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Online:Bangkorai Quest Items

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Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Aetherius Key Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak A key found at the base of a Dwemer orrery.
ON-icon-food-Sweetmeats.png Alchemical Reagent Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone It's a vile looking piece of some kind of creature, used in alchemical experiments.
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Alchemical Supplies Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone Lady Laurent's equipment for making potions.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Bow-Breton.png Alessian Bows Martyr's Crossing Raiders_at_the_Crossing These are very well-made bows, crafted back in the days of Saint Alessia
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Alida's Pendant Basking Grounds A Handful of Stolen Dreams The sack contained the pendant described by Alida.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Altmer Blade Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations An Altmer Blade.
ON-icon-book-Generic 324.png Aminyas' Journal Sunken Road Publish or Perish Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Bloodied Bandages.png Ancient Bloodied Bandages Viridian Watch The Ravenwatch Inquiry Faint traces of blood remain on these discarded bandages.
ON-icon-quest-Asylum Earplugs.png Asylum Earplugs Razak's Wheel Madness in Bangkorai A pair of severed, mummified fingers.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Atarus's Skull Blackheart Haven Jumping Ship This small, metal skull is surprisingly heavy. It's cold to the touch, and gives off a chill aura.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Aurbis Key Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak A key pulled from the bottom of a Dwemer fountain.
ON-icon-misc-Crystal Ball.png Ayleid Relic Bisnensel The Water Stone This relic contains some of the secrets stored in these ruins by the Ayleid servants of Hermaeus Mora.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Bjoulsae Queen Key Evermore A City in Black This key opens the hold on the Bjoulsae Queen.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Blackheart's Skull Blackheart Haven Jumping Ship This small, metal skull is surprisingly heavy. It's cold to the touch, and gives off a chill aura.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Blood Pendant From Gwendis in Viridian Watch The Ravenwatch Inquiry This pendant contains a bit of Gwendis's vampiric essence.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Borzugh's Letter Torog's Spite Claim to Fame Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Briar Heart.png Briar Heart Fallen Grotto The Heart of the Beast The briar heart taken from the Reachman, Brinarch.
ON-icon-misc-Water Bucket.png Bucket of Water Damar Farmstead The Returned This sturdy bucket is full of clear, cool water.
ON-icon-armor-Hide Helmet-Imperial.png Captain Helenus's Helm Old Tower A Token Trophy This is the helmet of Imperial Captain Helenus.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Church Key Evermore The Waking Darkness The key is coated in grime and dirt.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Cipius' Orders Evermore A City in Black Use to read contents.
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Cog Mold Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak This mold looks like it fits perfectly into a Dwemer forge.
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm.png Crow's Charm Evermore Imperial Infiltration Used to summon crows on threats that need removing.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Damrina's Orders Razak's Wheel The Covenant Infiltrator Orders containing Daggerfall patrol routes.
ON-icon-quest-Exile's Weapon.png Dark Elf Blade Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations A Dark Elf Blade.
ON-icon-misc-Dwemer Gear.png Dwemer Cog Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak This is a freshly-cast Dwemer cog wheel.
ON-icon-misc-Empty Bucket.png Empty Bucket Damar Farmstead The Returned This sturdy bucket can hold a lot of water.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Forged Second Cohort Orders Old Tower Scavenging for a Scarab Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Shield.png Fragmented Arms Crypt of the Exiles Ancient Armaments in Bangkorai Scraps of rusted metal. Once part of a warrior's arms or livery, now junk. Probably not cursed.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Glenmoril Rune Northglen Beyond the Call Use this rune to destroy the Reachmen's markers in the field.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Gravestone Notes Evermore A Grave Matter Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Healing Poultice Northglen Beyond the Call Elgenie's healing poultice that both heals and grants temporary invisibility.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Healing Poultice Northglen Beyond the Call Use Elgenie's healing poultice to heal and gain temporary invisibility.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Heartwood Poultice Jackdaw Cove The Last Spriggan This is a concoction made of heartwood shards.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Heartwood Shard Jackdaw Cove The Last Spriggan This piece of heartwood was carved from a spriggan and placed into a cove lurcher.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png High King Emeric's Soul The Far Shores To Walk on Far Shores The soul of a dead king. Funny, it doesn't look special.
ON-icon-stolen-Wine.png Holy Water Pelin Graveyard The Waking Darkness A small amount of water blessed by Arkay, from Dame Valyrie. She believes using it on the blue flames will put them out.
ON-icon-stolen-Wine.png Holy Water Pelin Graveyard The Waking Darkness Water blessed by Arkay from the priest in Pelin graveyard.
ON-icon-quest-Etched Crystal.png Ice Rune Nilata Ruins To Aid the Enemy This rune is heavy and covered with frost. Use it to help the Imperial soldiers break free of the webs.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Imperial Key Hallin's Stand The Lion's Den It's the key to the grandeya's shackles, but it's not known where she's being held.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Imperial Key Onsi's Breath Rising Against Onsi's Breath This key was forged in the Cyrodilic style.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Imperial Notes Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak These notes contain vague information on three objects in Razak's Wheel that are connected to the door of Razak's Vault.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Imperial Officer's Signet Old Tower Scavenging for a Scarab This military signet ring is used to mark important documents.
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Imperial Weapons Hallin's Stand Hallin's Burden This is a collection of weapons of varying shapes and sizes.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Key to Stocks The Drowsy Owl A Thirst for Revolution It's the key to the grandeya's stockade.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Lady Laurent's Qharroa Notes Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Magical Salve Viridian Woods The Will of the Woods This salve was created by Stenwick to wake Princess Elara.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 03.png Makela Leki's Memory Stone Crypt of the Exiles A Favor Between Kings This is the memory stone of the Redguard hero, Makela Leki.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Mastery of Devotion Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Mastery of Discipline Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Mastery of Sacrifice Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Mastery of Wisdom Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-book-Generic 324.png Morgaulle Dechery's Journal Sunken Road Publish or Perish Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Mundus Key Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak A key taken from the face of a Dwemer anvil.
ON-icon-misc-Blue Dust.png Mysterious Essence Halcyon Lake Mistress of the Lake This is one of the essences the wisps are transporting in the ruins below Halcyon Lake.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Nyronie's Heart Fallen Grotto The Heart of the Beast Nyronie's still-beating heart is needed for the Wyrd to speak with Hircine.
ON-icon-quest-Gray Host Sigil.png Odd Signet Viridian Watch The Ravenwatch Inquiry A strange signet that shows no signs of decay or wear.
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Orc Blade Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations An Orcish Blade.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Orders from a Knightly Order Crypt of the Exiles A Favor Between Kings These are the orders to the Knights of Saint Pelin from the Knight-Commander.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Orders from the Duke Evermore Imperial Infiltration These are orders from Duke Renchant to Guard Captain Hjurrun
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Paralyzing Powder Mages Guild (Hallin's Stand) A Thirst for Revolution It's a fine grained powder that supposedly is a powerful paralyzing agent.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Pharik's Wedding Ring Basking Grounds A Handful of Stolen Dreams Pharik's wedding ring, a memento of his wife, came from a Redguard lockbox in the Imperial camp.
ON-icon-quest-Bark 01.png Pure Heartwood Poultice Jackdaw Cove The Last Spriggan This is a concoction made of pure heartwood shards.
ON-icon-quest-Bark 01.png Pure Heartwood Shard Jackdaw Cove The Last Spriggan This piece of heartwood is still pure.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Redguard Blade Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations A Redguard Blade.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Request Just outside Bangkorai Garrison Report to Evermore A request for more soldiers at Bangkorai Garrison
ON-icon-quest-Madman's Chalice.png Ritual Chalice Viridian Watch The Ravenwatch Inquiry An ancient chalice. The rim is covered in dried, dark blood.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Ritual Dagger Fallen Grotto The Heart of the Beast This is a ritual dagger of the Glenmoril Wyrd.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Ritual Dagger Fallen Grotto The Heart of the Beast Use the ritual dagger to removed Nyronie's heart.
ON-icon-armor-Jerkin-Akaviri.png Robes Kerbol's Hollow Freedom's Chains The robes are long and hooded.
ON-icon-armor-Jerkin-Akaviri.png Robes Kerbol's Hollow Freedom's Chains Use these robes as a disguise.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 05.png Rune of Transit Arlimahera's Grip We Live In Fear A small stone tablet engraved with ancient Yokudan sigils.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Dagger-Redguard.png Salma's Dagger Basking Grounds A Handful of Stolen Dreams The small Redguard dagger, sharp enough to cut through leather, is etched with Salma's name.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Second Cohort Orders Old Tower Scavenging for a Scarab Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Florets.png Spriggan Bud Viridian Woods The Will of the Woods A cluster of living blossoms from a spriggan spirit.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Stoneflesh Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone This bottle contains Lady Laurent's newest alchemical adventure: a potion that turns the imbiber to stone.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Stoneflesh Antidote Samples Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone These are several untested antidotes for Lady Laurent's stoneflesh potion.
ON-icon-head-Redguard Male.png Strastnoc's Head Strastnoc's Landing A City in Black This is the head of the Reachmen leader I killed at the lighthouse.
ON-icon-stolen-Rune Chunk.png Talisman Nilata Ruins A Marriage in Ruins This talisman is warm to the touch and etched with strange runes. Use this trinket on the Daedra's prisoners to disrupt the ritual.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png The Mage's Cipher Evermore A Grave Matter Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm.png The Sentinel's Amulet Viridian The Will of the Woods This strange talisman belongs to Stenwick Gurles, the Sentinel of the Viridian Woods.
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm.png The Sentinel's Amulet Viridian The Will of the Woods This strange talisman belongs to Stenwick Gurles. It's charged with what's left of his life force, and that of the Viridian Sentinel.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Thorzhul's Letter Torog's Spite Claim to Fame Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Uela's Heart Jackdaw Cove Heart of Evil The heart of the Hagraven, Uela.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Urenenya's Soul Gem Klathzgar Urenenya's Lament This is the soul gem in which Klathzgar trapped Urenenya's soul.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Vindication for the Dragon Break Rubble Butte Back in Time This history book contains near-incoherent ravings of the Maruhkati fanatics.
ON-icon-misc-Water Bucket.png Water Bucket Murcien's Hamlet The Charge of Evermore This bucket is full of water.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear White.png Water Stone Bisnensel The Water Stone This water stone is a powerful device capable of creating an endless supply of water.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Wrapped Imperial Weapons Hallin's Stand Hallin's Burden This is a collection of weapons of varying shapes and sizes. It's disguised in some foul smelling burlap.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Yumaref's Promissory Note Basking Grounds A Handful of Stolen Dreams This scroll is a promissory note for land in Elsweyr, signed by Yumaref.