Gold Road


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Home Settlement Vashabar
Location Skingrad
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Follower During The Voice of the Village

Laeni is a Wood Elf greenspeaker-in-training who can be first encountered on the outskirts of Vashabar.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Voice of the Village[edit]

When you reach the outskirts of Vashabar, you will find Laeni, Clendagal, Minth and Greenspeaker Nedolir. There will appear to have been an argument:

Minth: "We're done here."
<Minth walks away.>
Greenspeaker Nedolir: "Agreed. You arse."
<Greenspeaker Nedolir walks away in the opposite direction.>
Laeni: "Yffre's bones! Fine!"

Speak with her to find out what was going on:

"Root rot and ruin, of all the days. I'm sorry you had to see that, traveler. Our family drama is a poor welcome to Vashabar.
Those two old timber pigs were our fathers. My beloved Clendagal and I simply can't get them to see reason."
See reason about what?
"We want to be married. And our fathers, trees take them, won't hear of it. You just saw the backside of an argument we've had many times. This was the last. Clen and I are going to leave, start a new life.
Can … can I ask a favor? I have coin."
What's the favor? And why won't your fathers let you wed?
"They don't see eye to eye on anything. It's like they want to grind each other into bonemeal. A long story.
If you're inclined, find my Agawen Ciiril and tell her we're leaving. We need supplies and she might be willing to help us."
I can do that. I'll find Agawen Ciiril and let her know your plans.
"Ciiril's my aunt. She owns the beer garden at the center of town. You can't miss her.
Y'ffre, the Singer himself, must have sent you. Thank you, traveler."

Before you move on, you can ask Laeni several questions:

You said your fathers want to grind each other into bonemeal? / You said your families hate each other? / You said your family and Clendagal's hate each other?
"I'm slightly exaggerating. But while the language of my people is expressive and beautiful, we have no word for fundamentally-disagree-with-to-the-point-of-violence."
What do they disagree on?
"My father's a greenspeaker and devout follower of the Green Pact. Clendagal's father is an important envoy for King Nantharion's Dawnway.
If they weren't so worried about appearances, they'd have punched each other in the bits by now."
They don't approve of your marriage because of their views?
"They hated our match long before we crossed the river Strid and Vashabar was grown. But the last few months have been tense to the point of breaking.
We tried one last blighted time to convince them, as you saw. And failed spectacularly, damn it."
What's a greenspeaker?
"Magic weavers that speak to the Green. We shape the living wood that make up our homes. It's an ancient art form, and I'm proud to carry on the tradition.
Vashabar would never have grown without my father and his magic. Obstinate old ash."
This village is called Vashabar, you said. Can you tell me about it? / Can you tell me about Vashabar?
"It's our newly grown home. We're a clan of Wood Elves, originally from Valenwood. We follow the Green Pact, but a number of us support the Dawnway as well.
We crossed the river Strid when the forest of Valenwood extended into West Weald."
You said Valenwood crossed the river?
"Depends who you ask. Some believe the Green grew the forest and led us here to establish Vashabar. Those who follow the Dawnway see it as a sign we were meant to reclaim the land of our ancestors—provided you believe we're descended from Ayleids."
How do you feel about the Green Pact?
"Most days proud, actually. I'm training to be a greenspeaker myself. Following along the leaf-trail of my father and his father before him.
Obstinate old graht-oak that he is, I love him, damn it. I just wish he'd listen to me!"
What was that name you called your aunt? Agawen?
"Heh, it's a family nickname for my aunt Ciiril. Agawen means something like wise woman. I think it's an old joke between her and my father.
In kinder times, he encouraged us to appreciate our culture and use our language. Pfeh."
Why can't you just ignore what your fathers think and get married? / Why can't you just get married? Ignore what your fathers think.
"What a brilliant idea! Ach, sorry. Perhaps where you're from, that's an option. But not for us.
Without the blessing of our fathers, not a soul in Vashabar would accept our union. That's just how we are."
You don't have anyone else who could bless your wedding?
"We've plenty of family friends, but no one like that. Oak and burl, Clen and I both lost our mothers when we were young. It's one of the things that drew us together.
We need our fathers to consent, or we need to leave."

When you speak with Agawen Ciiril, she will want the couple to stay, so provides you some of Ciiril's Jagga to give to the fathers to try and convince them to relent and allow them to marry. When that doesn't work, she asks you to speak with other villagers like Gundelion and Malaniel and you are eventually pointed towards Spinner Belwelas. The spinner will tell you to retrieve a copy of the Rite of Propagation and bring it to Agawen Ciiril. The rite puts the decision for an issue in the hands of the community as a whole, and the decision made must be abided by.

Ciiril will agree with the plan, and asks you to find Laeni and Clendagal at their hideout to the south of Vashabar, while she gathers people for the rite. When you arrive at the ruins, you will find the couple planning their journey:

Laeni: "Damn it. Fine, then we make for Varen's Wall."
Clendagal: "Right. From there, we head for Anvil. But it's … oh. Traveler, hello."

If you speak with Laeni, she suggests you talk to Clendagal first:

"This place is beautiful, isn't it? You should talk to Clendagal. He's normally easy going, but he's so tense right now I'm worried he's going to bud."

When you hand Clendagal the rite, he will read it and will agree that this is their best shot at both staying in the village and getting married. He will then ask for your help in obtaining symbols representing him and Laeni. After talking with Clendagal, an excited Laeni will approach him:

Laeni:' "I can't rutting believe it! Can you rutting believe it, Clen?"
Clendagal: "Hah! The sooner we get those symbols the faster we can start planning the wedding."

You can talk with Laeni, to find out what she wants as her symbol:

"The site where Vashabar's growth began isn't far. Just refer to your map and I'll meet you there.
And don't worry, traveler. You'll have a damned greenspeaker-to-be at your side!"
You think a seedpod will be a good symbol for the ceremony?
"You should have seen me waving my arms around to get Clen's attention. A seedpod's perfect. The dormant greenspring seeds are what remains of the ritual we used to grow Vashabar.
They're sacred to us, carried all the way from Valenwood."
Why does it represent you to the village?
"If we get to stay and I can continue my training to be a greenspeaker, it would mean the blighted world to me.
I want the village to know I never intended to run away from my calling. That this was only ever about our union, about our love.'
Can you tell me more about the seedpods?
"We greenspeakers use ritual magic to enhance their growth. They go from fragile little pods to full houses in a matter of weeks.
It's all part of the Green Pact, you see. We protect the forest and, in return, the forest protects us."

You can meet with Laeni in the forest to the south of the village, as you approach she will call out to you:

Laeni: "Traveler! Be careful, bugs aplenty here."
Laeni: "They're drawn to remnants of the ritual, and they're likely to be territorial."

Speaking with Laeni here:

"The ritual still hangs heavy around this place. That's why there are so many sodding bugs.
The seedpod we need should be close by. Let's go find one!"
You think a seedpod will be a good symbol for the ceremony? (Same as above)

At this point, Laeni will become your follower and you can head to the ritual site. When you reach the seedpod, you will be attacked by Young Wasps and eventually the Wasp Queen. During the fight, Laeni will shout:

Laeni: "They won't give up the pod without a fight!"
Laeni: "It doesn't stop. I'll be hearing that rutting buzzing for days!"

Once you have killed all the wasps, Laeni will comment:

Laeni: "Thank the Singer that's over."

You can then pluck the Dormant Greenspring Seed from the ground. Speaking with Laeni afterwards:

"Pod in hand. Thank Y'ffre!
Let's get out of here so you can help Clen."

After you have helped both of them find items that represent them, you can return to Vashbar. You will find a group gathered around Ciiril's beer garden, and Laeni and Clendagal will stand beneath a stone arch. Ciiril will then notice them and Nedolir will demand to know what is going on.

Speaking with Laeni before the rite starts:

"Almost time. Damn. Arse. Rut it all."

Once you have spoken with Greenspeaker Nedolir and told him what is happening, the Rite of Propagation will begin:

<The pair kneel before the crowd.>
Clendagal: "Vashabar, we need your help. Laeni and I want to marry."
Laeni: "As you all know, our fathers refuse to support us. And so we invoke the Rite of Propagation, an ancient Bosmer custom."
Clendagal: "We gathered these symbols, representations of our roles in the village. An Ayleid mosaic for me."
Laeni: "And a greenspring seed for me. Friend, you helped us find them. Please bring them forth."
<The pair stand up.>

You can then place the Ayleid Mosaic and Dormant Greenspring Seed either side of them:

Clendagal: "These symbols represent our commitment to the village and to each other."
Laeni: "Our future lies in whatever you decide. Do we have your support?"
Agawen Ciiril: "Well, what do you say Vashabar? Do you support this union?"
Gundelion: "Aye!"
Malaniel: "Aye!"
Spinner Belwelas: "Aye!"
Melbora: "Aye!"
Agawen Ciiril: "Hah, there it is! Congratulations you two. Let's give the couple a moment. Drinks for everyone!"
<Clendagal and Laeni embrace as the onlookers walk away.>
Greenspeaker Nedolir: "All right, you old arse. The village has spoken so let's make the best of this."
Minth: "I suppose you're right, you bastard. If we're going to be kin, let's get to drinking like it."

After this, you can approach Laeni and speak with her to complete the quest:

"This hardly feels real. They rutting stand with us! Singer be praised!"
Did that go as you had hoped?
"I don't know whether to dance or cry. I think I'll do both, after Clen and I have a few of Ciiril's potent drinks.
I've been tense about this for so long, I almost forgot what it feels like to let go."
When do you think you'll get married?
"Let's get through this party first and let the village sober up. A few days, I expect—at most!
That will give our fathers time to become comfortable with the idea. And I can work with Ciiril to arrange the handfast ceremony."
Good luck with the wedding, Laeni.

Leaving and returning to the conversation at this point:

"Damn. I honestly don't remember the last time I felt this good. I'm already planning details in my head. This will be so much fun!"
Good luck with the wedding, Laeni.
"I can't thank you enough. You, and the Singer, helped us make our dream come true. Without you, who knows where Clen and I would have ended up?
I'll pray for you, traveler. Y'ffre keep and protect you for all the rest of your days."

Talking to Laeni after the quest in completed:

"Clen, we'd better get a drink. Otherwise the rotmeth will be gone and we'll have to carry our fathers home."

In Memory Of[edit]

If you helped Laeni and Clendagal previously, they will attend the party at Beragon's house along with Greenspeaker Darolith. You can ask Laeni for an update about Vashabar:

"Clen and I were just talking about you! If you hadn't come to the village, we would never have gone through the rite.
And now look at us. Assisting the greenspeaker with negotiations!"
How are things going in Vashabar?
"Well, to be honest, we're still working through what Nantharion's betrayal means to the village. How to reconcile followers of the Dawnway with our Green Pact faithful.
May the Singer listen, I hope Clen and I can help with that."
Have you set a date for the wedding yet?
"Sun and roots willing, we'll be married before the next crisis comes along. Just as soon as we help the greenspeaker finalize negotiations with the count.
Damn me if it doesn't, traveler, but I think things just may work out."
