Online:Summon Unstable Familiar

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ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Unstable Familiar.png Summon Unstable Familiar
Line Daedric Summoning
Line Rank 1 Cost 3299 Magicka
Cast Time 1.5 seconds Duration
Target Self
Morph ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Unstable Clannfear.png Summon Unstable Clannfear
Summons a clannfear instead of a familiar. Once summoned, you can activate the clannfear's special ability to heal you and the clannfear based on your Max Health. The clannfear's basic attacks deal Physical Damage.
ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Volatile Familiar.png Summon Volatile Familiar
You summon a volatile familiar. Once summoned, you can activate the familiar's special ability to pulse area damage and stun enemies.
Values are based on Max Magicka/Stamina 12000, Max Health 16000, and Weapon/Spell Damage 1000.
An Unstable Familiar
Summon Unstable Familiar: Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Daedric familiar to fight at your side. The familiar's attacks deal [923 / 932 / 942 / 953] Shock Damage. Once summoned, you can activate the familiar's special ability for 3510 Magicka, dealing [1118 / 1130 / 1143 / 1155] Shock Damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds to enemies near them. The familiar remains until killed or unsummoned.
Summon Unstable Clannfear: Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Daedric clannfear to fight at your side. The clannfear's headbutt deals [953 / 963 / 974 / 984] Physical Damage, while its tail spike hits nearby enemies for [953 / 963 / 974 / 984] Physical Damage after 1 second. Once summoned, you can activate the clannfear's special ability for 4320 Magicka, healing you for [4958 / 5012 / 5067 / 5121] and the clannfear for [2479 / 2506 / 2533 / 2560]. The clannfear remains until killed or unsummoned.
Summon Volatile Familiar: Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Daedric familiar to fight at your side. The familiar's attacks deal [953 / 963 / 974 / 984] Shock Damage. Once summoned, you can activate the familiar's special ability for 3510 Magicka, dealing [1154 / 1165 / 1178 / 1191] Shock Damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds to enemies near them. The second hit stuns enemies hit for 3 seconds. The familiar remains until killed or unsummoned.

Summon Unstable Familiar summons an Unstable Familiar Scamp to aid you in battle. The familiar remains until killed or unsummoned. Casting the spell again while the familiar is alive causes the Scamp's attacks to deal additional pulses of Shock Damage. Summon Unstable Clannfear changes the summon to an Unstable Clannfear instead, whose activation ability heals both itself and you. The Volatile Familiar created with the Summon Volatile Familiar does more damage, and when cast again deals Shock Damage to all nearby enemies several times, with the second pulse of damage stunning them.


  • Previously, casting the spell with a familiar active would cause them to be unsummoned rather than using a special ability. To unsummon now, you must either right-click the corresponding active effect on your character page, or remove the skill from your skill bar (at least temporarily). This can be done with a weapon swap if you don't have the skill in the same slot on both weapon tabs. (Conversely, if you don't want the familiar to go away when you switch weapons, then you must have the skill on both tabs.)
  • It is possible to use this skill along with Summon Winged Twilight, allowing you to have two summoned allies at once.
  • The Summon Volatile Familiar's active ability has an unlisted bonus status effect chance increasing the chance of applying the Concussed status effect to 5% from 1%.
  • Summon Unstable Clannfear is a recommended morph for the Sorcerer Initiate and War Mage builds.


Patch Notes[edit]

  • This ability's tooltip now mentions it also explodes when unsummoned.
  • Reduced the damage of this ability to 12% maximum magicka from 20% maximum magicka. This is a temporary solution until we completely resolve the issue where the Familiar is exploding twice.
  • Unstable Familiar: The Familiar that you summon is now considered a Daedra, and can be affected by all Fighters Guild abilities.
  • Fixed an issue where summoning an Unstable Familiar or Winged Twilight would cause them to pop into incorrect locations when canceling crouch.
  • Fixed an issue where your Unstable Familiar or Winged Twilight would run back to you in slow motion when recalled.
  • Fixed an issue where you weren't able to use weapon attacks after swapping your weapon while Volatile Familiar was slotted on one action bar.
  • Volatile Familiar: Fixed an issue where this ability was exploding twice; the damage has been set back to 20% of casters maximum magicka.
  • Unstable Familiar II: Fixed an issue where this ability wasn't dealing the correct amount of bonus damage.
  • This ability now has a cast time of 1.3 seconds.
  • The unstable familiar (as well as the pets from the morphs of this ability) will no longer taunt monsters if the monster is engaged with other player characters.
  • Unstable Clannfear: This ability now heals the caster for 35% of their maximum health when the familiar is killed or toggled off.
  • Volatile Familiar: Fixed an issue where Volatile Familiar was not dealing damage when toggled off.
  • This ability and its morphs are no longer toggle abilities; instead, they are now normal casted abilities. * The first activation will summon your pet, and when morphed, the second activation will cast the pet's special ability.
    • Note that the pet will still be desummoned if you switch ability bars without slotting it.
  • Decreased the cost to summon a pet from this ability and its morphs by 50%.
  • Increased the cast time to summon the pet to 1.5 seconds from 1.3 seconds.
  • The pet summoned by this ability and its morphs now heals itself for 3% of its maximum Health every two seconds.
  • Added the word "Summon" to the name of this ability and its morphs so it now reads "Summon Unstable Familiar."
  • Unstable Clannfear: This pet's special ability will now heal you and the Clannfear for 35% of your maximum Health.
    • Note that this pet will no longer heal you when it dies.
  • Volatile Familiar: This pet's special ability will now cause it to pulse for point-blank area of effect damage every 2 seconds for 4 seconds, with a 3 second stun on the final pulse. Each pulse will deal 8% of your maximum Magicka.
    • Note that this pet no longer stuns or deals point-blank area of effect damage when it dies.
  • Adjusted the order of the Active Abilities in this skill line. They now unlock in the following order:
  • Summon Volatile Familiar:
    • Increased the duration of this pet's special ability to 8 seconds from 4 seconds, causing it to pulse for two extra ticks of damage.
    • Fixed an issue where the damage from this morph's special ability was not being increased by Daedric Prey.
  • Fixed an issue with Ranks I - III of this ability where the pulse damage from the Volatile Familiar was being increased by Daedric Prey from other players.
  • Fixed an issue where ranking up a summon ability (Unstable Familiar, Summon Winged Twilight, Feral Guardian, etc.) would unsummon your pet.
  • Summon Volatile Familiar: Reduced the damage done by this morphs' special ability by 20%.
    • Developer Comments: The amount of area of effect damage Sorcerers currently put out is too high, so reducing the effectiveness of this ability will bring them more in-line with other classes.
  • Permanently summoned pets, such as the Unstable Familiar or Feral Guardian, will now heal back to full health after exiting combat.
  • In an effort to reduce the visual effect noise in group combat situations, we've hidden most visual effects from persistent damaging area of effect abilities cast by your allies. Area of effect abilities that have a synergy, healing, or defensive component that can benefit you will still be visible, and area of effect abilities cast by enemies will also still be visible.
  • Fixed an issue where permanently summoned pets, such as the Unstable Familiar or Wild Guardian, would cause you to unsheathe your weapons every time you zoned into a new area.
  • The pet summoned from this ability now has a basic area of effect special ability that can be used while the pet is active.
  • Fixed an issue where abilities that summon permanent pets, such as Summon Unstable Familiar or Feral Guardian, could allow you to have the pet summoned without the ability slotted on your bar.
  • Decreased the cost of the special attack from this ability and the Volatile Familiar morph by approximately 15%.
  • Summon Unstable Clannfear: Decreased the cost of the special attack from this morph by approximately 33%.
    • Developer Comment: These abilities were too costly for their overall impact and frequency of casting. This should increase the damage of Sorcerer pets.
  • Decreased the special ability of this summon and the Volatile Familiar morph to 2808 from 3510.
  • Increased the damage per tick by approximately 8% of the base ability, but reduced the damage per tick of Volatile by approximately 3% since it was using the wrong rank up.
  • Summon Unstable Clannfear (morph): Reduced the healing granted from the special activation of this ability by approximately 14% to ensure it's in line with other burst heal abilities, such as Rushed Ceremony or Dragon's Blood.
  • Increased the cost of the special activate of this ability and the Volatile Familiar morph to 4500, up from 2808.
  • Increased the duration of the special activate to 10 seconds, up from 8.
  • The base cost of summoning these abilities has been streamlined to 3510.
  • Summon Unstable Clannfear (morph):
    • This morph's damage now scales off your Max Stamina, rather than Magicka.
    • Decreased the cost of the special activate to 4500, down from 4808.
    • The Area of Effect attack now deals the same damage as the basic attack, but hits in a 6 meter radius, up from 5 meters.
    • Fixed an issue where the AoE attack would cause the Clannfear to re-evaluate its purpose in life for 1 second after casting, lowering its potential DPS.
  • Reduced the cost of the special activate of this ability and the Summon Volatile Familiar morph to 3510, down from 4500.
  • All pets from this skill line now use a hybrid of your Spell Damage and Max Magicka, rather than purely Max Magicka. This change was done to reduce the total power of these abilities when stacking a singular stat.
  • Summon Unstable Familiar: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs' special Area of Effect attack had a higher chance of applying Concussed than intended.
    • Summon Volatile Familiar (morph): Fixed an issue where this ability's stun applied on the second to last tick, rather than on the final tick.
    • Summon Unstable Clannfear (morph):
      • This ability's special ability is now halved when healing itself.
      • Fixed an issue where the taunt this pet could cast was on its global cooldown, which could lower its DPS.
  • Increased the duration of the special ability from this ability and Summon Volatile Familiar to 20 seconds, up from 10.
  • Reduced the damage per tick by approximately 23%.
    • Volatile Familiar (morph): This morph now stuns on the 4th and final ticks of the ability, rather than only on the final.
  • Fixed an issue with this ability and its morphs if another Sorcerer's version of these abilities attacked a target, your own would rally to their cause and immediately become active in combat as well. However, we still encourage you to use them to aid one another in battle nonetheless!
  • Summon Volatile Familiar (morph): This morph's special active now only stuns on the 2nd tick, rather than the 4th and final ticks, to make the stun less volatile in nature and help reduce the passive feeling of the skill. To make up for this loss, we're increasing the chance of applying the Charged status effect from the special active's damage to 5% per tick, up from 1%. Zzzzap!