Better Cities:Gold Horse Courier Service

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BC4-qico-Gold Horse Courier.png
Advance through the ranks of the Gold Horse Courier Service by delivering packages.
Quest Giver: Cherilp Goldhorn in the Gold Horse Courier Office in the Waterfront Tunnel, Imperial City
Location(s): Various cities
Reward: Weekly payment
ID: BANGHCGoldHorseRanks

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Become a Gold Horse Courier.
  2. Deliver 24 local packages.
  3. Deliver 16 inter-city packages.
  4. Deliver 8 rural packages.
  5. Make 6 special deliveries.
  6. Perform a special delivery for Goldhorn.
  7. Perform another special delivery for Goldhorn.
  8. Go to Anvil Gold Horse Courier Office.
  9. Side with Goldhorn or Lavasir.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Become a Courier[edit]

You can get this quest one of two ways: Either by hearing a rumour about the Service, or by simply stopping by any branch office and talking to the manager about becoming a courier. Either way, you'll be directed to the Imperial City to talk to the owner, Cherilp Goldhorn. He works in the office in the Waterfront Tunnel. He'll give you a book with all the rules and regulations and set you to work delivering local packages.

Deliver 24 Local Packages[edit]

Delivering local packages is easy - simply go to any branch office (including the one in the Imperial City) and click on that city's name on the board. You'll receive a journal update with the recipient's name and location, though the person may not be there. If you find the person in question, talk to him or her and choose the "Delivery" topic; he or she will thank you and give you a tip, and the quest will be "completed". Note that this is a repeatable quest - you can do it as many times as you wish, any time you want (assuming the office is open), simply by picking up another package. If you can't find the person in question or do not wish to deliver the package, return to the office and talk to the manager; he'll take the package from you, and the quest will be "completed" as above.

Each city has its own quest (the links will take you to the specific quest entry):

Deliver 16 Inter-City Packages[edit]

Once you've delivered 24 local packages, you'll get another journal update telling you to go talk to Goldhorn for advancement. He'll expand your duties - you can now deliver packages between cities. This is basically the same as above, except that you can choose any city, instead of the one you're in. See Gold Horse City to City Deliveries for more details. You can continue to make local deliveries if you wish, but these will not count towards your next promotion.

Deliver 8 Rural Packages[edit]

When you've accomplished 16 inter-city deliveries, talk to Goldhorn again, and he'll set you up with rural deliveries. These consist of taking packages to various inns around Cyrodiil. See Gold Horse Rural Deliveries for more details. You can continue to make local and inter-city deliveries if you wish, but these will not count towards your next promotion.

Make 6 Special Deliveries[edit]

After completing 8 rural deliveries, Goldhorn will once again promote you and give you a special task - dropping packages in empty crates at specific locations. These locations are:

You can continue to make local, inter-city and rural deliveries if you wish, but these will not count towards your next promotion.

Perform a Special Delivery for Goldhorn[edit]

After all this, you've finally become a full courier - congratulations! Goldhorn now has a special mission for you - you are to head to the Morrowind border and pick up a package there. The exact location is out in the middle of nowhere (cell 46, 10) - it's northwest of Hame, over the mountains and very near the border. If you're using Unique Landscapes: Eastern Peaks, the spot is right near the Lost Monastery; if you use Integration: The Stranded Light, it's near Mir Corrup. Unfortunately, the Imperial Legion is lying in wait. Once you get the package from your contact, Dedave, they'll attack and kill him.

Escape and make your way to the Valenwood border, to deliver the package to a Khajiit named J'Dar. This location is easier to find (cell -42, -14) - it's near the island south-east of Anvil, at the mouth of the Strid River. If you're using Reclaim Sancre Tor, the town of Cape Town is located there; if you have Unique Landscapes: Cliffs of Anvil, it's in the village of Tathra. Once again, you'll be ambushed; this time it's by J'Dar's friends. If you survive, make your way back to Goldhorn and talk to him.

He'll tell you that he thinks there's a spy in the organization. While he finds out who it is, he wants you to pick up packages from the Bruma and Anvil branches and bring them to him. Once you do that, he'll act a little odd and tell you to take the packages to Anvil.

Go to Anvil[edit]

When you get there, you'll find Lavasir missing and the candles burned out. Something's obviously wrong, so take a look around. On the delivery board, you'll find a broadsheet tacked up crookedly. When you examine it, you'll get another journal entry, at which time you should return to the main branch in the Imperial City.

Side with Goldhorn or Lavasir[edit]

Goldhorn is nowhere in evidence, but there's a trail of blood leading to the basement door. Down below, you'll find Goldhorn and a paralysed Lavasir; Goldhorn is about to bury Lavasir alive. It turns out that Goldhorn has been using the Courier Service to smuggle illegal artifacts, and Lavasir found out about it and was gathering evidence to report him to the Imperial Legion. Now you have a choice: side with Goldhorn, or save Lavasir. If you choose the former, you help kill Lavasir and cover everything up. Goldhorn keeps his side business running, and he cuts you in on the profits with a weekly payment; you can continue to make deliveries if you wish. If you choose the latter, you attack and kill Goldhorn. Lavasir takes over as manager of the organization and makes you the owner. As owner, you gain a weekly stipend and can continue to make deliveries if you wish.

Journal Entries[edit]

Gold Horse Courier Service (BANGHCGoldHorseRanks)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 I remember hearing that the Gold Horse Courier Service is hiring new couriers. I should go to one of the branches in any city to get more information.
10 I need to speak to Cherilp Godhorn, the owner and operator of Gold Horse Couriers, if I want to become a courier. He lives in the Imperial City Branch at the Waterfront District.
20 I've spoken to Mr. Goldhorn and he has agreed to give me the job. Unfortunately, I'm relegated to delivering only local packages. He says if I deliver at least twenty-four packages, I can start delivering packages across Cyrodiil. Boards are in every branch - to get a delivery all I need to do is grab a delivery from one.
25 I delivered twenty-four local packages. I should go talk to Goldhorn to get permission to deliver packages to other cities.
30 Goldhorn has agreed to let me deliver packages between cities. He mentioned that if I deliver sixteen inter-city packages, he might have a new task for me.
35 I have delivered sixteen packages between cities. I should go talk to Goldhorn again.
40 I talked to Goldhorn. He says I can now deliver supplies to inns and villages across Cyrodiil. He said if I deliver eight of them, he should have yet another task for me.
45 Finally! I delivered enough supplies to earn a promotion. I should go see Goldhorn the next chance I get.
50 Goldhorn promoted me to delivering some special packages for him. He said he has about six deliveries that need to be made and when I make them he can promote me and give me some new tasks.
51 Goldhorn wants me to drop a package off at Fort Empire. I should find a crate outside near the entrance. I need to place the package in it. Once delivered I must return to Goldhorn.
52 Goldhorn wants me to drop a package off at Fort Irony. I should find a crate outside near the entrance. I need to place the package in it. Once delivered I must return to Goldhorn.
53 Goldhorn wants me to drop a package off at Nornal, an Ayleid ruin. I should find a crate outside near the entrance. I need to place the package in it. Once delivered I must return to Goldhorn.
54 Goldhorn wants me to drop a package off at Ninendava, an Ayleid ruin. I should find a crate outside near the entrance. I need to place the package in it. Once delivered I must return to Goldhorn.
55 Goldhorn has given me another special delivery. This time I need to deliver it to a man in Chorrol. I should look for him outside Fire and Steel. Once delivered I must return to Goldhorn.
56 Goldhorn has given me another special delivery. I need to deliver it to an Argonian in Leyawiin in the Mermaid Inn. Once delivered I must return to Goldhorn.
57 Cherilp promoted me to full courier and is expecting me to pick up a package at the Morrowind Border.
58 I picked up the package from the man, but we were ambushed by some Imperial Legionnaires. They attacked and killed the contact Dedave. I should continue the delivery. I need to deliver the package to a Khajiit at the Valenwood Border.
59 Once again I was ambushed at the drop-off point. This time by friends of the Khajiit. Apparently, they didn't want to pay for the goods I was delivering. I should take this package back to Goldhorn and see what he says then.
60 Goldhorn believes we have a spy inside the delivery system. While he figures out who it might be, he wants me to get another package from the manager in Bruma. Then, I'm to travel to Anvil, and pick up another package from the manager there.
61 I have both packages. I should deliver them to Goldhorn.
62 Goldhorn acted very strange when I talked to him. Something is going on. I should do as he says, and deliver the package to the Anvil Branch.
63 I found Lavasir missing and the candles burned out at the Anvil Branch. I should look around for any clues to where Lavasir may be.
65 Someone scrawled hastily the words 'GOLDHORN IC' on the broadsheet. Something has happened to Lavasir, and apparently Goldhorn has something to do with it. Goldhorn marked the sender of the package as Lavasir. Opening the package revealed some highly illegal artifacts from Morrowind.
70 I found Cherilp Goldhorn in the basement with Lavasir on the floor paralyzed and I overheard their last conversation. It sounded as though Lavasir helped Goldhorn cover something up a while back. Goldhorn used some sort of artifact to paralyze Lavasir. Apparently, he's going to bury him alive. I should confront him!
75 I helped bury Lavasir and helped clean everything up. I should talk to Goldhorn when I get a chance.
76 Finishes quest☑ I shouldn't have to worry about anything, because Cherilp will bring in another worker to manage Anvil. Cherilp said he will sell Lavasir's illegal artifacts (I assume he's talking about keeping his side-business running) and give me some of the profit each week, which I can retrieve from the chest in the Imperial City Branch. Goldhorn has promoted me to what he calls 'Manager of Quality Control.' And, as Manager of Quality Control, I can still deliver packages as usual.
79 I wouldn't help Goldhorn and had to kill him. I should speak to Lavasir. The paralyze spell must have worn off when the artifact failed to work.
80 Goldhorn has been smuggling goods through his business. Lavasir had informed the Royal Guard, who were in the process of bringing up charges on Goldhorn. Goldhorn found out about it, and attacked Lavasir. Luckily, I was there to take action and save Lavasir.
81 Finishes quest☑ Lavasir will take over managing the courier service. He said he can bring in a friend from Hammerfell to take over the Anvil post and that should leave me as the owner. I can get my share of the profits once a week, which I can retrieve from the chest in the Imperial City Branch. As owner, I can still deliver packages as usual.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On PC It is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage BANGHCGoldHorseRanks stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages. See SetStage for more information.