Morrowind:Marsus Tullius

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Quests: not written

Services: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by Dillonn241

Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar, checked by Dillonn241

House Contents: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by Dillonn241

Unique Dialogue: written by Gavrilo93, checked by Dillonn241

Spells: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by Dillonn241
Marsus Tullius (marsus tullius)
Location Molag Amur Region, [11,2] (map)
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 5 Class Trader
Other Information
Health 68 Magicka 92
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Marsus Tullius

Marsus Tullius is an Imperial trader located in the wilderness northwest of the Erabenimsun Camp. He is the son of Stentus Tullius in Tel Aruhn.

He is wearing an expensive shirt with matching pants, shoes, and belt. Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.

Marsus had a run-in with some Ashlanders who took his guar hides.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Greetings:
  • "Take care, %PCRace, there are thieving Ashlanders about. A couple of them just robbed me of my guar hide shipment bound for Tel Aruhn."

  • guar hide shipment:
  • "They would be easy enough to recognize as mine. I made sure to put my stamp on them immediately."
  • "You found them? Well, go get them back for me!"
  • "Oh, my. I didn't realize...I just figured it was a herd of wild guar. Well, no danger of me heading back that way. I've no desire to make any more enemies with those folk. Thanks for your help. Make sure you visit my father, Stents [sic] Tullius, in Tel Aruhn. I'll make sure to send word ahead about what a help you were to me. I'm sure he'll reward you well."
  • "Thanks for your help. Don't know what I would have done without this shipment. Would have taken quite a loss. Make sure you visit my father, Stentus Tullius, in Tel Aruhn. I'll make sure to send word ahead about what a help you were to me. I'm sure he'll reward you well."
  • "You've already got my hides? Amazing! Thanks for your help. Don't know what I would have done without this shipment. Would have taken quite a loss. Make sure you visit my father, Stentus Tullius, in Tel Aruhn. I'll make sure to send word ahead about what a help you were to me. I'm sure he'll reward you well."
  • "They were from the Erabenimsun herds? I had no idea! I hope you sent my apologies, friend. I have no quarrel with those people, and I do not wish one. I suppose I'll have to find some other guar, then. I'd tell you to visit my father for your reward, but he was the one paying for this trip. Without those hides, I don't think he'll be able to pay you. Thank you again."
  • "Well, now that it's all resolved, I'd best get on my way."
  • thieving Ashlanders:
  • "Yeah, a couple of them jumped me and took my hides. I didn't even see them coming. Sneaky, those Ashlanders are. If you can get them back for me, I'd really appreciate it. Figure you might know this area a little better than I do. If you can get them back, my father in Tel Aruhn will pay you well for your trouble, I swear it."
  • I'll help you recover your hides. "Excellent! Took me forever to hunt down those hides in the first place. Luckily, I found a good sized herd not too far south of here. I'd really appreciate you getting them back so I can make my guar hide shipment."
  • Sorry. You'll have to find them yourself. "Well, can't say I blame you much. It's gotta be pretty tough to track down a couple of Ashlanders out here. They're tough bastards, I'll give them that."'
  • "Maybe I'll run across them again one day. Then I'll be ready for them."
  • "I understand you're not going to help. Now please, let me think about how I'll make up the money."