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Online:Valkynaz Akqoth

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Valkynaz Akqoth
Location West Weald
Race Dremora Gender Male
Health 3,036,903 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Shardborn
Valkynaz Akqoth

Valkynaz Akqoth is a Shardborn Dremora who is one of the leaders involved with the Mirrormoor Incursions plaguing West Weald. He can be encountered in wilds around a Mirrormoor Mosaic performing a ritual to empower the rift, as well as defending the Mirrormoor champion once it is summoned.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills & Abilities[edit]

Valkynaz Akqoth will wield a flame staff.

Flame magic attack.
Glass Sky
When the Mirrormoor Champion is close to death, the three Valkynaz will arrive in the shielded area to perform the spell. Large AoE circles will appear around random players and the shards of glass will smash down from the sky.

needs abilities


When he is starting the ritual:

Valkynaz Akqoth: "We three, shrouded in glass, summon the forgotten realm."

When encountered performing the ritual in the wilds, you may hear his ambient dialogue:

"Irnak Myrr-mahr, suni zagh. Irnak Myrr-mahr, suni zagh."
"Vyla uxun, vyla vesek. Vyla uxun, vyla vesek."
"Vyla Myrr-Mahr, vyla vesek! Vyla Myrr-Mahr, vyla vesek!" [verification needed — see talk page]
"Irnak hizaal, sumi zagh! Irnak hizaal, sumi zagh!"[verification needed — see talk page]

After you disrupt his ritual:

Valkynaz Akqoth: "A small victory. You will not fare as well with the others."

When the champion is about to be summoned as the rift opened, he may say the following sets of lines:

Valkynaz Akqoth: "This realm awaits, champion of Mirrormoor!"
Valkynaz Akqoth: "Bathe this world in prismatic glory!"
Valkynaz Akqoth: "Champion, the path is prepared!"
Valkynaz Akqoth: "Transform this realm to crystal!"

During the fight with the champion, he will arrive to defend it:

Valkynaz Akqoth: "Mirrormoor stands against you!"
Valkynaz Akqoth: "Foolish mortals! This is but the start."

After you drive him back:

Valkynaz Akqoth: "We shall return."
Valkynaz Akqoth: "Defeated? Think again!"

As the champion is close to death, the three Valkynaz will arrive together to use the Glass Sky attack:

Valkynaz Akqoth: "Despair, mortals! We are here!"
Valkynaz Akqoth: "Let the sky rain glass!"
Valkynaz Akqoth: "Witness Mirrormoor's might!"

If Valkynaz Akqoth to cast the spell:

Valkynaz Akqoth: "(?)"

Upon defeating the Valkynaz and their champion:

Valkynaz Akqoth: "We will return!"


There is one achievement associated with this character:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Mirrormoor Incursion Disruptor.png Mirrormoor Incursion Disruptor 10 Disrupt the Valkynaz rituals listed below in the wilds surrounding the Mirrormoor Mosaics.
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