Morrowind:Ald Velothi Outpost

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Ald Velothi Outpost
(view on map)
Proprietor Sedam Omalen
Console Location Code(s)
Ald Velothi, Outpost
Ald Velothi, [-11,15]
The Ald Velothi Outpost

The Ald Velothi Outpost is a tradehouse and the center for all commerce in Ald Velothi.

Top floor trade area

Above ground, the outpost consists of two buildings: one is a tower topped with a viewing platform, and the other is a typically-rounded Redoran hut. The door at the base of the tower leads into a small storage room filled with crates that also has a ladder leading out to the platform above. A staircase leads underground into a sleeping area filled with bunk beds and storage chests. The other external door leads the main commercial area, where shelves-full of stock show off the wares on sale. A staircase here leads down into a small chapel, with a small Temple shrine and a shelf full of religious books. The two areas are linked by a short passage.

None of the items on display are particularly valuable, and everything is owned by either Sedam Omalen or Theldyn Virith so thieves must beware.

Related Quests[edit]

House Redoran[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Lauravenya Female Dark Elf Mage Service Imperial Cult Novice(Novice) 9 69 128 100 30 Trainer
Sedam Omalen Male Dark Elf Trader Service House Redoran Oathman(Oathman) 10 99 108 100 30 Merchant
Trivura Arenim Female Dark Elf Trader Service House Redoran Hireling(Hireling) 5 54 112 100 30 Merchant
Theldyn Virith Male Dark Elf Scout House Redoran Kinsman(Kinsman) 14 143 108 100 30 Trainer
