Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Unique Items

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This page lists all Unique Items added by the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil mod. These are items found in fixed locations and are further divided into separate groupings for unique weapons, unique armor, unique jewelry, and a final group for all other unique items. Some of these items can be improved through smithing. Improving enchanted items requires the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

Unique Weapons[edit]

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Damage Enchantment Notes
BS5C-icon-weapon-AyleidDagger.png Ayleid Dagger
1 Hand Dagger Meteoric Iron Ingot;
Perk: None
3.5 55 11 Absorb 5 points of health.
  • Absorb Health, 5 pts
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 500/18=27
  • Disenchant: Yes
BS5C-icon-weapon-BewitchingNodachi.png Bewitching Nodachi
2 Hand Greatsword Daedra Heart;
Perk: Daedric
18 2000 20 Reanimate on Hit
  • Reanimate, 40 pts for 180 secs
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 2000/175=11
  • Disenchant: Yes
SR-icon-weapon-ImperialSword.png Blade of Larrius Varro
1 Hand Sword Steel Ingot;
Perk: Steel
10 23 8 Hard Justice
SR-icon-weapon-EbonySword.png Blade of Prepotence
1 Hand Sword Ebony Ingot;
Perk: Ebony
15 1 9 Causes your target to shrink, making them supremely weak.
  • Damage to self, 90 pts for 10 secs
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 500/169=3
  • Disenchant: No
SR-icon-weapon-ImperialSword.png Clasomo's Stormblade
1 Hand Sword Steel Ingot;
Perk: None
10 80 8 Target takes 10 points of shock damage, and half as much Magicka damage.
  • Shock Damage, 10 pts
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 2000/14=142
  • Disenchant: Yes
SR-icon-weapon-Akaviri Sword.png Glenroy's Empowered Akaviri Katana
1 Hand Sword Quicksilver Ingot;
Perk: Advanced
10 400 11 Deals 10 points of fire damage and 10 extra points of damage against dragons.
  • Fire Damage, 10 pts
  • Does 2x damage to Dragons
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 1000/11=90
  • Disenchant: No
BS5C-icon-weapon-Hvitbrand(imbued).png Hvitbrand
1 Hand Sword Steel Ingot;
Perk: Steel
10 2000 11 Fury of the Akaviri
  • Frost Damage, 2 pts for 8 secs
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 1000/0=Infinite
  • Disenchant: No
BS5C-icon-weapon-Hvitbrand(imbued).png Hvitbrand (imbued)
1 Hand Sword Steel Ingot;
Perk: Steel
10 3000 11 Imbued Fury of the Akaviri
  • Frost Damage, 2 pts for 8 secs
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 1000/2=500
  • Disenchant: No
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronSword.png Iron Sword of Epic Win
1 Hand Sword Iron Ingot;
Perk: None
9 25 6 Kill your enemies epic win style.
  • Shock Damage, 20 pts
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 1000/30=33
  • Disenchant: Yes
BS5C-icon-weapon-SteelMace.png Pilgrim's Cudgel
1 Hand Mace Steel Ingot;
Perk: Steel
15 325 11 Weapon enchanted for the Pilgrim of the Everflow Ewer. Deals fire damage and banishes daedra.
  • Fire Damage, 25 pts
  • Banish, level 25
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 1200/341=3
  • Disenchant: Yes
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronClub.png Prized Iron Club
1 Hand Club Iron Ingot;
Perk: None
16 50 8 Does 15 points of Stamina damage.
  • Damage Stamina, 15 pts
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 1300/29=44
  • Disenchant: Yes
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordWarAxe.png Rilja's Sharpened Nord War Axe
1 Hand War Axe Steel Ingot;
Perk: Steel
16 27 16 Rilja's beloved war axe. Very sharp, deals slightly more damage.
BS5C-icon-weapon-SteelWarhammer.png Thorina's Warhammer
2 Hand Warhammer N/A 40 100 22 The warhammer wielded by Thorina, leader of the Cutters. Its incredible weight disorients those hit by it, causing enemies up to level 25 to become frenzied for 30 seconds.
  • Frenzy, 25 pts for 30 secs
  • Charge/Cost = Uses: 5000/323=15
  • Disenchant: Yes

Unique Armor[edit]

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Armor Rating Enchantment Notes
BS5C-icon-armor-BootsofMishaxhi.png Boots of Mishaxhi
Heavy Boots Steel Ingot;
Perk: Steel
10 215 15 None
BS5C-icon-armor-ChampionsKvatchCuirass.png Champion's Kvatch Cuirass
Light Armor Leather;
Perk: Steel
6 200 23 None
BS5C-icon-armor-MithrilHelmet.png Garridan's Mithril Helmet
Light Helmet Quicksilver Ingot;
Perk: Advanced
2 500 13 Permanent light effect.
  • Light, 20 pts permanently
  • Disenchant: No
SR-icon-jewelry-The Gauldur Amulet Bottom.png Steinulf's Protective Amulet Light Armor 3 Gold Ingots
2 Leather Strips;
Perk: Steel
1.5 200 5 Increases resistances to all elements by 20% and resistance to Poison and Disease by 30%.

Unique Jewelry[edit]

Name (ID) Type Weight Value Enchantment Notes
SR-icon-jewelry-SilverNecklace.png Dumrag's Necklace
Amulet 0.5 400 None
SR-icon-jewelry-SilverRubyRing.png Engraved Ring of Healing
Ring 0.25 100 Health regenerates 20% faster.

Other Unique Items[edit]

Name (ID) Type Weight Value Notes
SR-icon-misc-Emerald.png Cerendil's Leftover Memory-Gem
Gem 0.1 300
SR-icon-misc-Quill.png Quill of Superior Writing
Clutter 0.1 10