Hackle-Lo Leaf
Morrowind |
Restore Fatigue |
Paralyze |
Water Breathing |
Restore Luck |
Skyrim(CC) |
Restore Stamina |
Paralysis |
Waterbreathing |
Fortify Restoration |
Hackle-lo leaf is an edible succulent leaf native to the Grazelands region of Vvardenfell. It's prized both for its taste and its restorative powers.
Hagraven Claw
Skyrim |
Resist Magic |
Lingering Damage Magicka |
Fortify Enchanting |
Fortify Barter |
"The claws of a hagraven are best obtained in shops; it is inadvisable to suggest one collects them oneself. These creatures have traded in their humanity for access to powerful magics, and the transformations they undergo infuse their entire beings with some element of that power. Ingesting the powdered claws makes one more resistant to magic, but an especially curious property of the claws is revealed when mixed with snowberries (often found in Skyrim's higher elevations). I found myself capable of comprehending enchantments I had believed mystifying after ingesting the mixture, and have passed this knowledge on to several court wizards who were grateful for the knowledge." - Agneta Falia in the Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim.
Hagraven Feathers
Skyrim |
Damage Magicka |
Fortify Conjuration |
Frenzy |
Weakness to Shock |
Oblivion |
Restore Fatigue |
Restore Health |
Damage Magicka |
Damage Luck |
Hanging Moss
Skyrim |
Damage Magicka |
Fortify Health |
Damage Magicka Regen |
Fortify One-handed |
Hanging Moss is a plant found growing off rocky ledges, trees, and the ceilings of caves.
Oblivion |
Damage Health |
Damage Magicka |
Silence |
Paralyze |
Skyrim(CC) |
Damage Health |
Damage Magicka |
Paralysis |
Damage Magicka Regen |
Harrada comes from the Harrada Root plant, which is native to Mehrunes Dagon's realm of Oblivion, the Deadlands. Normally Harrada Root plants are not found in Tamriel, however they take root outside of certain Oblivion Gates that lead to the Deadlands.
Hawk Beak
Skyrim |
Restore Stamina |
Resist Frost |
Fortify Carry Weight |
Resist Shock |
Hawk Feathers
Skyrim |
Cure Disease |
Fortify Light Armor |
Fortify One-handed |
Fortify Sneak |
Hawk's Egg
Skyrim(HF) |
Resist Magic |
Damage Magicka Regen |
Waterbreathing |
Lingering Damage Stamina |
Heart of Order[edit]
Heart of Order
Heart of the Udyrfrykte[edit]
Heart of the Wolf[edit]
Bloodmoon |
Restore Magicka |
Fortify Agility |
Drain Strength |
Weakness to Fire |
Heartwood is a rare ingredient that can be harvested from Spriggans.
Morrowind |
Restore Personality |
Feather |
Drain Speed |
Drain Personality |
Heather is a low evergreen shrub native to the Ascadian Isles region of Vvardenfell. It's known for its small, pinkish-purple flowers and modest magical properties.
Skyrim |
Restore Stamina |
Fortify Magicka |
Damage Stamina Regen |
Waterbreathing |
Blades |
Holly Berries
Bloodmoon |
Resist Frost |
Frost Shield |
Frost Damage |
Weakness to Fire |
Holly Berries are a common ingredient that grows in bushes all across Solstheim.
Skyrim |
Restore Stamina |
Fortify Block |
Fortify Light Armor |
Ravage Stamina |
Elder Scrolls Online†
(as "Honey Comb" prior to Update 6) |
Blades |
Restore Stamina |
Damage Stamina Regeneration |
† This is used for crafting food, not in alchemy.
Horker Tusk
Bloodmoon |
Drain Alteration |
Fortify Intelligence |
Fortify Maximum Magicka |
Detect Animal |
Skyrim† |
† Horker Tusks in Skyrim are not alchemical ingredients, but only valuable as loot to be sold for gold.
Horn Lily Bulb
Tribunal |
Resist Paralysis |
Drain Health |
Restore Strength |
Restore Endurance |
Horrid Tongue
Hound Meat
† These items are considered food or food ingredients, not alchemy ingredients.
Hound meat or nix-hound meat is the flesh of the nix-hound. The meat is sweet and tender, and has several magical properties.
Hound Tooth
Human Flesh
Morrowind |
Fortify Health |
Drain Intelligence |
Drain Personality |
Skyrim |
Damage Health |
Paralysis |
Restore Magicka |
Fortify Sneak |
Human Heart
Oblivion |
Restore Health |
Shock Shield |
Damage Magicka |
Silence |
Skyrim |
Damage Health |
Damage Magicka |
Damage Magicka Regen |
Frenzy |
Human Skin
Oblivion |
Damage Magicka |
Resist Shock |
Reflect Damage |
Damage Health |
Hunger Tongue
Shivering Isles |
Cure Poison |
Cure Disease |
Fire Damage |
Fortify Magicka |
Skyrim(CC) |
Weakness to Fire |
Cure Disease |
Cure Poison |
Fortify Magicka |
Hunger Tongues are harvested from Hungers, a ferocious Daedra. The tongues can be used by alchemists as an ingredient in potions to cure diseases and aid those who are afflicted by poison.[1][2]
Hydnum Azure Giant Spore
Shivering Isles |
Restore Endurance |
Detect Life |
Fortify Health |
Frost Shield |
Skyrim(CC) |
Resist Frost |
Fortify Health |
Regenerate Health |
Light |
Hydnum Azure Giant Spores comes from the mushroom Hydnum Azure, which is native to the Mania region of the Shivering Isles.
Hypha Facia
Morrowind |
Drain Luck |
Drain Agility |
Drain Fatigue |
Detect Enchantment |
Skyrim(CC) |
Weakness to Poison |
Frenzy |
Ravage Stamina |
Resist Magic |
Hypha facia is a light brown shelf fungus collected from the trunks of trees in the Bitter Coast Region of Vvardenfell.