Online:Thane Unnvald Ironhand

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Thane Unnvald Ironhand
(lore page)
Home Settlement Fullhelm Fort
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Thane Unnvald Ironhand with his pet, Alduin

Thane Unnvald Ironhand is a Nord who can be found in Fullhelm Fort. He is Hallfrida's grandfather, and he has a pet wolf named Alduin.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Approaching Thunder[edit]

Thane Unnvald can be found on his throne in the main hall. When you approach him if you have not started the quest:

"Who is this? Who let them in here?"

When you speak to him, he will be mistrustful of you despite your intentions to find the shard of Wuuthrad as he presumes you are a spy from the Pact and will not be as helpful to your cause.

If you have already spoken with Sergeant Sjarakki:

"Who are you, then? Another spy from the Jarls? Eh? Sent to put a knife in me, I'll wager. Well? Speak, dog!"
Wuuthrad has been shattered. I'm looking for its shards.
"Ha! You think me a fool, child? Ysgramor's axe is safe in Fallowstone Hall."
It's been taken, Thane.
"Even if that yarn were truth, what makes you think I have such a thing? Eh? Planning to blame me and slit my throat?"
I'm only interested in the shards
"Fair are your words. And fair you may be. But I see Jarls in the shadows behind you. It's not enough they exiled me here. Swept me under the rug. Now they plot to make me disappear! Dark Elf fanciers. All of them."

If you choose to start the quest directly from him, he will say instead:

"Who are you, then? Another spy from the Jarls? Eh? Sent to put a knife in me, I'll wager. Well? Speak, dog!"
I'm looking for shards of Wuuthrad. Ysgramor's axe has been shattered.
"Shattered? Wuuthrad? What is this nonsense? You think to deceive me with wild tales?
I know why you're really here. The Jarls sent you to spy on me. Either that, or you're in league with the risen dead!"
The risen dead?
"My fortress is besieged. Or haven't you noticed. No doubt a plot of the Dark Elves. The dead won't take me. The Elves won't break me. Take that news back to your Jarls!"
If dead are here, the Worm Cult may be too. Let me help.

No matter how you accept the quest, Housecarl Thorulf comes in after you finish the conversation.

If you speak to him before speaking to Thorulf:

"Speak to my Housecarl. I have no time for another of the Jarl's hounds."

While you are trying to find the key to access Thorulf's room, the thane will think you're an assassin. You can question his paranoia and learn about his resentment towards the Dunmer but regardless of what you say to him, he won't trust you:

"Didn't Thorulf tell you to leave, assassin? Be grateful I let you go with your head still attached. Go sniff the hindquarters of whatever Jarl sent you."
Why do you think the Jarls want to kill you?
"To keep their new Dark Elf friends happy! They raided our lands for centuries. Murdered and raped and burned. But now they're our "friends." In my day, Nords repaid their debts. Whether that was gold, honor, or blood."
We're all allies now. After the Akaviri war….
"You ask those soldiers outside if the war is over! Ask the men on those walls, the ones who grew up without a pa. Or the women who had to be released from some Dark Elf saltrice plantation. War doesn't end. It just stops."
Why would they kill you now? / But why would the Jarls kill you now?
"Oh, I see. After ten years "protecting" this pass, no one remembers Unnvald Ironhand. You think I'm some feeble old man. When you were a twinkly in your da's breeches, I led warriors into the heart of Morrowind!"
I wasn't sent by the Jarls.
"Yes, yes. So you keep saying. I can say I'm a Dwemer King as many times as you want. Doesn't make it true."
I only came searching for shards of Wuuthrad.
"If Wuuthrad had broken, we'd have heard of it—even out here. You tell me: why should I believe you?"
I was there. The Worm Cult shattered it in a ritual to empower Sinmur after….
"Ha! Wuuthrad. Sinmur. And next Ysgramor himself returns from Sovngarde to lead us into Imperial City, aye? Maybe you're not an assassin. Dark Brotherhood members don't kill their targets with fairy stories."

Speaking to him again before you set out to find Bonebane:

"You still here? Are you bothering Hallfrida? What do the Jarls want with my granddaughter?"

After finding Bonebane and before speaking to Hallfrida, he thinks you made his granddaughter disgusted:

"I don't trust you. Hallfrida looks disgusted. No doubt you've done something."

After you tell Hallfrida of finding Bonebane, the sergeant will barge through the hall doors to let the thane know that the undead will attack the fort. If you speak to him before Hallfrida:

"The nightmare begins again. You should have left sooner. Now you're trapped here with us, to the bitter end."

The Thunder Breaks[edit]

If you talk to him before raising the banners, he will comment on your presence.

"The nightmare begins again. You should have left sooner. Now you're trapped here with us, to the bitter end."

After you drove back the undead forces in the storage shed, if you choose to stop the thane from committing suicide instead of running after Thorulf, you will find the thane on the second floor of the keep with a torch in hand. You will find out that Thorulf convinced him to try to burn himself to death to prevent himself from being resurrected by necromancers.

"Stay back. I know what I have to do."
What's the torch for?
"Hah! I won't let a damn necromancer use me! I'll burn. Just like my daughter, all those years ago. I will not be raised!"
There's no need to do this.
"Liar! Thorulf warned me you'd say such things. My soldiers are dead, my fort lost. I won't let you raise me as a puppet of your dark magic!"
Thorulf's the necromancer, not me. We have evidence. Ask Hallfrida.
"What? No! Thorulf has been my Housecarl for - I would have known! Just a few weeks ago, he gave me a token of his faith."
A token?

You will talk sense into him that Thorulf used the shard of Wuuthrad he gave to the thane as a means of controlling the thane's mind. He will soon realized he was brainwashed and will let his granddaughter keep the shard for safekeeping until you need it at Trolhetta:

"See for yourself! Part of a weapon. Said it came over with Ysgramor. Had been in his family for generations. No faithless Nord would give such a boon."
This is a shard of Wuuthrad. It's what I came here for!
"My mind ... everything seems so much clearer now. It had some sort of hold on me. Shor's bones.
What was I thinking? What have I done?"
Thorulf did something to the shard. He used it to muddle your mind.
"Right. He's mine to deal with, and I will. As for you, you saved my hall. I owe you.
I want you to keep Bonebane, use it as I did. My adventuring days are over. As for this cursed shard, Hallfrida will keep it safe until you need it again."

If you exit the conversation before turning in the quest, he will alternatively say:

"You said the undead were taken care of. And Thorulf? Where's that bastard?"
He escaped. I let him go to save you. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

Speaking to him after the quest, he will continue the hunt for Thorulf:

"We'll hunt Thorulf. You live with a man for a decade, he gives up some secrets. I know places to look for him.
If we find him, I'll contact you. I can't think of a better mate to have at my side for that fight."

If you choose to run after Thorulf instead, Thane Unnvald kills himself in his panic.

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Thane Unnvald Ironhand
(lore page)
Home Settlement Fullhelm Fort
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 0 (Dead)