Tamriel Rebuilt:Heavy Armor

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Heavy Cuirass[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Armor Rating Enchant Enchantment Comments
Baal Cuirass of Tamed Flames Baal Cuirass of Tamed Flames TR_m4_Bal_VelynCuirass 34 100 800 30 25 Constant Effect:

Fire Shield Fire Shield 20 pts on Self
Resist Fire Resist Fire 20% on Self
Sun Damage Sun Damage 1 pt on Self

Reward for the Quest: The Solitary Savant
Cuirass of Cassynder Septim Cuirass of Cassynder Septim TR_m3_OE_CassynderArmor 30 20000 1500 55 45 Constant Effect:

Restore Health Restore Health 1 pt on Self
Damage Magicka Damage Magicka 1 pt on Self

In the Ebon Tower treasure chamber, Old Ebonheart
Cuirass of Star's Benison Cuirass of Star's Benison TR_M2_MG_Lamp_Kaishi_Cuirass 30 750 450 15 20 Cast When Used:

Reflect Reflect 30% for 30 secs on Self
Shield Shield 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
150/100 = 1.5

Worn by Kaishi
Decorative Armor Decorative Armor TR_m3-718 Decorative Armor 30 150 450 15 20 None
Duchess' Guard Silver Cuirass Duchess' Guard Silver Cuirass TR_m1_silver_duchguard_cuirass 30 350 600 20 16
Fortified Steel Cuirass Fortified Steel Cuirass TR_m4_steel_cuirass_MM_b 30 250 450 17 20 Cast When Used:

Sanctuary Sanctuary 10 pts for 10 secs on Self
Restore Health Restore Health 10 pts on Self
40/8 = 5

Reward for the Quest: Material Matters
Master Forger's Mail Master Forger's Mail TR_m4_Hendor_Cuirass 27.5 15000 800 24 0 Constant Effect:

Fortify Armorer Fortify Armorer 10 pts on Self
Fortify Blunt Weapon Fortify Blunt Weapon 10 pts on Self
Fortify Heavy Armor Fortify Heavy Armor 10 pts on Self

Found in Hendor-Stardumz, Mahn-Dahrk's Workroom
Fortified Steel Cuirass Shoddy Steel Cuirass TR_m4_steel_cuirass_MM_a 30 150 150 12 20 Cast When Used:

Sanctuary Sanctuary 10 pts for 10 secs on Self
Restore Health Restore Health 10 pts on Self
40/8 = 5

Encountered during Quest: Material Matters
Steel Fireheart Steel Fireheart TR_m3_steel_fireheart_i3-647 28 4500 550 1.5 20 Cast When Used:

Fire Shield Fire Shield 10-30 pts for 60 secs on Self
Resist Fire Resist Fire 10-30% for 60 secs on Self
1500/300 = 5

In Fothas Bradyn's store, Sailen

Heavy Helmets[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Armor Rating Enchant Enchantment Comments
Dwemer Mechanic's Headgear Dwemer Mechanic's Headgear TR_m2_a_RepairHelm_uni 10 500 100 10 0 Constant Effect:

Fortify Armorer Fortify Armorer 7 pts
Night Eye Night Eye 20 pts

In Nchazdrumn, Land's Blood Depths
Face of the Hortator Face of the Hortator TR_m2_face_hortator_uni 15 16700 750 75 75 Constant Effect:

Fortify Personality Fortify Personality 10 pts on Self
Fortify Speechcraft Fortify Speechcraft 10 pts on Self

In Necrom, Fane of the Ancestors: Vault
Provocative Helmet Provocative Helmet TR_i3-280_a_ProvocativeHelm 5 30 100 10 2.5 Cast When Used:

Frenzy Creature Frenzy Creature 30 levels for 2 secs on Touch
Frenzy Humanoid Frenzy Humanoid 30 levels for 2 secs on Touch
Damage Personality Damage Personality 20 pts on Self
100/40 = 2.5

In Old Ebonheart's Guild of Mages, Basement
Radack-Dizvir Radack-Dizvir TR_m3-278_a_dwrvhelm 9 1250 150 17 25 Constant Effect:

Fortify Health Fortify Health 20 pts on Self
Fortify Armorer Fortify Armorer 10 pts on Self

IAS basement, Old Ebonheart

Heavy Pauldrons[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Armor Rating Enchant Enchantment Comments
Left Pauldron of Lzigat Left Pauldron of Lzigat TR_m2_a_Lzigat_PauldL_Uni 25 15000 900 70 2 Constant Effect:

Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence 5 pts on Self

In Kemel-Ze, Hall of Lzigat
Right Pauldron of Lzigat Right Pauldron of Lzigat TR_m2_a_Lzigat_PauldR_Uni 25 15000 900 70 2 Constant Effect:

Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 5 pts on Self

In Kemel-Ze, Hall of Lzigat

Heavy Greaves[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Armor Rating Enchant Enchantment Comments
Greaves of Carefree Leaps Greaves of Carefree Leaps TR_m3_Greaves_Carefree_Leaps 21.6 500 400 12 0 Constant Effect:

Weakness to Blight Disease Weakness to Blight Disease 50% on Self
Weakness to Common Disease Weakness to Common Disease 75% on Self
Jump Jump 20 pts on Self
SlowFall SlowFall 1 pt on Self

Found in Haliwaran chest.
Nols Alver's Leg Brace Nols Alver's Leg Brace TR_m4_A_AlverLegBrace 19 20 450 9 2.6 Cast When Used:

Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Self
95/19 = 5

Carried by Nols Alver
Vunal's Greaves Vunal's Greaves TR_m4_Bal_VunalGreaves 21.6 240 400 40 52 Constant Effect:

Jump Jump 8 pts on Self
Drain Agility Drain Agility 5 pts on Self

Reward for the Quest: Slay Orlukh Ancient

Heavy Boots[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Armor Rating Enchant Enchantment Comments
Boots of Lightning Speed Boots of Lightning Speed TR_m3_lightningboots 19 300 170 16 8.8 Cast When Used:

Fortify Athletics Fortify Athletics 500-1000 pts for 6 secs on Self
Shock Damage Shock Damage 1 pt for 6 secs on Self
Damage Health Damage Health 0-6 pts for 3 secs on Self
520/50 = 10.4

Worn by Vontus
Boots of Wayward Flying Boots of Wayward Flying TR_m4_immetarca_boots 40 150 150 15 4 Cast When Used:

Levitate Levitate 25 pts for 3 secs on Self
375/300 = 1.25

Worn by Immetarca of Skywatch
Vunal's Boots Vunal's Boots TR_m4_Bal_VunalBoots 24 86 400 40 8.8 Constant Effect:

Resist Shock Resist Shock 1-15% on Self
Burden Burden 6 pts on Self

Reward for the Quest: Slay Orlukh Ancient

Heavy Gauntlets/Bracers[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Armor Rating Enchant Enchantment Comments
Hartwig's Iron Right Grip Hartwig's Iron Right Grip TR_m4-476_hartwigs_grip 5.6 850 150 16 12 Constant Effect:

Fortify Strength Fortify Strength 10 pts on Self
Fortify Axe Fortify Axe 10 pts on Self

In Yanashpi, Lower Level
Left Hand of Freedom Heel-Kur's Left Slave Bracer TR_m2_q_27_SBheelkur 5 5 25 5 20 Constant Effect:

Drain Magicka Drain Magicka 3 pts on Self

Cannot pick up
Left Gauntlet of Shieldbearing Left Gauntlet of Shieldbearing TR_m2_q_29_gauntlet_left 5 400 90 17 20 Cast When Used:

Fortify Block Fortify Block 30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance 30 pts for 30 secs on Self
450/90 = 5

Reward for the Quest: Caught in a Web
Left Hand of Freedom Left Hand of Freedom TR_m3-278_a_rebelbracer_l 10 200 50 5 10 Constant Effect:

Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 5 pts on Self

Imperial Archaeological Society, Old Ebonheart
Left Hand of Freedom Left Wizard's Shackle TR_m1_FW_WizardRestraintL 5 5 25 5 20 Constant Effect:

Drain Magicka Drain Magicka 3 pts on Self

Left Hand of Freedom Lijarra's Left Slave Bracer TR_m2_q_27_SBlijarra 5 5 25 5 20 Constant Effect:

Drain Magicka Drain Magicka 3 pts on Self

Cannot pick up
Right Gauntlet of Blind Rage Right Gauntlet of Blind Rage TR_m2_q_29_gauntlet_right 5 350 80 15 20 Cast When Used:

Blind Blind 50% for 20 secs on Self
Fortify Strength Fortify Strength 20 pts for 20 secs on Self
Fortify Speed Fortify Speed 20 pts for 20 secs on Self
450/90 = 5

Reward for the Quest: No Sin Goes Unpunished
Left Hand of Freedom Right Hand of Freedom TR_m3-278_a_rebelbracer_r 10 200 50 5 10 Constant Effect:

Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 5 pts on Self

Imperial Archaeological Society, Old Ebonheart
Left Hand of Freedom Right Wizard's Shackle TR_m1_FW_WizardRestraintR 5 5 25 5 20 Constant Effect:

Drain Magicka Drain Magicka 3 pts on Self

Silver Bracer of Assertion Silver Bracer of Assertion TR_m4_IL_Bracerright 5 400 75 18 20 Constant Effect:

Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 10 pts on Self

Potential reward for Freedom At Any Price
Silver Bracer of Diplomacy Silver Bracer of Diplomacy TR_m4_IL_Bracerleft 5 400 75 18 20 Cast When Used:

Fortify Speechcraft Fortify Speechcraft 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
115/23 = 5

Potential reward for Freedom At Any Price

Heavy Shields[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Health Armor Rating Enchant Enchantment Comments
Antumbral Shield Antumbral Shield TR_m3_a_antumbral_shield_uni 30 17000 1200 60 100 Cast When Used:

Chameleon Chameleon 25-50% for 120 secs on Self
1125/225 = 5

Reward for the Quest: What Happened in Emmurbalpitu
Dwemer Shield Dwemer Shield TR_i2-235_dwemer_shield 15 510 400 20 50 None
Dwemer Shield Dwemer Shield 2 TR_m2_q_22_CursedShield
15 510 400 20 50 Constant Effect:

Drain Agility Drain Agility 20 pts on Self
Fortify Block Fortify Block 25 pts on Self
Sound Sound 1 pts on Self
Fortify Heavy Armor Fortify Heavy Armor 5 pts on Self

Escutcheon of Duunmarkng Escutcheon of Duunmarkng TR_m4_Shield_Leftunch 20 8000 1000 24 65 Cast When Used:

Fortify Block Fortify Block 20 pts for 60 secs on Self
Resist Normal Weapons Resist Normal Weapons 10-30% for 60 secs on Self
Weakness to Fire Weakness to Fire 10% for 30 secs on Self
Disintegrate Armor Disintegrate Armor 100-200 pts on Self
2175/435 = 5

Found in Leftunch, Hall of Sun's Height
Grazgob gro-Muzbog's Shield Grazgob gro-Muzbog's Shield TR_m1_GrazgobShield 15 750 600 25 60 None No longer placed
Imperial Shield Imperial Shield TR_i2-235_imperial shield
TR_i3-649_imp shield nopickup
14 78 320 16 50 None Cannot pick up
Iron Shield Iron Shield TR_m1_q_RanShield1
15 34 200 10 50 None
Iron Tower Shield Iron Tower Shield TR_i2-235_iron_towershield 18 50 240 12 75 None Cannot pick up
Steel Tower Shield Steel Tower Shield TR_i2-235_steel_towershield 20 100 360 18 75 None Cannot pick up