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Redguard Official FAQ

09 February 2011

This is the official FAQ on the game of Redguard as released by Bethesda. The original and most up-to-date version can be found on the Official Redguard Site.

Q: What is Redguard?
A: Redguard is an action adventure, set in the vast world of The Elder Scrolls. A departure from the hard-core RPG's of Arena and Daggerfall, Redguard combines elements of adventure games with swashbuckling duels and sets them in a living 3D world.

Q: What are the system requirements?

Q: When is Redguard shipping?
A: We're set for a release in mid-October

Q: Is Redguard a sequel to Daggerfall or Battlespire?
A: Nope. The official sequel to Daggerfall is Morrowind, which is currently in development. Battlespire was the first title in The Elder Scrolls Legend series. The Legend series games are smaller, more focused role-playing games, the kind that you can finish in 40 hours (unlike Daggerfall which offered an unlimited amount of gameplay). Redguard is the first title in The Elder Scrolls Adventures series.

Q: Is Redguard a role-playing game? Will there be character attributes, skills, etc?
A: Redguard is an action-adventure game. We're talking swordfighting, thousands of lines of dialogue, a third- person perspective, and adventure game style puzzles. Adventure gaming is about to enter the 3D world, and Redguard is leading the way.

Q: How does swordfighting work?
A: Much like Prince of Persia, Redguard's sword play is very simple and elegant: Attack and defend. There are about 6 total attacks, but they are easy to learn and do not require that you have an extra joint in your thumb to do them.

Q: Will there be a 3Dfx version?
A: Definitely! Redguard will use both Voodoo and Voodoo2 graphics boards. If you haven't purchased a 3Dfx card yet, Redguard will be the game that puts you over the edge and makes you run out and buy one.

Q: Will there be D3D support?
A: Redguard will come in two versions: our X(n)Gine software, and 3Dfx. We are currently working on a new engine which incorporates Direct X and more hardware acceleration besides 3Dfx. Morrowind will be based on the new engine.

Q: Will there be a demo?
A: No playable demo is scheduled for release yet.

Q: How do I become a beta tester for Redguard?
A: Sorry, we've already selected our testers.

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