Online:Crafter Skaldolf

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This character only appears during the Witches Festival.
Crafter Skaldolf
Location Roads around Tamriel
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Crafter Skaldolf

Crafter Skaldolf is a Nord craftsman who can be found on the roads around Tamriel standing in front of a gravestone. He is part of a random encounter that only appears during the Witches Festival event. He can be given the Old Silver Fork (which is found during another random encounter) for some unique dialogue, and doing so contributes towards progressing Khal H. Hughez's story.


When approached, he'll say one of the following:

Crafter Skaldolf: "Is this all that remains? An arbitrary clump of ground? A weathered headstone? Is this my fate?"
Crafter Skaldolf: "Buried here, all alone. Everyone has forgotten them. And I could be next!"
Crafter Skaldolf: "Dead. And at half my age. Half! Death can happen anytime, to anyone!"

You can respond to him in one of three ways.

"Uh, who are you? What do you want?"
You seem troubled.
"Troubled? What mortal is not? Death comes for every one of us in the end. And yet we pretend otherwise!"

You can then reply with one of the following three:

Death is a part of life.
"Nonsense. It's the end of life! The Skaldolf family have always been metal smiths. All are gone save me. They toiled and slaved, but could take nothing with them in the end."
Fear achieves nothing. Life is a gift. We should make the most of it.
"Maybe. Your words sound true, but I don't know.
Well, thank you for trying to help. It's appreciated."
[Intimidate] Good news, then! The death you fear has finally arrived! or [Intimidate] If life is worth nothing, let me to [sic] put you out of your misery!
"You mean? Oh! Oh please, no! I'm not ready! I'm not ready!"

If you looted the Old Silver Fork from a Chest of Fear after dispelling a portal from Detritus in another encounter:

I found this silver fork engraved with the Skaldolf name.
"Really? My grandfather's grandfather was a silversmith. I was named after him. This must be his work!
I—I see now. My ancestors live on through their work. If I commit to my craft, perhaps I can as well! Thank you, friend!"