Argonian Resistance increases your Maximum Health, and gives you resistance to Disease and Poison damage.
- Prior to Update 21, this ability had a percentage-based Health bonus rather than flat values, and also gave resistance and immunity to Poison Damage. This update removed the Poison resistance and immunity, but increased the Disease resistance.
- In Update 29, immunity to the Diseased status effect was removed, and Poison resistance was returned to this skill.
Patch Notes[edit]
- Increased the maximum health bonus from this passive to 2/4/6 from 1/2/3.
- Increased the maximum health bonus from this passive ability to 3/6/9% at Ranks I/II/III from 2/4/6%.
- Updated this ability's tooltip to indicate it grants immunity to the Poisoned and Diseased status effects.
- Gain 9% Max Health and 1485 Poison and Disease Resistance → Increases your Max Health by 1000 and your Disease Resistance by 2310. You are immune to the Diseased status effect.
- This passive no longer grants immunity to the Diseased status effect, and once again grants an equal amount of Poison Resistance.