most who can be found in the Abecean Sea are transitory; the sea serves as Cyrodiil's only access to the western water's of Tamriel, via the major port city of Anvil and thus its water host some of the most popular and profitable oceanic trade routes in all of Tamriel.
Abecean Sea Places[edit]
Cities & Towns[edit]
Minor Settlements[edit]
- Viduscan Isles — A chain of small islands and sandbars found in the Abecean Sea.
- Mykoi Isles
Underwater Features[edit]
Other Locations[edit]
Ayleid Ruins[edit]
- Nagaiarelle
- Vabriasel — A sunken Ayleid ruin found on the southernmost of the northern Viduscan Isles, in the Abecean Sea.
Colovian Barrows[edit]
Dreugh Hives[edit]
- Axilas Grotto
- Kitia Grotto
- Lazur Grotto
- Maitarra Grotto — A large grotto found on the northern end of White Reef, near the Viduscan Isles.
- Mormolcyea
- Norinia
Rourken Dwemer Ruins[edit]
Second Empire Ruins[edit]
- Beacon
- Emperor Cassynder — A shipwreck located northeast of the island of Stirk.
- First Light
- Juniper
- Mwezi — A wrecked Redguard ship found west of the mouth of the Strid River.
- Oleta
- Saltgrass Poet
- TEM Red Tempest
- TEM Senecus Goddkey
- TEM Surfrunner
Related Quests[edit]
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Cyrodiil Mages Guild[edit]
- Five Types of Pearls: Scour the seafloor for local varieties of pearls.
- Rescue Divides-To-Iron: Save a guildmate who got in a little too deep.
Order of Itinerant Priests[edit]
- The Old Man and the Sea: Find both fish and fisherman in the White Reef Isles.
- Drowned Memory: Recover a sign of Kynareth's divine favor.
Kingdom of Anvil[edit]
Reymanus Pelelius's Quests[edit]
- Voiceless Harmony: Slay a dreugh queen whose hive is plaguing the coasts of Colovia.
Villina Telvor's Quests[edit]
- Downed and Drowned: Determine the cause of a sudden shipwreck.
- Tiny Seadrake: A member of the Mages Guild wants you to find a rare seadrake egg.