Oblivion:Oblivion Gates

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A doorway to the Planes of Oblivion

This article is about the Oblivion gates. For the realms of Oblivion (inside the gates), see Planes of Oblivion.

Oblivion Gates (marked on your map as A Gate to Oblivion) are portals opened by the forces of Oblivion, acting as bridges between the mortal plane (Mundus) and the Daedric planes. They are easily visible with their surrounding ring of fire, especially at night. Also, just in case you missed their presence, passing near one will normally make the sky turn ominously red. Nearby gates will appear on your compass; if you approach near enough to the gate, a marker will be permanently added to your map (the marker remains present even if you close the gate).

Initially, only one Oblivion Gate exists in the game, in front of the main gate of Kvatch. As you advance through the main quest, more and more gates will appear. There are a few locations where gates will always appear; in addition, there are a large number of randomly appearing gates. Completing the main quest will make all existing gates close, and no more will open.

Closing an individual gate can only be accomplished by locating and removing the Sigil Stone that powers the gate. This Sigil Stone is found in the Sigillum Sanguis at the top of the main tower within the associated Plane of Oblivion the gate leads to. Once removed, the Sigil Stone can then be used to enchant one item. Although sometimes there are many towers, the main tower is always easily distinguishable by the blood red windows on its top floor.


The appearance of an Oblivion Gate generally triggers additional changes in the surrounding landscape. Bloodgrass and harrada may be found near the gate; architectural features such as spikes and bridges that are normally only found in the Planes of Oblivion may appear. Moving closer to the gate, or coming out of it, will cause the sky to become red and cloudy, a reddish fog effect to appear, thunder to occasionally be heard, and the music to change. All of these changes are exactly the same as when you are actually in Oblivion. The music will change back to normal when you leave the portal's immediate vicinity, but the other effects remain even if you begin moving away from the portal, and it will require some distance and time before they gradually begin to fade. Even after it seems as though the effects are gone, the reddish sky can still be seen from underwater.

Probably of more immediate interest to your character are the creatures that come through the gate from Oblivion. Near each gate you will find one to four leveled Daedra. If you are planning to enter the gate, it is probably worth spending the time killing off these Daedra before entering. Otherwise, you will be forced to face them after you close the gate; they will not magically disappear along with it.

Before venturing into the realm of Oblivion, make sure your armor and weapons are in top condition and you're well equipped with lots of potions, arrows, repair hammers, soul gems, and even a backup weapon if necessary (this is especially advised if you use a magic weapon and have not yet reached Journeyman level in Armorer). It is generally possible to return through the gate to resupply yourself, but this is time-consuming, and there are some Oblivion worlds where it becomes impossible to return to the gate.

After you have closed a gate, its charred wreckage will remain, permanently blighting the landscape. Any bloodgrass or harrada that took root near the gate will remain present, which can provide a useful source of ingredients after you have finished the main quest.

Two Oblivion Gates form on top of Wayshrines, destroying most of the shrine. Both of these gates are fixed gates that always open as soon as the quest Dagon Shrine has been completed. The Wayshrines article provides details on the affected shrines.

There are different approaches to take with the Oblivion Gates. You may wish to close each gate as you encounter it. This is particularly useful if you want to collect Sigil Stones and gain Fame. Entering a gate early will allow you to battle easier Daedra (the Daedra are all leveled, based on your level at the moment you enter the gate). This might allow you to quickly get the gate closed. If you wait, you will find increasingly harder opponents and more valuable loot until both cap at level 24.

There are some good reasons to close a gate:

  • Sigil Stones found after level 17 will give up to twice the power of enchantments made at an altar of enchanting.
  • You gain one or two points of Fame, but usually one.
  • Dremora found inside have a good chance of carrying powerful rings and amulets.
  • Many Daedra carry valuable alchemical ingredients that may be used to create powerful potions.

There are no penalties for not closing a gate, so if the above does not look tempting, you can safely ignore all of the random gates. One Master Training quest, namely Mysticism training with Dagail, requires you to close three gates, but this is possible even if you close the minimum number of gates necessary to complete the main quest.

If you have closed 60 Oblivion Gates, you have closed them all (this includes 50 randomly opening gates, 9 fixed gates comprising the city-related gates numbered "1" through "9" below, and the Great Gate). Since no gates reopen (unless you use the console to change the default game settings), no more Oblivion Gates will appear. There are actually a total of 100 locations where gates may open. At 20 locations this will always happen, and for 80 locations this is random. However, no more than 60 gates will open during the course of playing the game. The article on 100% Completion provides tips to ensure the accomplishments page indicates 60 gates have been closed. Also note a bug that may make it impossible to remove a gate's Sigil Stone and thus close the gate; to ensure the maximum of 60 gates may be closed, it is advisable to save before discovering each gate.

Fixed Gates[edit]

The cold charred remains of a recently closed Oblivion Gate

20 gates always appear in the same locations when you reach certain points in the main quest. The 10 gates that appear after completing the quest Find the Heir lead to one of seven randomly chosen Oblivion worlds. The other 10 gates always lead to specific Oblivion worlds, as noted immediately below. The fixed gates are:

Appear at the Start of the Game[edit]

Appear After Completing Find the Heir[edit]

Appear After Completing Dagon Shrine[edit]

During Bruma Gate[edit]

During Great Gate[edit]

Random Gates[edit]

Most of the gates you will encounter during the game may appear in one of 80 locations. These gates will connect to one of seven randomly chosen Oblivion worlds.

The number of random gates that can be open at any given time during the game is determined by how much of the main quest has been completed. In order to have the maximum number of gates open at a particular stage of the game, you will likely need to explore and revisit several areas in order to trigger the randomly opening gates.

Ten gates with fixed locations immediately appear after you complete Find the Heir (i.e., once Martin is delivered to Weynon Priory). As you wander the countryside, there is a 25% chance that one of the gates listed below will also appear. A maximum of 25 randomly opening gates, including the ten aforementioned gates with fixed locations, can be open at this point in the main quest.

When you complete Dagon Shrine, the Oblivion crisis escalates. The probability of a randomly opening gate opening increases to 50%, and the maximum possible number of open randomly opening gates increases to 50.

After you exit Paradise and deliver the amulet to Martin, the probability of a randomly opening gate opening reduces to 25%, and the maximum possible number of open randomly opening gates reduces to 20. If you have closed more than 20 randomly opening gates at this point, no more will spawn. Only the fixed gates will be present.

When the main quest is completed, the probability reduces to 0% with zero maximum gates. All open gates (random or fixed) are closed. There is a glitch, however, that will sometimes leave a gate open. This gate will have a fixed animation and Daedra may spawn, though you can't enter it.

Locations of Random Gates[edit]

Map showing all 100 possible gate locations. A maximum of 60 will appear in any given game. They all have the map marker seen below. If a gate is fixed, it will have a white border around this marker.

There are 80 possible random gate locations in all (listed below), although only a maximum of 50 randomly opening gates (including the ten appearing in fixed locations after completing the quest Find the Heir as described above) will appear. The below gates which appear in your game are selected randomly. To see the exact locations of these gates, use the Oblivion map.


Colovian Highlands[edit]

Gold Coast[edit]

Great Forest[edit]


Jerall Mountains[edit]

Nibenay Basin[edit]

Nibenay Valley[edit]

Valus Mountains[edit]

West Weald[edit]


  • The Sigil Stone occasionally cannot be removed from the Sigillum Sanguis within the Oblivion world beyond a gate; placing the cursor over the stone will have no effect, and you will be unable to activate the stone.
  • For some quest-related gates (such as the Cheydinhal and Kvatch gates and the Great Gate), it is possible to obtain multiple Sigil Stones and Fame points when closing one gate. Repeatedly activating the stone can result in more than one being obtained.
  • Flag Germany.png In the German version of the game, the map markers for some gates are mislabeled:
    • The gate northwest of Fort Blueblood is labeled "Mucianus Allias".
    • The gate northeast of Ninendava is labeled "Lucien Lachance".
    • The gates related to the quest Allies for Bruma are not translated; they read "A Gate to Oblivion" instead of the usual "Tor nach Oblivion".

Console Commands[edit]

There are several console commands that can be used to control Oblivion Gates or influence the opening of randomly opening gates (including the 10 gates appearing after completing the quest Find the Heir and the 80 gates not directly related to the main quest).

  • To close a gate while in Cyrodiil, click the gate in the console and type:
It is possible to do this from inside the Oblivion world as well (if you still have the gate selected in the console), but this merely results in the gate (and therefore the way back) disappearing. In this case, the only methods to leave the Oblivion world are removing the world's Sigil Stone or closing the current gate with the command below.
  • To close a gate while in Oblivion, type:
This will close the gate you entered through and teleport you back to Cyrodiil.
  • To change how many of the randomly opening gates will open, type:
set MQ00.MaxOpenGates to x
x is a number between 0 and 90. Setting x to 0 will prevent any new randomly opening gates from opening (but will not close any that have already opened). Setting x to 90 makes it possible for all randomly opening gates to open (but does not guarantee they will open: whether any particular gate opens is still randomly determined each time you approach the area). Note that several quests in the main quest reset this variable.
  • To change the likelihood of a randomly opening gate opening, type:
set MQ00.RandomGateChance to y
y is a number between 0 and 100, and provides the percent probability that a gate opens when you enter that cell. Setting y to 0 will prevent any new randomly opening gates from opening. Setting y to 100 will guarantee a gate will open when you enter the cell (provided the total number of opened gates is less than MQ00.MaxOpenGates). Normally, y will range from 0 to 50, depending on your progress in the main quest. Note that this variable is reset by several quests in the main quest.
  • To allow gates to reopen, type:
set MQ00.AllowGatesToReopen to z
z can be 0 or 1. Normally it is set to 0 (i.e., gates will not reopen, contrary to the information in the game guide). If you set z to 1, it becomes possible for a gate to open in a location where you had previously closed the gate (including Kvatch). The chance of a gate reopening is controlled by the MQ00.RandomGateChance variable.
  • To find the number of randomly opening gates that can potentially be closed at your current stage in the game, type:
show MQ00.MaxOpenGates
  • To find the chance of a randomly opening gate opening at your current stage in the game, type:
show MQ00.RandomGateChance
  • To find the number of randomly opening gates that have opened so far, type:
show MQ00.openGates