
Online:High Priestess Solgra

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High Priestess Solgra
(lore page)
Home City Orsinium
Location Temple of Ire
Race Orc Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Priests of Trinimac, Mages Guild (formerly)
High Priestess Solgra

High Priestess Solgra is an Orc priestess and the head of the Priests of Trinimac in Orsinium's Temple of Ire.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Invitation to Orsinium[edit]

Arrive at the keep and you'll witness the Priestess greeting two Breton's, Alfred and Ealis Zulin:

High Priestess Solgra: "Once again, welcome to Orsinium! I look forward to working with you on this grand endeavor."

Speak with her and she'll greet you with open arms as well:

"Ah, another traveler arrives in our grand city! Welcome, welcome!
Are you one of the chosen? Do you bear the letter from the Forge-Mother?"
I have the letter. Who are you?
"I am a high priestess of Trinimac, serving in Orsinium's temple. Like you, I am here at the request of Forge-Mother Alga to help revive the ancient traditions of truth, honor, and unity.
I also greet new arrivals. Tell me, how was your journey?"
I helped a caravan that was attacked by the Winterborn. Supplies for the outlying clans were stolen.
"We've received similar reports. Just one of a series of unfortunate incidents that we plan to rectify. Orsimer soldiers and even the king himself are looking into this.
King Kurog believes that even those who refuse his rule must be cared for."
I know where they took the supplies.
"Truly? Perhaps we can still recover the supplies the clans need to survive the winter. The decision to invite outsiders to our land has already reaped untold benefits!
Tell me, where have the Winterborn hidden the supplies?"
Gulug betrayed the clans. He says the supplies were taken to Frostbreak Fortress.
"You located the stolen supplies and uncovered our betrayer? Trinimac surely sent you to us in our time of need! Take this reward for helping our people. And you must present yourself to Forge-Mother Alga.
Look, here she comes now."
The Winterborn took the supplies to Frostbreak Fortress.
"You located the stolen supplies? Trinimac surely has sent you to us in our time of need! Take this as a reward for helping our people. And you must present yourself to Forge-Mother Alga and tell her everything.
Oh look, here she comes now."

For King and Glory[edit]

Forge-Mother Alga: "Is this one of the outsiders who responded to my invitation, high priestess?"
High Priestess Solgra: "Yes, Grand Forge-Mother."
Forge-Mother Alga: "Thank you, Solgra. I will speak to the outsider now."
(before you take the quest)"Forge-Mother Alga would like to talk to you, my friend. Remember that your actions have not gone unnoticed."
(after you take the quest)"I do not wish to delay your journey. I have duties to attend to at the temple and I know King Kurog awaits you at Frostbreak Fortress.
Still, in all my travels, I have never encountered so many troublesome extremists as I have here in Orsinium."
Tell me more about yourself.
"I studied at the Mages Guild in Wayrest for many years before traveling across Southern Tamriel. I eventually wound up in the Summerset Isles.
That was where I first heard the words of Trinimac and found my true calling."
Your true calling?
"I have been called to restore the Orsimer to our true destiny. To revive the ancient traditions. The ideals of truth, honor, and unity.
This is Trinimac's will and desire. I have my part to play, and you have yours."
I thought the Orcs worshipped Malacath?
"Yes. My people are stubborn. They see Malacath as our protector, but nothing could be further from the truth. Malacath's passion is vengeance. We cast ourselves as victims and this holds us back.
Trinimac's light, however, can restore our glory."
(only appears after you take the quest)You mentioned trouble with extremists.
"Followers of both Malacath and Trinimac can be prone to violence. Forge-Mother Alga helps keep things civil, though I fear things will get worse before they get better.
The fanatics on both sides act out of ignorance, I believe. Not out of ill-will."
Where does the forge-mother fall on the matter?
"She sees the path that Trinimac has set before us. Half the wives in every clan owe her favors, and it was her influence that allowed the city temple to be dedicated to Trinimac."
And King Kurog agrees with all this?
"The king was skeptical at first, but he and a few clan chiefs eventually embraced the will of Trinimac.
Most of the other chiefs remain opposed to such drastic change, however. They hold onto the old superstitions and refuse to hear the truth."

Arrive from Frostbreak Fortress and you'll find a contingent in the throne room:

Chief Bazrag: "We didn't come for a sermon, priestess. I'm just here to see Kurog."
High Priestess Solgra: "I meant no offense, Chief Bazrag. I only seek to spread Trinimac's good words."
Chief Targak: "Again with these Trinimac lies! Let me show you what Malacath thinks of your stupid words!"
Forge-Mother Alga: "Your anger is uncalled for, clan chiefs. Please excuse us, Solgra. I see our champion has returned."
Chief Bazrag: "You? They pulled you into their madness? How … disappointing."

She'll then depart the room.

A King-Sized Problem[edit]

Mazogug the Bold threatens High Priestess Solgra

Priest Uugus will open the door to the rest of the rectory and will ask you to save Solgra. As soon as you enter the area, you'll hear Mazogug and Solgra in a battle of wills:

Mazogug the Bold: "Get her! Don't let her escape!"
High Priestess Solgra: "I'll die before I let you hurt the others!"
Mazogug the Bold: "You … you killed one of my …! Orders be damned! You're going to die for that, priestess."
High Priestess Solgra: "One? I plan to kill a dozen more if you don't leave my temple now!"
High Priestess Solgra: "Thank you for that. I thought I could handle them, but the odds got a little overwhelming."

Put Mazogug down and she'll say:

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine once I catch my breath. Just got the wind knocked out of me a little, that's all."
Do you know what this was all about?
"Not exactly. They claimed to be devoted followers of Malacath and said they were working for Chief Bazrag. They caught us by surprise, threatened us.
Did you run into Uugus? How are he and the others faring?"
Priest Uugus and the others are safe.
"Well, that puts my mind at ease! I hated leaving them, but the others back here needed help, too.
But I'm still not completely certain what the attackers hoped to accomplish. Why take us hostage? Why not simply kill us and be done with it?"
They wanted to embarrass the king.
"Spill the blood of innocents and blame the king for their deaths. For not being able to protect his people. What a fiendish scheme.
But the king sent you in his stead. Very astute on his part. That decision may have saved many lives."
What can you tell me about these fanatics?
"We were supposed to assume they were Malacath devotees, but they didn't seem particularly religious to me. Even I don't believe Malacath would sanction a slaughter such as this.
They mentioned Chief Bazrag, though. Said he gave them their orders."
Do you think Chief Bazrag was behind this attack?
"I've always found the chief to be noble, but it doesn't take a lot to change a person. His forts ravaged, his traditions threatened. I can see how such things could lead to this.
The king and the forge-mother must be told what happened here."

If you speak to her before you go, you can offer more help:

"Please, let the forge-mother know my suspicions, but make sure she understands that they are only that. I don't want to start a war with the clan chiefs over idle speculation."
Do you need anything else before I go?
"No. You've done more than enough and the temple is safe for now. Please, inform the forge-mother of my suspicions. We don't want Chief Bazrag to take the king by surprise.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must see to my priests and the temple."

Finish speaking to the matron, and Solgra will join the group:

Forge-Mother Alga: "Solgra, my child, come join us. Are you injured? Should I call a healer?"
High Priestess Solgra: "Thanks to our friend, I am well and ready to serve."
Forge-Mother Alga: "Yes, our call for assistance has already proven to be a more than worthwhile endeavor."

Speak to her and she'll say:

"Thank you again for saving the temple priests. I don't even want to imagine how things might have turned out without your intervention.
I look forward to talking to you again under better circumstances."

To Save a Chief[edit]

At the behest of Eveli, go to the priestess in the Temple of Ire:

"Thank you for responding so quickly to my summons. Especially considering everything you've been doing to support the king.
Did Eveli tell you that I have a … delicate … situation? I could really use your help again."
Eveli said something about a "secret" mission?
"She can be rather exuberant, but I suppose the term is accurate. I debated with myself before deciding to ask the two of you for assistance.
But in the end, there isn't anyone else I would trust with this matter."
Tell me what the problem is, High Priestess Solgra.
"A shield-wife from one of the clans sent me an urgent plea for help. It appears that the clan's chief has been taken captive by a fanatical group of—how do I put this ….
They're members of a religious sect devoted to Trinimac."
Trinimac? Isn't that who you worship here?
"Yes, but it's not the same. The Vosh Rakh are Trinimac extremists who bend the sacred teachings to their own purposes. They have been gathering power and influence at an alarming rate.
If they kill the captive chief in Trinimac's name …."
You'll be branded as bad as the Vosh Rakh.
"It will give the Orc traditionalists one more arrow to put in their quiver. And they won't use it only against us.
King Kurog and the forge-mother have supported us. This will cripple their cause and turn everyone against Trinimac and his followers."
What do you need me to do?
"Go to Fharun Stronghold and meet Eveli. Stop the Vosh Rakh and rescue the chief before it's too late.
I just ask for your discretion in this matter. If the king finds out, he'll send an army, which will only result in more death and destruction."
I'll go to Fharun Stronghold and meet Eveli.
"Two things before you go. First, avoid bloodshed on your way into the stronghold. The captives won't be immediately harmed if the Vosh Rakh feel secure.
Second, I'm not sure which chief was taken. The message I received was purposefully vague."
Can you tell me anything more about the Vosh Rakh?
"Not much. They're rather secretive, keep to themselves. They apparently wear masks whenever they gather. And I've heard rumors. They've been linked to trouble in the west.
This sect is rather new, from what I've been given to understand."
How new is this group?
"Well, they weren't here when I arrived in Orsinium. I wasn't aware of them, at any rate.
Of course, we were dealing with the Winterborn at the time, so anything else was considered a lesser threat. Still, their increasing boldness worries me."
Why do you say the Vosh Rakh are extremists?
"Our temple guides people to Trinimac and presents his teachings so they can decide for themselves.
The Vosh Rakh, on the other hand, shove Trinimac's blade down their throats and tell them to swallow it or die. Such violence is not Trinimac's way."
Why would the Vosh Rakh take a chief hostage?
"Who can say what these extremists have in mind? I'm not privy to their ultimate goal.
I would speculate that eliminating a chief who reveres Malacath will send a distinct message about the Vosh Rakh. I suppose it depends on which chief they hold."
Why do you want me to avoid bloodshed?
"As with the attack on the temple, we don't want to give the captors a reason to act in haste. The longer they remain unaware of your presence, the better chance you'll have to locate and free the chief.
Besides, they could have other hostages."
Will they kill the chief if they notice me?
"I don't think so, at least not immediately. They're keeping the chief alive for a reason. I think they want to make a spectacle, but the Vosh Rakh haven't always acted in a predictable manner.
Of course, other prisoners they hold would be forfeit."

The Anger of a King[edit]

Decipher Eveli's cryptic message and you'll find her with a small contingent of Orsinium movers and shakers:

Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "We can't just walk into the Vosh Rakh base. That's suicide!"
High Priestess Solgra: "We have to find out what the Vosh Rakh have planned. If we wait for them to strike, it will be too late."
Chief Bazrag: "Whatever they're planning, it's going to happen soon. They just about told me as much when they threw me into my own prison!"
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Maybe we should have left you in there. For all we know, you deserve to be in prison!"
Chief Bazrag: "Listen to me, Elf. I didn't attack anyone. I left Orsinium and they ambushed me."
High Priestess Solgra: "I sent you to rescue the chief, Eveli. I wouldn't have done that if I believed he was guilty."
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "You lied to us, high priestess! You knew who you were sending us to rescue the entire time! This feels like one giant trap and we walked right into it."

Eveli will leave the room in disgust.

High Priestess Solgra: "Ah, you found us. I'm sorry that Eveli is upset, but I did what had to be done. Please, let's talk."

Speak with her and she'll say:

"I know you have questions, and you're probably just as angry with me as Eveli. But please, hear me out, I beg you.
There are deadly plots unfolding and we're all in terrible danger."
You knew we were rescuing Bazrag? You lied to us.
"I withheld certain details, yes. But I had good reasons. If cultists killed Bazrag in Trinimac's name, it would have started a civil war.
And if Kurog found out you were trying to rescue Bazrag, you would have never been allowed to leave the city."
I don't understand. You said Bazrag was behind the attack on the temple.
"Bazrag's shield-wife approached me after the Vosh Rakh attacked Fharun Stronghold. She knew the king would do nothing for those who didn't accept his rule.
Chief Bazrag was ambushed at the same time the temple was being attacked."
And what does that prove?
"Someone wanted to blame Bazrag for the Malacath fanatics while also removing the chief from the battlefield. It was a brilliant plan. Fortunately, you were able to foil it.
And now, thanks to Bazrag, we know what the Vosh Rakh are planning next."
What are the Vosh Rakh planning to do next?
"The Vosh Rakh want to make a statement. Something big. Bazrag thinks it involves the moot, where all the chiefs will be gathered.
We need more information. Someone needs to enter the old Trinimac temple to the west and learn more about their plans."
And that someone is me?
"I'll send scouts ahead, but you'll need to get inside and do whatever it takes to uncover the exact nature of their plan. Lives are at stake. Remember that.
Now please, talk to Eveli. We need her. You have to convince her to help us."

Solgra will turn to Talviah Aliaria and Flies-In-Wind and delivers her orders:

High Priestess Solgra: "You two have your orders. Scout the temple exterior. The others will join you shortly."
Talviah Aliaria: "Finally! Something to do that doesn't involve a message!"

Speak to her before speaking to Eveli and she'll say:

"Speak to Eveli. Convince her that we need her help or many innocent lives will be lost in Trinimac's name.
Then you need to head for Paragon's Remembrance. We can't afford to waste time. The Vosh Rakh aren't going to wait for us, after all."

After speaking to Eveli:

"The scouts will meet you near Paragon's Remembrance. The old ruin is reportedly an ancient temple to Trinimac, which is why we think the Vosh Rakh have taken up residence there.
Find out what they're planning. The city's future may depend on it."

Blood on a King's Hands[edit]

At this point, the storyline takes two different paths. One path happens if Talviah Aliaria was spared at Paragon's Remembrance. The other if Talviah Aliaria was sacrificed.

Solgra on the ledge and whatnot

Talviah Aliaria spared[edit]

The Vosh Rakh corner Solgra
Solgra is shot by Penitent Vumnish

Make your way to the roof of the temple:

Vosh Rakh Archer: "There she is! Don't let the traitor get away!"
High Priestess Solgra: "Tell the king I'll play no part in his political games."

Take care of the two Vosh Rakh, then speak to the priestess:

"What in Trinimac's name is going on? Why did Kurog send soldiers after me?
They acted like I'd done something horrible. I didn't want to show it, but I was frightened for my life! I'm just glad you arrived when you did."
Those weren't just soldiers, they were Vosh Rakh. Did they hurt you?
"Vosh Rakh? I don't understand. But no, they didn't hurt me. Not for lack of trying, though.
So tell me, what kind of trouble are we in now?"
They're going to blame you. Claim you're behind the Vosh Rakh.
"What a ridiculous notion! Trinimac promotes unity and civilization, not anarchy and violence like those Vosh Rakh fanatics claim.
Dare I ask? Tell me, who do we have to thank for this terrible situation?"
Kurog and Alga. They plan to kill the chiefs and blame you for organizing the Vosh Rakh.
"We can't allow that to happen! But why have you come to help me? The clan chiefs are more important. You should be at the moot, doing whatever you can to foil the king's dastardly plan."
The paths to the moot have been sealed. All except the path through the temple.
"There's a path to the moot through the temple? Perhaps via the old tunnels? Yes, that must be the way!
Here, take this key. It opens the library. If there really are old tunnels under the temple, the way to access them is probably in there."
Go find a place to hide until this is all over.
Solgra after being shot
Uugus finds Solgra injured

Suddenly, behind you you'll hear:

Penitent Vumnish: "There she is! My arrow will find its mark!"
High Priestess Solgra: "Behind you! On the ledges! More soldiers!"

Vumnish lets loose her arrow:

High Priestess Solgra: "Quick! Let's get—argh!"
Solgra's body in the Temple of Ire

The priestess falls.

Priest Uugus: "High priestess, no!"
Penitent Vumnish: "She's down! Make sure none of her allies survive!"
Priest Uugus: "Get the assassin! I'll take Solgra back to the temple! Go!"

After dealing with Vumnish, enter the temple. You'll be greeted with the news that Solgra did not survive the assassination. Bazrag, Eveli, Talviah Aliaria, and Priest Uugus preside over her body.

Talviah Aliaria sacrificed[edit]

Priest Uugus will tell you that Eveli and High Priestess Solgra are on the roof of the temple. Race to join them and you'll witness to Vosh Rakh threatening the pair:

Vosh Rakh Archer: "There she is! Don't let the traitor get away!"
High Priestess Solgra: "Tell the king I'll play no part in his political games."
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "I'm warning you. Back off or you'll feel the sting of my arrows!"

After dealing with the Vosh Rakh, she'll say:

"What in Trinimac's name is going on? Why did Kurog send soldiers after us?
They acted like we'd done something horrible. I didn't want to worry Eveli, but I was frightened for our lives! I'm just glad you arrived when you did."
Those weren't just soldiers, they were Vosh Rakh. Did they hurt you?
"Vosh Rakh? I don't understand. But no, they didn't hurt me. Not for lack of trying, though.
So tell me, what kind of trouble are we in now?"
They're going to blame you. Claim you're behind the Vosh Rakh.
"What a ridiculous notion! Trinimac stands for unity and civilization, not anarchy and violence like those Vosh Rakh fanatics claim.
Dare I ask? Eveli never got to tell me what was going on before the soldiers barged in. Who's behind all this?"
Kurog and Alga. They plan to kill the chiefs and blame you for organizing the Vosh Rakh.
"We can't allow that to happen! But what are you doing here helping us? The clan chiefs are more important. You should be at the moot, doing whatever you can to foil the king's despicable plan."
The paths to the moot have been sealed. All except the path through the temple.
"There's a path to the moot through the temple? The old tunnels. Of course! That must be what you're talking about.
Here, take this key. It opens the temple library. If there really are old tunnels, the way to access them is probably in there."
You and Eveli need to find a place to hide until this is all over.

Before Solgra can respond, you hear someone else:

Penitent Vumnish: "There she is! My arrow will find its mark!"
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "More soldiers! Stay back, high priestess!"
<Penitent Vumnish fires an arrow, striking Eveli>
High Priestess Solgra: "Eveli, no! Find whoever did this! I'll get her back to the temple. Go!"
Penitent Vumnish: "Damn it! The interfering Wood Elf got in the way! Fall back!"

After dealing with Penitent Vumnish, enter the temple and Solgra will meet you at the stairs:

High Priestess Solgra: "Eveli's one tough Wood Elf. She's clinging to life and won't let go."
High Priestess Solgra: "She asked to speak to you when you have a moment."

If you speak to her, she'll say:


After speaking to Eveli, Bazrag will appear:

Chief Bazrag: "This wasn't suppose to happen. I should have never sent her here by herself."
High Priestess Solgra: "Eveli saved me. I plan to return the favor."
Chief Bazrag: "Kurog won't get away with this, little one. We'll stop him."
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Kick him in his tusks … for me …."
High Priestess Solgra: "Rest now, Eveli. You need your sleep."
Chief Bazrag: "I need to speak to you for a moment. This way."

Speak to her before speaking to Bazrag and she'll say:

"I'll watch over Eveli. You go and see what Chief Bazrag wants to talk about."

After speaking to Bazrag, she'll add:

"The side door leads to the library. If there's an entrance to the tunnels anywhere in the temple, it will be somewhere in that chamber.
And don't worry about Eveli. I'll do everything I can to ease her pain."

Long Live the King[edit]

Talviah Aliaria spared[edit]

High Priestess Solgra
Home City Orsinium
Location Scarp Keep, Castle Overlook
Race Orc Gender Female
Health 0 (Dead)
High Priestess Solgra's body at the funeral
Solgra without wings

High Priestess Solgra's body will be laid in state at Kurog's funeral.

Talviah Aliaria sacrificed[edit]

"I'm glad you're here.
Eveli has entered a deep sleep. I don't know when or if she'll come out of it. But I'll stay at her side, no matter how long it takes. I just hope that Trinimac hears my prayers."
Do you think she'll be all right?
"I don't know. It's out of my hands. I did everything I could, and now the rest is up to her.
But I know she'll be happy that you came to visit. She looks up to you."
Chief Bazrag wanted you to have this.
"What's this? An invitation? Bazrag's heart's in the right place, but doesn't he see the irony? This is just how this terrible situation began.
No, I won't leave Eveli's side. Not until this is finished—one way or another."
"Go on. Go attend the funeral. I'll stay here and keep watch over our brave, little friend."

At the funeral, as Bazrag starts to make his speech, Solgra and Eveli will join the ceremony. Back in the keep, you'll hear:

Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "I'd be honored, um, King Bazrag, your majesty."
High Priestess Solgra: "What a welcome surprise! Thank you, King Bazrag."

Speak to her and she'll say:

"I know I have you to thank that I lived to see this moment.
Eveli filled me in on some of the trials you underwent when investigating the Vosh Rakh base. There were tough decisions to be made, yet here we stand, alive and well."
What will you do now?
"King Bazrag informed me that he plans to return the temple to its original purpose as a shrine to Malacath. I'm not sure what that mean for the Trinimac priesthood, but he has requested that I serve as a royal advisor."
Are you upset about the decision to change the temple to Malacath?
"Upset? No. Disappointed? Most definitely.
I can't dispute the fact that Trinimac fanatics caused so much trouble. If returning the city to Malacath makes up for that, who am I to argue?"
Will you stay as his advisor?
"I'm a priest of Trinimac and I always will be, whether we have a temple of our own or not.
These people, they've become my family. I'll stay and help the new king for as long as he needs me. And if I happen to give a few sermons, who can blame me?"
I wanted to say goodbye.
"I'm going to miss you, my friend. I truly believe that Trinimac sent you to us when we needed you most.
I wish you well. If you ever have need of me, I'll do my best to be at your side."

Old Life Observance[edit]

High Priestess Solgra
Location New Life Festival
Race Orc Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Spirit
Solgra's spirit

After her death, the spirit of High Priestess Solgra may return from Aetherius and appear to you during the New Life Festival event quest Old Life Observance when you perform a remembrance ceremony at one of the Old Life shrines.


  • When you first speak to the priestess, she'll tell you she spent many years in Summerset and that's where she discovered Trinimac. Her voice actor reflects this with a "British" accent typical for Altmer characters in contrast to the gruff voice used for most female Orcs.