Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Ugly Love

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Track down an Orc mercenary's missing wife.
Quest Giver: Dumrag gro-Morrg
Location(s): Bruma, Gautierre Manor
Reward: Leveled gold
ID: CYRBrumaMS05
An awkward family reunion

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Dumrag gro-Morrg about his missing wife.
  2. Gather evidence on Dumrag's failed mission and Atul's kidnapping from the nobles at Castle Bruma.
  3. Find Simund Gautierre's journal and incriminate him.
  4. Travel to Gautierre Manor to look for Atul.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Atul, Abducted[edit]

In The Restful Watchman inn you'll find a surly Orc mumbling something about a job gone wrong. If you inquire, he'll explain he's a mercenary and about a year before he'd been hired along with his wife Atul by a Bruma noble to clear out some bandits from a cave. Once there though, they'd been ambushed and taken captive; he was left for dead but his wife was abducted. He then asks for your help in tracking down his missing spouse, and suggests you start by questioning nobles in the castle.

Courting Intrigue[edit]

Dumrag points you in the direction of four nobles: Afanna Eddici, Rignar the steward, Simund Gautierre and Sinja Strong-Mind. To unlock the most information, talk to the steward first, who after some persuasion will check his expenses records for any mercenary contracts. He notes there is one under Afanna's name but also recalls Simund Gautierre hired some mercenaries, and remarks on how strange it is this wasn't recorded. Find Sinja next and she tells you she spearheaded one bandit-clearing operation herself but mentions another she can't quite recall. Speak to Simund next; his dismissive attitude and shifty response when you bring up Sinja's second operation rings some alarm bells.

My Love for a Journal[edit]

Finally, track down Afanna and question her about a raid organized by Simund. She admits to having seen something in his journal - it turns out Afanna is smitten by Simund and has been sneaking into his quarters regularly. You have a number of options now to get your hands on the journal. Afanna will offer up the key to Simund's quarters if you'll agree to leave a love letter in his drawer. Make your way to Simund's quarters in the castle's Guest Wing, unlock the door and take the journal from his writing table. You don't have to leave the letter, and Afanna will still reward you with leveled gold (see below) even if you lie about having made the drop.

Alternatively, you can offer her 500 gold to retrieve the journal herself. She will initially refuse but will change her mind if you successfully persuade or intimidate her, or if you up your offer to 1,000 gold. In this case, she'll rush off to Simund's quarters and deliver the journal to you in the castle's Great Hall.

Settling it the Orc Way or Not?[edit]

The journal makes clear that Simund is involved, and points to him being smitten with Atul. Return to Dumrag and decide who you will implicate. Choosing Afanna or Svinja will launch him in a frenzy: he will rush to the castle, battle-axe in hand, before assaulting the implicated noblewoman and then dying under the blows of the castle guards. If you instead finger Simund and show Dumrag the diary, he will ask you to visit the noble's country house for any clues.

The manor can be reached by taking the trail heading east from Dragonclaw Rock. The guard outside will attack on sight, dispatch him and make your way inside, where you'll find a second aggressive guard. Head upstairs and turn right into Gautierre's study. On the writing table is a letter from Simund to a bandit chief, offering a second payment for the "very expedient transport" of the "Orc received". Bring back this incriminating evidence to Dumrag and he'll ask you to accompany him back to the manor to rescue his wife.

The Beauty and the Beast[edit]

Once inside, Dumrag will inspect both floors before noting a barrel covering a trapdoor to the basement; smash it with your weapon and follow him inside. In the basement you find a lavishly furnished bedroom, currently occupied by Atul and Gautierre. Dumrag confronts the pair, and Simund explains Atul loves him now and demands you leave. Heart-breakingly, Atul appears to agree with Simund. At this point, Dumrag turns to you for advice and you are presented with three choices:

  • Tell Dumrag to accept reality and leave them be. He will dejectedly agree and leave the house. Atul will subsequently be found in the manor, sleeping most of the time and refusing to speak with you.
  • Encourage him to take his revenge upon Gautierre. Despite Atul's attempts to stop him, Dumrag will strike down the Breton with his battle-axe. Atul will then flee, with Dumrag chasing after her.
  • Decline to take a stance on the issue. An enraged Dumrag will swiftly dispatch both lovers, before rushing off horrified at his own actions.

In each of the three cases, Dumrag will reward you with some leveled gold (see below) before storming off.

Levels Afanna Dumrag
1–9 250 500
10–19 400 750
20–29 500 1,000
30–39 600 1,250
40+ 750 1,500


Dumrag fighting off some ogres after the quest
  • If you point the finger at Afanna or Sinja, Dumrag will have a brief conversation with them before striking them down. If there are no guards in the immediate vicinity, which is particularly possible during the night hours, then there will be no follow-up fight between them and Dumrag. This leaves the Orc loitering in the middle of the hall indefinitely. ?


  • After the quest, if Dumrag has killed Simund but spared Atul, you may come across him fighting two ogres in the wilderness. If you help him defeat them, he will confess that Atul ran away again and that he's made his peace with it. Instead, he offers to follow you in your adventures.
  • If instead Dumrag killed both, he will flee in despair once he realizes what he has done. You may later come across him in the wilderness, beset by suicidal thoughts, where he will ask you to finish him.
  • If, after having read Simund's journal, you confront Afanna with the possibility that he is guilty, she will be enraged. You won't be able to speak to her after this, which means you may be unable to claim your reward for leaving the letter in his chambers.

Quest Stages[edit]

Ugly Love (CYRBrumaMS05)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Dumrag gro-Morrg, an Orc mercenary, hired me to investigate the kidnapping of his wife. He was hired by a Bruma noble via the steward, but believes that the noble set him and his wife up to be ambushed. He asked me to question the nobles in the castle. Once I'm confident I know who is responsible, I should return to Dumrag and make my accusation.
Objective 10: Gather information from nobles at Castle Bruma, then tell Dumrag who you believe is responsible
Objective 35: (Optional) Investigate Simund Gautierre's quarters
Objective 36: (Optional) Leave Afanna's note in Simund Gautierre's drawer
50 I've accused Sinja Strong-Mind or Afanna Eddici of the betrayal of Dumrag and his wife and the kidnapping of the latter. Dumrag is enraged and has marched into the castle, determined to settle this "the Orc way". I should follow him and see what happens.
Objective 50: Go with Dumrag to the castle as he confronts Sinja Strong-Mind or Afanna Eddici
100 I've accused Sinja Strong-Mind or Afanna Eddici of the betrayal of Dumrag and his wife and the kidnapping of the latter. Dumrag is enraged and has marched into the castle, determined to settle this "the Orc way". Enraged, Dumrag killed the noble and was soon himself put down by the castle guards. The fate of Dumrag's wife Atul is unknown.
110 Dumrag wants me to find conclusive evidence of Simund Gautierre's involvement in the plot, as he doesn't believe that a Breton such as Gautierre would be capable of such an act. He's sent me to Simund's manor in the Jeralls to find this evidence. I should head there and begin my search.
Objective 110: Search Simund's house for evidence
120 Searching Gautierre's manor in the Jeralls, I found what appears to be conclusive proof of Simund's involvement in the betrayal. I should return this evidence to Dumrag.
Objective 120: Return the letter to Dumrag
130 After returning the evidence to Dumrag, he's convinced that Simund Gautierre is the culprit. We are headed to Simund's house to search for any traces of the perpetrator or Dumrag's wife.
140 After returning the evidence to Dumrag, he's convinced that Simund Gautierre is the culprit. We entered Simund's house to search for any traces of the perpetrator or Dumrag's wife.
Objective 130: Search Simund's house for traces of Dumrag's wife
Objective 131: Destroy the barrel
170 After returning the evidence to Dumrag, he's convinced that Simund Gautierre is the culprit. We headed to Simund's house to search for any traces of the perpetrator or Dumrag's wife. Eventually we found them hiding in the basement.
190 After returning the evidence to Dumrag, he's convinced that Simund Gautierre is the culprit. We headed to Simund's house to search for any traces of the perpetrator or Dumrag's wife. Eventually we found them hiding in the basement. Dumrag ended up killing Simund in cold blood.
200 After returning the evidence to Dumrag, he's convinced that Simund Gautierre is the culprit. We headed to Simund's house to search for any traces of the perpetrator or Dumrag's wife. Eventually we found them hiding in the basement. Dumrag ended up killing both Simund and Atul out of rage.
210 Finishes quest☑
220 Finishes quest☑
300 Fails quest☒ Dumrag gro-Morrg, an Orc mercenary, hired me to investigate the kidnapping of his wife. He was hired by a Bruma noble via the steward, but believes that the noble set him and his wife up to be ambushed. He asked me to question the nobles in the castle. As Dumrag is dead, I have no reason to continue investigating this matter.
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 5, 9, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 30, 34, 40, 150, 160, 180.
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage CYRBrumaMS05 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest CYRBrumaMS05.