Oblivion Mod:Order of the Dragon/Skooma Dream

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Skooma Dream
# of Zones 0
Console Location Code(s)
Unique worldspace

The Skooma Dream is a series of locations in their own worldspaces. Since each is small, they're all listed here. The Skooma Dream is accessible only by smoking skooma at the House of Dreams in Kathar (Note: there are two other skooma dens called the House of the Moon in the Arena and Kazbai where people smoke skooma, but these won't get you to the Skooma Dream). In each dream you awaken on a bed; you have to find the exit to escape the dream.

Quests Starting Here[edit]

Zone 1: The Forest[edit]

You start on the bed in a small cottage. Go outside, and you'll find yourself in a wooded valley filled with butterflies. The exit is a small cave opening on the far side of the valley.

Zone 2: The Dead Swamp[edit]

In this dream, you appear in front of the door to an old house at one end of a small swamp. There is no exit here, but a timer runs; after it hits 0 (about 60 seconds), you'll be brought back.

Zone 3: The Bridge[edit]

You appear in what appears to be an Oblivion realm, at one end of a really long bridge. At the midpoint, you'll see a daedroth, but be careful—it casts a push spell on you that could throw you off the bridge. If you kill it, proceed onward to the other end, where you'll find an Ascension Call (a daedric lift). Follow the path until you come to the broken bridge. There's no easy way across here—you'll either have to jump, scale the cliff, or cheat. The portal is at the other end, accessible by a shallow set of stairs.

Zone 4: Prison of Insanity[edit]

The name says it all. You appear in the middle of a "room" in a dungeon like those below the Imperial City. The catch here is that there are dozens of identical "rooms"; each door leads to another door, and some of the "rooms" have trigger zones that randomly teleport you to another "room". The exit is a large Ayleid door in the wall which is labeled "exit door" but it's not actually an exit. The only way to leave here is to wait until the timer runs out—3 minutes.

Zone 5: Mushrooms[edit]

This dream is a valley filled with gigantic mushrooms. The entrance and exit aren't that far apart—you appear through a cleft in the rock, and the exit is out in plain sight.

Zone 6: Ghost Village[edit]

See Ghost Village for more details.

Zone 7: The Endless Halls[edit]

This dream is nothing but a series of daedric halls with no exit. As with the Swamp, a timer will bring you back after 90 seconds.

Zone 8: Chorrol[edit]

This dream has two places where you can appear and exit. It takes place in an alternate Chorrol, one that was destroyed by a Daedric Siege Crawler. The chapel is intact (this is one place where you can enter/leave), but the rest of the city is either in ruins or cut off. There's an Oblivion gate nearby; go through this, and you'll appear near a daedric tower. The other entrance/exit is in the bottom of the tower.

Zone 9: The Giant House[edit]

This is, as the name suggests, a house where everything is built to monstrous proportions. You start in an Ayleid cage on a counter. You can either jump down or find the ladder behind the statue on the counter, which enables a less painful descent. There are various doors here, but the exit is located downstairs, to the left of the fireplace.

Zone 10: The Graveyard[edit]

You start at the end of a long winding valley filled with tombstones and undead. Make your way to the far end, where you'll find a crypt.

Zone 11: The Maze[edit]

This zone is perhaps the deadliest of all the dreams; you have to jump between narrow ledges and platforms, where a misstep spells death. In addition, there are dart traps randomly placed around the level.

Zone 12: The Castle[edit]

You start in a well-lit room with dozens of low plinths in rows. The exit portal is right next to you, but in order to make it appear, you have to activate three pedestals. These are tall bright green stones named "Runestone". One is behind you when you enter; another is in an alcove in the passage leading down; and the third is at the very bottom. Since there are no creatures here, you can take your time looking.

Zone 13: The Steps[edit]

This is a small area consisting of dozens of free-floating cubes in two separate spirals. You start at the top of the lower spiral and have to make your way down to the bottom. A portal there leads to the bottom of the upper spiral; from there, you have to go up to the exit. Warning: The cube right before the ladder has a grate with a dart trap beneath it.