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Walkthrough: not written

Interior Images: added by Forfeit, checked by WoahBro

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Forfeit
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Bandits, Slaughterfish
Console Location Code(s)
Molag Amur, [1,-3]

Nissintu is a small smugglers' cave in the Molag Amur region.

The interior of the cave

The cave is located east of Moonmoth Legion Fort and north of the Fields of Kummu.

There are four smugglers guarding this cave, including one spellcaster. Other than that, the cave contains either one or two leveled water creatures (Slaughterfish or Dreugh), the Enchant skill book Feyfolken I, a few scrolls, and a large amount of random loot.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Galsu Tedas Female Dark Elf Mage 5 50 114 0 90
Llondryn Hlaalo Male Dark Elf Warrior 1 50 80 0 90
Ravos Relarys Male Dark Elf Enforcer 2 45 82 0 90
Rirns Uveran Male Dark Elf Rogue 1 40 80 0 90


  • There's a locked (35) chest with pretty nice loot located at the edge, almost near the bottom, in the southeast part of the pool.

