Online:Sergeant Seyne

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Sergeant Seyne
Location Hozzin's Folly
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health Radiant
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Sergeant Seyne

Sergeant Seyne is a Dark Elf who can first be found near the mine shacks outside Hozzin's Folly, possibly as part of the quest A Beginning at Bleakrock. Seyne came with Captain Rana to Bleakrock Isle when the latter was exiled there. She's looking for someone to help her investigate the bandits in the area, one of whom is already lying dead next to her.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Beginning at Bleakrock[edit]

If you choose to speak to Seyne to begin this quest, she will greet you with:

"Watch yourself. There are bandits about."
Captain Rana sent me.
"That's refreshing. Most days, it's just Rana and me against the world. We have some work to do."

Hozzin's Folly[edit]

Seyne expresses little concern for the mysterious ship Rana sent the garrison's troops to investigate:

"That cursed ship is the least of our worries. Bandits are plundering the mine, looking for artifacts."
Why are they here?
"They're alert, looking for something. Had to kill the one behind me he warned the others."
How can I help?
"How are you at subterfuge? I'll stay here and keep an eye on these bandits.
Take the uniform from our friend here. Then get down into the mine shacks and see what's going on."
I'll do it.

After agreeing to infiltrate the mine, you can ask further questions:

"Grab some gear from our friend here. His kit will help you slip into the mine unnoticed."
How long have you reported to Captain Rana?
"I've been her second-in-command since we arrived on the island. She really is a skilled commander.
This just isn't her finest day ... or mine."
Why is this place called Hozzin's Folly?
"I'm not entirely sure. It was named after a prospector who came out here with his family.
They said they were mining for iron, but folks saw them wearing dark robes."
Dark robes? Were they cultists?
"That's the story. One day there was a fire, and the whole camp burned. Locals said they heard monsters roaring.
The place has been boarded up ever since."

After taking the uniform, she will warn of the wolves:

"Watch out for the bandits' wolves. They'll sniff you out in a second."

After you inspect the ruins of the camp and before you go to the mine:

"You look good in your new outfit.
Just remember:those wolves down there will sniff through your disguise. Steer clear of them."

After journeying through the mine, Seyne will be waiting for you outside, and you can tell her what you discovered.

"So, what did you find out?"
The bandits were contracted by the Daggerfall Covenant to steal a Daedric artifact.
"A Covenant contract? I smell a distraction. That ship we spotted might be the start of an invasion.
'We've got to get back to the village!"

Seyne's Bootknife is part of the reward for completing the quest.

The Missing of Bleakrock[edit]

After the discovery, which she will grumble:

"Orc-loving Covenant cowards."
What now, Seyne?
"You found the evidence. The Covenant sent these bandits, and that means trouble.
I'll head back and warn Captain Rana. You'll need to find as many missing people as possible."
I'll find as many as I can.

This is one of several ways to start this quest. If you talk to her in the village by Captain Rana's House:

"I thought Tillrani was always a bit paranoid. Today? I think she's right. We've got to get the civilians ready to move."

Sparking the Flame[edit]

After rescuing the Earth-Turner family, she will be with the rest of the survivors outside of Last Rest:

"Good to see Vivec has kept you safe. We'll make it out of this.
I trust Rana, and I trust myself. We'll make it out."

Escape from Bleakrock[edit]

After you disabled the traps in Last Rest, she will be amongst the refugees to cross safely and the last to close the door behind them.

After landing in Bal Foyen, Seyne will be one of several refugees on the shores of Bal Foyen outside Dhalmora. All she will say is:

"Hey there, my friend. Vivec keep you safe.
May Vivec keep us all safe, eh?"

If By Sea[edit]

When you go to the dockyards to acquire kindlepitch, Sergeant Seyne will end up at the docks with Captain Rana. Speaking with her here:

"The fight on Bleakrock was hard. The fight for Bal Foyen will be harder.
Will you take a moment and pray with me?"
Of course, Seyne.
"Vivec! How many lifetimes of lament must we travel? I pledge myself on the rubble of broken hearths and houses.
The fire in my heart is fierce. Let it consume me. I say words in your name, Vivec."
Seyne at the Bal Foyen Dockyards

Breaking the Tide[edit]

If you choose to aid the Bal Foyen Dockyards during the quest Crossroads, Seyne will be defending the docks allowing the Fisherfolk to escape. Help her defeat a few Covenant soldiers and she'll tell you: "I'm all right. Go find Trynhild and Rana. They're on the other side of the docks."

After the battle, Seyne will be present at the docks to congratulate you. If you choose to aid Fort Zeren instead, she dies. Her body can be found on the eastern dock after the battle. After helping Rana at the docks:

"Thanks for your help back there. We're now family by blood and steel.
Don't worry: I treat my family well. Ha!"

If you choose to defend Fort Zeren and complete Zeren in Peril, Seyne will be found dead near the Velvet Lash at the docks.


Davon's Watch[edit]

If the Sergeant survived at the docks, you can talk to her in Davon's Watch.

"We survived the trial Vivec set for us. Hard to believe, even now."

If you chose to defend the fort, her body will be moved to a small cemetery east of the Mages Guild and due north of the bridge where the remaining Bleakrock survivors will pay their respects.


She can be found training with Runs-in-Wild, but can't be talked to.


She and Centurion Rana can be found by the stables under the bridge.

"May the Three bless you … and us, as well.
As long as our faith remains strong, we'll be ready."