
Online:Betrayal at Briar Rock

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Free members of the Hillhunter Clan from the hagravens of the Thornroot Clan and destroy a Briarheart Tree.
Zone: The Reach
Quest Giver: Medone
Location(s): Briar Rock Ruins, Dead Crone Tower
Reward: Robe of the Ever-Shrouded
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
ID: 6586
Rescue the Hillhunter Clan
I met a hunter named Medone by Briar Rock. Hagravens of the Thornroot clan imprisoned her clan and are turning them into Briarhearts. Medone wants me to free her clan and punish the Thornroot clan by destroying their Briarheart Tree.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Rescue the captives.
  2. Find Chieftain Faorin.
  3. Burn the briarheart tree.
  4. Talk to Medone.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

As you approach Briar Rock Ruins' front gate, you'll hear someone cursing the Thornroots.

Medone: "Damn the Thornroot Clan! Damn them all!"

Speak to her and she'll explain:

"You've come to the wrong place, outsider. Briar Rock belongs to the Thornroot clan. They kill anyone they catch here—or worse."
What do you mean, worse?
"The Thornroot Hagravens lash you to an altar, carve out your heart, and then use foul magic to make you into one of their Briarhearts.
At least, that's what they've been doing to my clan. I managed to escape, but all my kin are prisoners."
Why would they do that to your clan?
"The Thornroots want protectors. They welcomed my clan, then betrayed us. My kin are in cages, waiting to be made into living weapons.
I'll pay you well to teach the Thornroots a lesson. Free my clan, and burn their Briarheart Tree. Are you game?"
I'll free your people and destroy the Briarheart Tree.

Within the ruins are Thornroot Clan members, including Thornroot Hagravens, Lurchers, and Briarheart Brutes, spread out among it. The caged captives are roughly located at different corners of the disheveled ruin walls, with a few of the most powerful of them guarding each enclosure.

After you've freed all the Nords, one of them mentions to you the fact that their chieftain is imprisoned within the tower located in the far west. Enter Deadcrone Tower and scale it until you see Faorin locked in a corner cage. When he sees you, he'll call out in relief:

Faorin : "Well, now. You're no Thornroot. Care to lend me a hand, stranger?"

When spoken to, he says:

"I don't know who you are, but right now I welcome anyone who comes to kill Thornroots. I'm Faorin, chieftain of the Hillhunters. Have you come across my people, traveler? Have they left anyone else alive?"
Medone sent me to rescue your people and stop the Briarheart rituals.
"Medone? Clever girl! I knew she'd find a way to escape.
We need to make sure the Thornroot clan Hagravens don't cut the hearts out of anyone else. Can you burn their Briarheart Tree? That will put a stop to this for good."
Where do I find the tree?
"Head to the highest part of Briar Rock. And watch yourself—the Hagraven matron personally tends the tree. She may try to stop you.
I'll go find Medone and get what's left of my clan out of this damned place. Good luck, outsider."

Head further into the Tower and enter the Dead Crone Overlook. As Faorin said, there is a Hagraven matron guarding it: surrounding her are the dead, which she will reanimate as you approach her. Defeat her to access the tree behind her, and burn it.

Leave the ruins, and talk to Medone for your reward:

"Thank you. Reachfolk are no strangers to feuds, but what the Thornroot clan did here was a mockery of our traditions. Strange that the punishment for their treachery came at the hands of an outlander."
Will your people be safe now?
"For the moment, aye. After we tend our wounded, I mean to talk to my father about finding our safety in the wilds. You're the reason we have that chance, and the Hillhunters will never forget it."
What will you do now?
"Time to put this place behind us. Until these troubles pass, we're best off on our own.
A Hillhunter pays her debts. Here you are, friend. As for Briar Rock, leave it to the dead."

Quest Stages[edit]

Betrayal at Briar Rock
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I agreed to help Medone by rescuing her people from the Thornroot clan. The survivors of Medone's clan are held in cages in the Briar Rock Ruins. I should free all the captives I can find.
Objective: Rescue Captives
Hidden Objective: Rescue Captives
Hidden Objective: Talk to Faorin
I have rescued all the members of Medone's clan I could find outside. They told me that their chieftain Faorin is imprisoned within the tower, I should find him.
Objective: Find Faorin
I located Chieftain Faorin in the tower at Briar Rock. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Faorin
I freed all the captured members of Medone's clan. All that remains for me is to burn down the Briarheart Tree the Thornroot clan uses for their rituals.
Objective: Burn the Briarheart Tree
I rescued Medone's people and burned the Thornroot clan's Briarheart Tree, preventing them from turning more Reachfolk into enslaved Briarhearts. I should talk to Medone before I leave the area.
Objective: Talk to Medone
Finishes quest☑ I rescued Medone's clan and punished the Thornroots by burning their Briarheart Tree. The Hillhunter Clan is safe now. I should speak with Medone to learn the fate of her clan before leaving Briar Rock.
Objective: Talk to Medone
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.