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Value 3 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue
2nd Fortify Agility Fortify Agility
3rd Damage Personality Damage Personality
4th Damage Strength Damage Strength
# Samples 129 (respawning)
Plant Leek Plant  % 80
# Plants 53
Leek Plant

The ingredient Leek is primarily found as food. It can also be harvested from the plant "Leek Plant", which is found in a few farms.

Leek is one of only three ingredients which can be used to create a Fortify Agility potion; the other two are Beef and Shepherd's Pie. Any two of these three can be combined at journeyman level or higher. There are no negative side effects from combining any of these three ingredients.


129 guaranteed samples can be found (these locations will respawn, since leeks are food). The places with the highest numbers of samples are:

It can also be found randomly in the inventories of food vendors, in some loot chests, and in food containers. Shivering Isles adds two additional Leek samples.


All of the locations where Leek plants can be found are:

Locations of Leek plants