
Online:Borfree Dull-Blade

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Borfree Dull-Blade
Location Exile's Barrow
Veloth Ancestral TombMorrowind
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 39,959
15,000 (After exiting Veloth Ancestral Tomb)Morrowind
Reaction Friendly
Borfree Dull-Blade

Borfree Dull-Blade is a Nord assistant of Narsis Dren. He can be found at Exile's Barrow, Veloth Ancestral Tomb, and The Lonely Troll in Solitude.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Draugr Dilemma[edit]

Outside Exile's Barrow you'll find an exasperated Breton and a nervous Nord eating his meal:

"Master Dren went into the old barrow and told us to wait here. There're probably spiders in there. There're always spiders crawling around the tombs back in Skyrim.
Don't tell Berrice, but I'm kind of afraid of spiders."
Who's Master Dren?
"You must have heard of the great Narsis Dren! I'm his trusted servant and Berrice over there is his able assistant.
Master Dren promised to take care of the draugr problem for Mazgroth and the Orcs. He entered the barrow but he hasn't returned."
Draugr problem?
"You know, the dead Nords that get up and walk? They've been wandering out of the barrow and bothering the Orcs down in the village.
I was going to go look for Master Dren, but then I remembered the spiders. Can't be too careful around spiders!"
I can find Narsis Dren if you like.

(If you already started the quest, his conversation will also begin with this line:)

"You're looking for Master Dren? That's kind of you! I really can't abide spiders. I have a condition, I think. The barrow's entrance is over there. Master Dren said he would be right back, but he's been gone so long. It's not like him to miss dinner!"
Tell me about the Orc village.
"Well, I haven't actually visited the place, but it looks kind of small. Not a proper Orc stronghold at all, if you ask my opinion.
But I met Mazgroth the hunt-wife. She's always wandering about and checking on things that might threaten the village."
And your master is helping the Orcs?
"Oh, Master Dren is always helping somebody. It's what he does, don't you know?
Told Mazgroth he'd take care of the draugr dilemma and charged right into that barrow over there. I wish I was half the adventurer that Narsis Dren is!"
Tell me about Narsis Dren.
"You've never heard of Narsis Dren? What rock have you been living under?
He's the greatest treasure hunter, dungeon delver, and heroic adventurer ever to walk the land! And the books he writes are real page turners! It is my honor to serve him."
And he happened to show up just when the Orcs needed help?
"He's got a sense about such things, that's for sure!
We came to explore the barrow, but when Master Dren noticed the draugr, he readily offered his services to Mazgroth and the Orc village. He's a genuine hero, if you ask me!"
Tell me about the barrow.
"Master Dren couldn't wait to explore the place! The locals call it Exile's Barrow, though no one's quite sure who the exile is.
We do know that it's old, it's Nord, and that the Orcs refuse to go near it. That means it probably has not been looted!"
And you're certain Narsis Dren went into the barrow?
"That's where the draugr are, so that's where his braveness went. He's not afraid of spiders, not him!
Mazgroth and the Orcs can handle a few walking corpses, but an entire barrow? Something must have disturbed their rest to cause this much trouble!"

After exploring the barrow with Dren, exit the barrow and Borfree will still be working on his meal. If you tricked Dren:

"I hope Master Dren gets back soon. He hates it when his dinner gets cold."

If you told Dren to be honest with the villagers, Borfree will remark:

"Master Dren headed toward the Orc village. Said something about wanting to let them know that he saved them from the draugr.
That Master Dren, he's a real hero!"

Ancestral Adversity[edit]

Before starting the quest, he'll say:

"Did you know that the Dark Elves make jelly out of scribs? You'd think bug jelly would taste awful, but spread it on bread and it's divine!"

If you meet him at Veloth Ancestral Tomb first, you can ask him what he's doing:

Are you exploring this old tomb?
"Me? Go into a tomb? No, no. That's what Narsis Dren does. He's the explorer. I'm just the hired help.
I'm surprised he's not here yet. I could have sworn that old scroll said 'Veloth Tomb,' but I suppose it could have been 'Dreloth.'"
There are two tombs?
"Oh, there are lots of tombs. You can't swing a dead mammoth without hitting the resting place of some Dark Elf ancestor. Vvardenfell is overflowing with the things.
Anyway, I guess I'll head over to the Dreloth Tomb and see if Narsis is there."
Dreloth Ancestral Tomb will then be added to your map, but it won't start the quest.

At the beginning of the quest:

"I wonder what other delicacies the Dark Elves make? You'd think that after all these years at the side of the great Narsis Dren I would know more about his culture. I suppose he's more interested in the ancient past than in talking about the present."
How come Elfbetta didn't send you into the tomb to check on Narsis?
"Into the tomb? That tomb over there? Well, that wouldn't work out so well. You see, I have a powerful fear of ghosts. Ghosts, spirits, windows—anything you can see through, really.
No, I don't go anywhere near tombs. Too many ghosts for my taste."

Exit the Dreloth Ancestral Tomb. If you speak to him before Elfbetta, he'll say:

"Glad to see Narsis wasn't eaten by a ghost! I wonder where he ran off to in such a hurry, though?
I bet Elfbetta knows. Narsis tells her everything."

When preparing to head to Veloth Ancestral Tomb:

"Another tomb? And clear on the other side of Vvardenfell? This sounds dangerous to me, but Narsis Dren is the famous adventurer and all. I'm just here to haul around his very heavy possessions."

After exiting Veloth Ancestral Tomb or after the quest is completed, Borfree will return to talking about the virtues of Scrib Jelly as a condiment. <See above>

The Maelmoth Mysterium[edit]

While in Solitude, Borfree can be found in the mouth of alley next to the bank. He will be eating stew and is surrounded by belongings. If you speak with him before starting the related quest he'll have a question for you.

"Hey there. Do you know anything about bottles? Ah, never mind."

After you have found and spoken with the Peculiar Bottle, you will be sent to Borfree to retrieve Narsis Dren's journal. He will be pleased that you found his master.

"If you see a pretty bottle around, let me know. It talks, if that helps."
I did find that bottle.
"Oh, thank you! I was worried that Master Dren had gotten lost when I went to get myself some stew. I guess I just forgot where I set the bottle down.
I'll go and get it—er, him—as soon as I finish my stew. It's really good stew."
Fair enough. I'm helping him to dispel the illusion.
"That's good! A talking bottle makes me nervous and it sure made Master Dren crankier than normal.
I'll bring it here and keep it safe with his other stuff. Don't worry!"

Speaking to him afterwards:

"Don't suppose you know anything about bottles? My master's stuck in one, you see.
He's probably terrible hungry. You think I should pour some of this stew in him? No, no … Stupid Borfree. He could drown in it!"

After reading Narsis Dren's Skyrim Journal, Borfree will be glad it's out of his hands.

"Hey, you found my master's book!
You should have heard him caterwauling about it a few hours ago. I told him I couldn't make sense of it, but boy was he mad. Good luck sorting it out. I'll be here when you get back. Promise."

Once you find a read all three verses around Solitude, you can return to Borfree who has moved the bottle nearby. If you talk to him, he will pleased and will speculate on what is wrong with Narsis Dren.

"You're back! Thank Kyne. Master's been muttering like my great aunt Hjolren. She hit her head on a stone, see? Now she says all kinds of terrible things—just low enough that you can't hear it.
You don't think my master hit his head, do you?"

When you undo the illusion, Borfree will ask you to keep Narsis away from him for a bit.

"You did it! Just keep Master Dren's attention over there, all right? Want to let him cool down a bit before I tell him we're out of biscuits."

As you head to the Mages Guild hall, you can hear Dren berate Borfree.

Narsis Dren: "Borfree! Why in Vehk's name did you bring my belongings out onto the street?"
Borfree Dull-Blade: "Master Dren! I'm terribly sorry. I just thought you were hollering so loud, maybe I should let you cool down a bit. And I didn't have any coin for the innkeeper. You, uh … you want some stew?"
Narsis Dren: "I most certainly do not! Gather my effects. We look like deranged indigents out here."