'Mortar and Pestle', 'Ret' => 'Retort', 'Alem' => 'Alembic', 'Calc' => 'Calcinator'); $equip_opts = array('None', 'Novice', 'Apprentice', 'Journeyman', 'Expert', 'Master', 'Direnni'); $equip_str = array(0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.25); ######################################################################## # Effects ######################################################################## $alleffs[0] = new Effect('Burden', 0, 'Burd', 'std', 0.21, 0, 1, NULL, array(5=>75, 8=>75, 15=>50, 16=>75, 36=>0, 38=>50, 46=>25, 53=>25, 59=>50, 68=>50, 76=>50, 86=>25, 87=>75, 88=>0, 94=>25, 98=>50, 102=>25, 103=>50, 107=>75, 114=>0, 119=>75, 127=>75, 132=>75, 139=>50, 146=>50, 152=>50, 155=>25), array(5=>1, 10=>1, 13=>1, 14=>1)); $alleffs[1] = new Effect('Chameleon', 1, 'Cham', 'std', 0.63, 1, 0, NULL, array(15=>0, 31=>75, 36=>50, 46=>50, 65=>50, 92=>50, 107=>50, 121=>50, 126=>75, 145=>75, 155=>75), array(16=>1, 28=>1, 36=>1, 38=>1, 40=>1, 41=>1, 51=>1, 59=>1)); $alleffs[2] = new Effect('Cure Disease', 2, 'CurDis', 'none', 1400, 0, 0, NULL, array(29=>0, 45=>25, 71=>25, 84=>0, 109=>50, 113=>0, 122=>0, 157=>50), array(4=>1, 17=>1, 48=>1, 49=>1, 50=>1, 51=>1, 52=>1, 53=>1, 54=>1, 56=>1, 57=>1, 58=>1)); $alleffs[3] = new Effect('Cure Paralysis', 3, 'CurPara', 'none', 500, 0, 0, NULL, array(74=>25, 85=>50, 146=>75), array()); $alleffs[4] = new Effect('Cure Poison', 4, 'CurPois', 'none', 600, 0, 0, NULL, array(59=>25, 68=>0, 71=>0, 110=>25, 126=>50, 129=>25), array(2=>1, 17=>1, 50=>1, 51=>1, 54=>1)); $alleffs[5] = new Effect('Damage Agility', 5, 'DamAgi', 'std', 100, 0, 2, 48, array(22=>50, 25=>75, 33=>50, 57=>25, 84=>50, 105=>25, 112=>75, 116=>50, 140=>0), array(0=>1, 10=>1, 13=>1, 14=>1)); $alleffs[6] = new Effect('Damage Endurance', 6, 'DamEnd', 'std', 100, 0, 2, 49, array(17=>75, 24=>75, 27=>75, 30=>50, 36=>75, 47=>75, 77=>25, 107=>25, 124=>25, 130=>75, 134=>25), array(7=>1, 8=>1)); $alleffs[7] = new Effect('Damage Fatigue', 7, 'DamFat', 'std', 4.4, 0, 2, 50, array(0=>75, 11=>0, 20=>0, 21=>0, 34=>50, 40=>25, 42=>0, 64=>50, 75=>50, 78=>50, 81=>25, 89=>0, 90=>25, 93=>25, 108=>0, 123=>75, 150=>25), array(6=>1, 8=>1)); $alleffs[8] = new Effect('Damage Health', 8, 'DamHlth', 'std', 12, 0, 2, 51, array(4=>75, 11=>50, 18=>0, 29=>75, 32=>75, 37=>50, 41=>25, 42=>75, 44=>75, 51=>75, 60=>75, 61=>75, 62=>75, 63=>75, 67=>0, 70=>75, 73=>0, 74=>50, 81=>0, 94=>0, 97=>75, 100=>75, 101=>25, 106=>25, 110=>50, 114=>25, 115=>50, 117=>25, 118=>50, 119=>25, 120=>75, 125=>0, 126=>25, 128=>0, 129=>50, 135=>0, 140=>75, 145=>50, 148=>25, 152=>75, 156=>0, 159=>50), array(6=>1, 7=>1, 11=>1, 21=>1, 34=>1, 39=>1, 60=>1)); $alleffs[9] = new Effect('Damage Intelligence', 9, 'DamInt', 'std', 100, 0, 2, 52, array(23=>25, 45=>75, 48=>25, 87=>25, 96=>0, 113=>75, 156=>50), array(10=>1, 11=>1, 15=>1, 62=>1)); $alleffs[10] = new Effect('Damage Luck', 10, 'DamLuck', 'std', 100, 0, 2, 53, array(4=>25, 5=>25, 6=>25, 19=>75, 26=>50, 58=>50, 59=>0, 66=>75, 79=>75, 89=>25, 94=>50, 135=>25, 150=>0), array(0=>1, 5=>1, 9=>1, 11=>1, 13=>1, 14=>1, 15=>1, 62=>1)); $alleffs[11] = new Effect('Damage Magicka', 11, 'DamMag', 'std', 2.45, 0, 2, 54, array(1=>75, 2=>50, 10=>50, 18=>50, 19=>50, 30=>75, 35=>50, 40=>75, 48=>50, 65=>0, 66=>50, 67=>25, 69=>50, 70=>0, 81=>50, 88=>75, 93=>75, 108=>50, 120=>0, 125=>25, 137=>75, 138=>50, 153=>25, 159=>75), array(8=>1, 9=>1, 10=>1, 15=>1, 62=>1)); $alleffs[12] = new Effect('Damage Personality', 12, 'DamPer', 'std', 100, 0, 2, 55, array(17=>50, 27=>50, 28=>50, 47=>50, 52=>25, 80=>50, 82=>75, 105=>50, 130=>50, 133=>50, 153=>75), array()); $alleffs[13] = new Effect('Damage Speed', 13, 'DamSpd', 'std', 100, 0, 2, 56, array(11=>25, 16=>25, 43=>50, 63=>25, 100=>25, 101=>50), array(0=>1, 5=>1, 10=>1, 14=>1)); $alleffs[14] = new Effect('Damage Strength', 14, 'DamStr', 'std', 100, 0, 2, 57, array(22=>75, 80=>75, 104=>75, 116=>75, 136=>25), array(0=>1, 5=>1, 10=>1, 13=>1)); $alleffs[15] = new Effect('Damage Willpower', 15, 'DamWil', 'std', 100, 0, 2, 58, array(45=>0, 88=>25, 113=>25, 115=>0, 118=>0, 136=>75, 140=>50, 156=>25), array(9=>1, 10=>1, 11=>1, 62=>1)); $alleffs[16] = new Effect('Detect Life', 16, 'DetLif', 'std', 0.08, 0, 0, NULL, array(22=>25, 68=>25, 72=>25, 92=>25, 97=>50, 98=>25, 105=>75, 108=>25, 116=>0, 121=>25, 139=>25), array(1=>1, 36=>1, 37=>1, 38=>1)); $alleffs[17] = new Effect('Dispel', 17, 'Dispel', 'magonly', 3.6, 0, 0, NULL, array(8=>25, 9=>75, 10=>25, 40=>50, 44=>25, 62=>50, 65=>25, 93=>50, 106=>75, 117=>75, 122=>75, 138=>75, 148=>75), array(2=>1, 4=>1, 50=>1, 51=>1, 54=>1)); $alleffs[18] = new Effect('Drain Fatigue', 18, 'DrnFat', 'std', 0.18, 0, 1, NULL, array(95=>25, 142=>0), array()); $alleffs[19] = new Effect('Drain Health', 19, 'DrnHlth', 'std', 0.9, 0, 1, NULL, array(95=>0, 142=>25), array()); $alleffs[20] = new Effect('Feather', 20, 'Feath', 'std', 0.01, 0, 0, NULL, array(51=>25, 77=>75, 117=>50, 123=>25, 124=>75, 132=>25, 145=>25), array(32=>1)); $alleffs[21] = new Effect('Fire Damage', 21, 'FirDam', 'std', 7.5, 0, 2, 51, array(32=>25, 49=>0, 50=>25, 71=>50, 74=>75, 125=>50, 127=>25), array(8=>1, 34=>1, 39=>1, 60=>1)); $alleffs[22] = new Effect('Fire Shield', 22, 'FirShld', 'std', 0.95, 1, 0, NULL, array(25=>50, 34=>75, 41=>75, 49=>75, 61=>50, 82=>50, 151=>50), array(35=>1, 43=>1, 59=>1, 61=>1)); $alleffs[23] = new Effect('Fortify Agility', 23, 'FortAgi', 'std', 0.6, 0, 0, NULL, array(9=>50, 80=>25, 122=>50), array(24=>1, 25=>1, 26=>1, 28=>1, 31=>1, 32=>1)); $alleffs[24] = new Effect('Fortify Endurance', 24, 'FortEnd', 'std', 0.6, 0, 0, NULL, array(12=>50, 28=>25, 86=>50, 87=>50, 102=>50, 147=>75), array(23=>1, 25=>1, 26=>1, 28=>1, 31=>1, 32=>1)); $alleffs[25] = new Effect('Fortify Fatigue', 25, 'FortFat', 'std', 0.04, 0, 0, NULL, array(6=>0, 52=>50, 158=>50, 159=>0), array(23=>1, 24=>1, 26=>1, 28=>1, 31=>1, 32=>1)); $alleffs[26] = new Effect('Fortify Health', 26, 'FortHlth', 'std', 0.14, 0, 0, NULL, array(15=>75, 16=>50, 40=>0, 56=>50, 72=>50, 75=>75, 78=>75, 89=>50, 93=>0, 99=>50, 124=>50, 131=>75, 133=>75, 135=>75, 141=>0, 147=>25, 153=>50), array(23=>1, 24=>1, 25=>1, 28=>1, 31=>1, 32=>1, 51=>1)); $alleffs[27] = new Effect('Fortify Intelligence', 27, 'FortInt', 'std', 0.6, 0, 0, NULL, array(24=>50, 30=>25), array(28=>1, 29=>1, 33=>1, 54=>1)); $alleffs[28] = new Effect('Fortify Luck', 28, 'FortLuck', 'std', 0.6, 0, 0, NULL, array(20=>50, 21=>50, 64=>25, 104=>50), array(1=>1, 23=>1, 24=>1, 25=>1, 26=>1, 27=>1, 29=>1, 31=>1, 32=>1, 33=>1, 40=>1, 41=>1, 51=>1, 54=>1, 59=>1)); $alleffs[29] = new Effect('Fortify Magicka', 29, 'FortMag', 'std', 0.15, 0, 0, NULL, array(13=>25, 14=>25, 31=>50, 44=>50, 58=>25, 59=>75, 71=>75, 94=>75, 99=>0, 106=>50, 109=>75, 148=>50, 149=>25, 150=>75), array(27=>1, 28=>1, 33=>1, 54=>1)); $alleffs[30] = new Effect('Fortify Personality', 30, 'FortPer', 'std', 0.6, 0, 0, NULL, array(74=>0, 140=>25), array()); $alleffs[31] = new Effect('Fortify Speed', 31, 'FortSpd', 'std', 0.6, 0, 0, NULL, array(100=>50, 156=>75), array(23=>1, 24=>1, 25=>1, 26=>1, 28=>1, 32=>1)); $alleffs[32] = new Effect('Fortify Strength', 32, 'FortStr', 'std', 0.6, 0, 0, NULL, array(5=>50, 45=>50, 57=>75, 96=>75, 113=>50, 147=>50), array(20=>1, 23=>1, 24=>1, 25=>1, 26=>1, 28=>1, 31=>1)); $alleffs[33] = new Effect('Fortify Willpower', 33, 'FortWil', 'std', 0.6, 0, 0, NULL, array(4=>50, 26=>75, 79=>25, 84=>75), array(27=>1, 28=>1, 29=>1, 54=>1)); $alleffs[34] = new Effect('Frost Damage', 34, 'FroDam', 'std', 7.4, 0, 2, 51, array(7=>50, 18=>25, 43=>75, 55=>0, 85=>25, 111=>0, 143=>50, 144=>50), array(8=>1, 21=>1, 39=>1, 60=>1)); $alleffs[35] = new Effect('Frost Shield', 35, 'FroShld', 'std', 0.95, 1, 0, NULL, array(19=>25, 38=>25, 50=>50, 55=>75, 57=>50, 72=>75, 76=>75, 88=>50, 103=>75, 111=>25), array(22=>1, 44=>1, 59=>1, 61=>1)); $alleffs[36] = new Effect('Invisibility', 36, 'Invis', 'duronly', 40, 0, 0, NULL, array(2=>75, 7=>75, 14=>75, 50=>75, 68=>75, 90=>75, 110=>75, 128=>75, 137=>50, 143=>75, 144=>75, 159=>25), array(1=>1, 16=>1, 38=>1)); $alleffs[37] = new Effect('Light', 37, 'Light', 'std', 0.051, 0, 0, NULL, array(0=>50, 1=>25, 13=>50, 38=>75, 60=>25, 85=>0, 149=>50, 152=>25, 154=>75, 155=>50), array(16=>1)); $alleffs[38] = new Effect('Night-Eye', 38, 'NEye', 'duronly', 22, 0, 0, NULL, array(14=>50, 20=>75, 21=>75, 24=>25, 36=>25, 38=>0, 77=>50, 146=>25, 158=>25), array(1=>1, 16=>1, 36=>1)); $alleffs[39] = new Effect('Paralyze', 39, 'Para', 'duronly', 475, 0, 3, NULL, array(18=>75, 29=>50, 37=>0, 48=>75, 67=>75, 85=>75, 114=>75, 158=>75), array(8=>1, 21=>1, 34=>1, 60=>1)); $alleffs[40] = new Effect('Reflect Damage', 40, 'ReflDam', 'std', 2.5, 1, 0, NULL, array(37=>75, 52=>75, 63=>50, 70=>50, 120=>50, 129=>75), array(1=>1, 28=>1, 41=>2, 42=>1, 43=>1, 44=>1, 45=>1, 46=>1, 47=>1, 51=>1, 59=>1)); $alleffs[41] = new Effect('Reflect Spell', 41, 'ReflSpl', 'std', 3.5, 1, 0, NULL, array(13=>75, 28=>75, 60=>50, 149=>75, 157=>75), array(1=>1, 28=>1, 40=>2, 42=>1, 43=>1, 44=>1, 45=>1, 46=>1, 47=>1, 51=>1, 59=>1)); $alleffs[42] = new Effect('Resist Disease', 42, 'ResDis', 'std', 0.5, 1, 0, NULL, array(7=>25, 10=>0, 29=>25, 54=>75, 57=>0, 133=>25, 137=>25, 143=>25, 144=>25), array(40=>1, 41=>1, 43=>1, 44=>1, 45=>1, 46=>1, 47=>1)); $alleffs[43] = new Effect('Resist Fire', 43, 'ResFir', 'std', 0.5, 1, 0, NULL, array(20=>25, 21=>25, 25=>25, 41=>0, 55=>25, 75=>25, 78=>25, 111=>50, 151=>25), array(22=>1, 40=>1, 41=>1, 42=>1, 44=>1, 45=>1, 46=>1, 47=>1)); $alleffs[44] = new Effect('Resist Frost', 44, 'ResFro', 'std', 0.5, 1, 0, NULL, array(31=>25, 43=>25, 49=>25, 110=>0, 117=>0, 127=>50), array(35=>1, 40=>1, 41=>1, 42=>1, 43=>1, 45=>1, 46=>1, 47=>1)); $alleffs[45] = new Effect('Resist Paralysis', 45, 'ResPara', 'std', 0.75, 1, 0, NULL, array(15=>25, 23=>50, 26=>25, 54=>25, 86=>75, 96=>25, 102=>75, 138=>25, 146=>0), array(40=>1, 41=>1, 42=>1, 43=>1, 44=>1, 46=>1, 47=>1)); $alleffs[46] = new Effect('Resist Poison', 46, 'ResPois', 'std', 0.5, 1, 0, NULL, array(0=>25, 42=>25, 54=>0, 84=>25, 90=>0, 134=>50), array(40=>1, 41=>1, 42=>1, 43=>1, 44=>1, 45=>1, 47=>1)); $alleffs[47] = new Effect('Resist Shock', 47, 'ResShk', 'std', 0.5, 1, 0, NULL, array(12=>25, 34=>25, 70=>25, 120=>25, 126=>0), array(40=>1, 41=>1, 42=>1, 43=>1, 44=>1, 45=>1, 46=>1, 61=>1)); $alleffs[48] = new Effect('Restore Agility', 48, 'RestAgi', 'std', 38, 0, 0, NULL, array(5=>0, 8=>0, 27=>0, 47=>0, 53=>0, 130=>0), array(2=>1, 49=>1, 52=>1, 53=>1, 56=>1, 57=>1, 58=>1)); $alleffs[49] = new Effect('Restore Endurance', 49, 'RestEnd', 'std', 38, 0, 0, NULL, array(28=>0, 34=>0, 61=>0, 72=>0, 136=>0), array(2=>1, 48=>1, 52=>1, 53=>1, 56=>1, 57=>1, 58=>1)); $alleffs[50] = new Effect('Restore Fatigue', 50, 'RestFat', 'std', 2, 0, 0, NULL, array(1=>0, 2=>0, 4=>0, 9=>0, 12=>0, 22=>0, 24=>0, 25=>0, 26=>0, 33=>0, 37=>25, 39=>0, 48=>0, 52=>0, 62=>0, 63=>0, 66=>0, 76=>0, 80=>0, 81=>75, 82=>0, 97=>0, 98=>0, 100=>0, 101=>75, 103=>0, 105=>0, 107=>0, 112=>0, 123=>0, 125=>75, 129=>0, 132=>0, 133=>0, 138=>0, 139=>0, 152=>0, 153=>0), array(2=>1, 4=>1, 17=>1, 51=>1, 54=>1)); $alleffs[51] = new Effect('Restore Health', 51, 'RestHlth', 'std', 10, 0, 0, NULL, array(1=>50, 2=>25, 3=>0, 16=>0, 23=>0, 35=>0, 41=>50, 50=>0, 53=>50, 64=>75, 66=>25, 69=>0, 77=>0, 79=>50, 91=>0, 92=>75, 99=>25, 116=>25, 121=>75, 123=>50, 132=>50, 145=>0, 147=>0, 151=>0), array(1=>1, 2=>1, 4=>1, 17=>1, 26=>1, 28=>1, 40=>1, 41=>1, 50=>1, 54=>1, 59=>1)); $alleffs[52] = new Effect('Restore Intelligence', 52, 'RestInt', 'std', 38, 0, 0, NULL, array(0=>0, 13=>0, 30=>0, 33=>25, 75=>0, 78=>0, 149=>0, 155=>0), array(2=>1, 48=>1, 49=>1, 53=>1, 56=>1, 57=>1, 58=>1)); $alleffs[53] = new Effect('Restore Luck', 53, 'RestLuck', 'std', 38, 0, 0, NULL, array(43=>0, 54=>50, 64=>0, 82=>25, 134=>0, 158=>0), array(2=>1, 48=>1, 49=>1, 52=>1, 56=>1, 57=>1, 58=>1)); $alleffs[54] = new Effect('Restore Magicka', 54, 'RestMag', 'std', 2.5, 0, 0, NULL, array(12=>75, 14=>0, 17=>0, 32=>50, 46=>0, 49=>50, 51=>0, 56=>75, 83=>0, 99=>75, 106=>0, 127=>0, 128=>25, 135=>50, 148=>0, 150=>50, 157=>0), array(2=>1, 4=>1, 17=>1, 27=>1, 28=>1, 29=>1, 33=>1, 50=>1, 51=>1)); $alleffs[55] = new Effect('Restore Personality', 55, 'RestPer', 'std', 38, 0, 0, NULL, array(31=>0, 79=>0, 104=>25, 131=>0), array()); $alleffs[56] = new Effect('Restore Speed', 56, 'RestSpd', 'std', 38, 0, 0, NULL, array(58=>0, 60=>0, 109=>0, 124=>0), array(2=>1, 48=>1, 49=>1, 52=>1, 53=>1, 57=>1, 58=>1)); $alleffs[57] = new Effect('Restore Strength', 57, 'RestStr', 'std', 38, 0, 0, NULL, array(32=>0, 56=>0, 87=>0, 101=>0, 154=>0), array(2=>1, 48=>1, 49=>1, 52=>1, 53=>1, 56=>1, 58=>1)); $alleffs[58] = new Effect('Restore Willpower', 58, 'RestWil', 'std', 38, 0, 0, NULL, array(19=>0, 86=>0, 92=>0, 102=>0, 104=>0, 121=>0, 137=>0), array(2=>1, 48=>1, 49=>1, 52=>1, 53=>1, 56=>1, 57=>1)); $alleffs[59] = new Effect('Shield', 59, 'Shld', 'std', 0.45, 1, 0, NULL, array(8=>50, 9=>25, 17=>25, 27=>25, 47=>25, 51=>50, 61=>25, 76=>25, 98=>75, 103=>25, 122=>25, 130=>25, 139=>75, 157=>25), array(1=>1, 22=>1, 28=>1, 35=>1, 40=>1, 41=>1, 51=>1, 61=>1)); $alleffs[60] = new Effect('Shock Damage', 60, 'ShkDam', 'std', 7.8, 0, 2, 51, array(11=>75, 23=>75, 44=>0, 53=>75, 58=>75, 96=>50, 119=>50), array(8=>1, 21=>1, 34=>1, 39=>1)); $alleffs[61] = new Effect('Shock Shield', 61, 'ShkShld', 'std', 0.95, 1, 0, NULL, array(33=>75, 35=>25, 69=>25, 112=>50, 134=>75), array(22=>1, 35=>1, 47=>1, 59=>1)); $alleffs[62] = new Effect('Silence', 62, 'Sil', 'duronly', 60, 0, 1, NULL, array(6=>50, 7=>0, 10=>75, 35=>75, 46=>75, 55=>50, 65=>75, 67=>50, 69=>75, 89=>75, 90=>50, 108=>75, 111=>75, 112=>25, 114=>50, 143=>0, 144=>0, 154=>50), array(9=>1, 10=>1, 11=>1, 15=>1)); $alleffs[63] = new Effect('Water Breathing', 63, 'WBreath', 'duronly', 14.5, 0, 0, NULL, array(42=>50, 97=>25, 109=>25, 115=>25, 118=>25, 119=>0, 131=>25, 151=>75, 154=>25), array()); $alleffs[64] = new Effect('Water Walking', 64, 'WWalk', 'duronly', 13, 0, 0, NULL, array(56=>25, 62=>25, 115=>75, 118=>75, 128=>50, 131=>50, 136=>50), array()); ######################################################################## # Ingredients ######################################################################## $allings[0] = new Ingredient('Alkanet Flower', 0, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(52=>0, 46=>25, 37=>50, 7=>75)); $allings[1] = new Ingredient('Alocasia Fruit', 1, 1, 0.25, 4, 'SI', array(50=>0, 37=>25, 51=>50, 11=>75)); $allings[2] = new Ingredient('Aloe Vera Leaves', 2, 1, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(50=>0, 51=>25, 11=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[3] = new Ingredient('Ambrosia', 3, 2, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(51=>0)); $allings[4] = new Ingredient('Apple', 4, 1, 0.2, 5, NULL, array(50=>0, 10=>25, 33=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[5] = new Ingredient('Arrowroot', 5, 2, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(48=>0, 10=>25, 32=>50, 0=>75)); $allings[6] = new Ingredient('Ashen Remains', 6, 5, 0.8, 1, 'SI', array(25=>0, 10=>25, 62=>50)); $allings[7] = new Ingredient('Ashes of Hindaril', 7, 4, 0.1, -1, NULL, array(62=>0, 42=>25, 34=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[8] = new Ingredient('Aster Bloom Core', 8, 1, 0.1, 3, 'SI', array(48=>0, 17=>25, 59=>50, 0=>75)); $allings[9] = new Ingredient('Beef', 9, 1, 1, 1, NULL, array(50=>0, 59=>25, 23=>50, 17=>75)); $allings[10] = new Ingredient('Bergamot Seeds', 10, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(42=>0, 17=>25, 11=>50, 62=>75)); $allings[11] = new Ingredient('Black Tar', 11, 1, 0.1, 5, 'SI', array(7=>0, 13=>25, 8=>50, 60=>75)); $allings[12] = new Ingredient('Blackberry', 12, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(50=>0, 47=>25, 24=>50, 54=>75)); $allings[13] = new Ingredient('Blind Watcher\'s Eye', 13, 1, 0, 0, 'SI', array(52=>0, 29=>25, 37=>50, 41=>75)); $allings[14] = new Ingredient('Blister Pod Cap', 14, 1, 0.1, 4, 'SI', array(54=>0, 29=>25, 38=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[15] = new Ingredient('Bloodgrass', 15, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(1=>0, 45=>25, 0=>50, 26=>75)); $allings[16] = new Ingredient('Boar Meat', 16, 20, 2, 2, NULL, array(51=>0, 13=>25, 26=>50, 0=>75)); $allings[17] = new Ingredient('Bog Beacon Asco Cap', 17, 1, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(54=>0, 59=>25, 12=>50, 6=>75)); $allings[18] = new Ingredient('Bone Marrow', 18, 2, 0.1, 2, 'SI', array(8=>0, 34=>25, 11=>50, 39=>75)); $allings[19] = new Ingredient('Bone Shard', 19, 1, 0.3, 2, 'SI', array(58=>0, 35=>25, 11=>50, 10=>75)); $allings[20] = new Ingredient('Bonemeal', 20, 5, 0.2, 4, NULL, array(7=>0, 43=>25, 28=>50, 38=>75)); $allings[21] = new Ingredient('Bonemeal (quest)', 21, 2, 0.2, 0, NULL, array(7=>0, 43=>25, 28=>50, 38=>75)); $allings[22] = new Ingredient('Bread Loaf', 22, 1, 0.5, 5, NULL, array(50=>0, 16=>25, 5=>50, 14=>75)); $allings[23] = new Ingredient('Cairn Bolete Cap', 23, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(51=>0, 9=>25, 45=>50, 60=>75)); $allings[24] = new Ingredient('Carrot', 24, 1, 0.2, 4, NULL, array(50=>0, 38=>25, 27=>50, 6=>75)); $allings[25] = new Ingredient('Cheese Wedge', 25, 1, 0.2, 5, NULL, array(50=>0, 43=>25, 22=>50, 5=>75)); $allings[26] = new Ingredient('Cheese Wheel', 26, 1, 3, 1, NULL, array(50=>0, 45=>25, 10=>50, 33=>75)); $allings[27] = new Ingredient('Cinnabar Polypore Red Cap', 27, 3, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(48=>0, 59=>25, 12=>50, 6=>75)); $allings[28] = new Ingredient('Cinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap', 28, 3, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(49=>0, 24=>25, 12=>50, 41=>75)); $allings[29] = new Ingredient('Clannfear Claws', 29, 50, 2, 2, NULL, array(2=>0, 42=>25, 39=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[30] = new Ingredient('Clouded Funnel Cap', 30, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(52=>0, 27=>25, 6=>50, 11=>75)); $allings[31] = new Ingredient('Columbine Root Pulp', 31, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(55=>0, 44=>25, 29=>50, 1=>75)); $allings[32] = new Ingredient('Congealed Putrescence', 32, 1, 0.1, 3, 'SI', array(57=>0, 21=>25, 54=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[33] = new Ingredient('Corn', 33, 1, 0.2, 5, NULL, array(50=>0, 52=>25, 5=>50, 61=>75)); $allings[34] = new Ingredient('Crab Meat', 34, 1, 1, 4, NULL, array(49=>0, 47=>25, 7=>50, 22=>75)); $allings[35] = new Ingredient('Daedra Heart', 35, 25, 2, 3, NULL, array(51=>0, 61=>25, 11=>50, 62=>75)); $allings[36] = new Ingredient('Daedra Silk', 36, 75, 0.5, 2, NULL, array(0=>0, 38=>25, 1=>50, 6=>75)); $allings[37] = new Ingredient('Daedra Venin', 37, 75, 0.2, 2, NULL, array(39=>0, 50=>25, 8=>50, 40=>75)); $allings[38] = new Ingredient('Daedroth Teeth', 38, 65, 0.5, 2, NULL, array(38=>0, 35=>25, 0=>50, 37=>75)); $allings[39] = new Ingredient('Deformed Swamp Tentacle', 39, 9, 0.2, 0, 'SI', array(50=>0)); $allings[40] = new Ingredient('Dog Food', 40, 2, 2, 0, 'SI', array(26=>0, 7=>25, 17=>50, 11=>75)); $allings[41] = new Ingredient('Dragon\'s Tongue', 41, 5, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(43=>0, 8=>25, 51=>50, 22=>75)); $allings[42] = new Ingredient('Dreugh Wax', 42, 70, 1, 2, NULL, array(7=>0, 46=>25, 63=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[43] = new Ingredient('Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap', 43, 10, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(53=>0, 44=>25, 13=>50, 34=>75)); $allings[44] = new Ingredient('Ectoplasm', 44, 20, 0.2, 3, NULL, array(60=>0, 17=>25, 29=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[45] = new Ingredient('Elf Cup Cap', 45, 5, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(15=>0, 2=>25, 32=>50, 9=>75)); $allings[46] = new Ingredient('Elytra Ichor', 46, 3, 0.1, 3, 'SI', array(54=>0, 0=>25, 1=>50, 62=>75)); $allings[47] = new Ingredient('Emetic Russula Cap', 47, 4, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(48=>0, 59=>25, 12=>50, 6=>75)); $allings[48] = new Ingredient('Fennel Seeds', 48, 5, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(50=>0, 9=>25, 11=>50, 39=>75)); $allings[49] = new Ingredient('Fire Salts', 49, 30, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(21=>0, 44=>25, 54=>50, 22=>75)); $allings[50] = new Ingredient('Flame Stalk', 50, 1, 0.1, 4, 'SI', array(51=>0, 21=>25, 35=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[51] = new Ingredient('Flax Seeds', 51, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(54=>0, 20=>25, 59=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[52] = new Ingredient('Flour', 52, 1, 0.2, 3, NULL, array(50=>0, 12=>25, 25=>50, 40=>75)); $allings[53] = new Ingredient('Fly Amanita Cap', 53, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(48=>0, 0=>25, 51=>50, 60=>75)); $allings[54] = new Ingredient('Foxglove Nectar', 54, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(46=>0, 45=>25, 53=>50, 42=>75)); $allings[55] = new Ingredient('Frost Salts', 55, 60, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(34=>0, 43=>25, 62=>50, 35=>75)); $allings[56] = new Ingredient('Fungus Stalk', 56, 1, 0.1, 5, 'SI', array(57=>0, 64=>25, 26=>50, 54=>75)); $allings[57] = new Ingredient('Garlic', 57, 1, 0, 2, NULL, array(42=>0, 5=>25, 35=>50, 32=>75)); $allings[58] = new Ingredient('Ginkgo Leaf', 58, 1, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(56=>0, 29=>25, 10=>50, 60=>75)); $allings[59] = new Ingredient('Ginseng', 59, 2, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(10=>0, 4=>25, 0=>50, 29=>75)); $allings[60] = new Ingredient('Glow Dust', 60, 40, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(56=>0, 37=>25, 41=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[61] = new Ingredient('Gnarl Bark', 61, 1, 0.1, 4, 'SI', array(49=>0, 59=>25, 22=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[62] = new Ingredient('Grapes', 62, 2, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(50=>0, 64=>25, 17=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[63] = new Ingredient('Green Stain Cup Cap', 63, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(50=>0, 13=>25, 40=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[64] = new Ingredient('Green Stain Shelf Cap', 64, 10, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(53=>0, 28=>25, 7=>50, 51=>75)); $allings[65] = new Ingredient('Grummite Eggs', 65, 1, 0.5, 5, 'SI', array(11=>0, 17=>25, 1=>50, 62=>75)); $allings[66] = new Ingredient('Ham', 66, 1, 1, 2, NULL, array(50=>0, 51=>25, 11=>50, 10=>75)); $allings[67] = new Ingredient('Harrada', 67, 2, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(8=>0, 11=>25, 62=>50, 39=>75)); $allings[68] = new Ingredient('Hound Tooth', 68, 1, 0.1, 2, 'SI', array(4=>0, 16=>25, 0=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[69] = new Ingredient('Human Heart', 69, 40, 5, 0, NULL, array(51=>0, 61=>25, 11=>50, 62=>75)); $allings[70] = new Ingredient('Human Skin', 70, 5, 1.5, 0, NULL, array(11=>0, 47=>25, 40=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[71] = new Ingredient('Hunger Tongue', 71, 4, 0.1, 2, 'SI', array(4=>0, 2=>25, 21=>50, 29=>75)); $allings[72] = new Ingredient('Hydnum Azure Giant Spore', 72, 1, 0.5, 5, 'SI', array(49=>0, 16=>25, 26=>50, 35=>75)); $allings[73] = new Ingredient('Imp Fluid', 73, 12, 0, -1, NULL, array(8=>0)); $allings[74] = new Ingredient('Imp Gall', 74, 15, 0.2, 3, NULL, array(30=>0, 3=>25, 8=>50, 21=>75)); $allings[75] = new Ingredient('Ironwood Nut', 75, 1, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(52=>0, 43=>25, 7=>50, 26=>75)); $allings[76] = new Ingredient('Jumbo Potato', 76, 1, 0, -1, NULL, array(50=>0, 59=>25, 0=>50, 35=>75)); $allings[77] = new Ingredient('Lady\'s Mantle Leaves', 77, 5, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(51=>0, 6=>25, 38=>50, 20=>75)); $allings[78] = new Ingredient('Lady\'s Smock Leaves', 78, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(52=>0, 43=>25, 7=>50, 26=>75)); $allings[79] = new Ingredient('Lavender Sprig', 79, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(55=>0, 33=>25, 51=>50, 10=>75)); $allings[80] = new Ingredient('Leek', 80, 3, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(50=>0, 23=>25, 12=>50, 14=>75)); $allings[81] = new Ingredient('Letifer Orca Digestive Slime', 81, 1, 0.1, 3, 'SI', array(8=>0, 7=>25, 11=>50, 50=>75)); $allings[82] = new Ingredient('Lettuce', 82, 1, 0.5, 4, NULL, array(50=>0, 53=>25, 22=>50, 12=>75)); $allings[83] = new Ingredient('Lichor', 83, 3, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(54=>0)); $allings[84] = new Ingredient('Mandrake Root', 84, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(2=>0, 46=>25, 5=>50, 33=>75)); $allings[85] = new Ingredient('Milk Thistle Seeds', 85, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(37=>0, 34=>25, 3=>50, 39=>75)); $allings[86] = new Ingredient('Minotaur Horn', 86, 55, 5, 2, NULL, array(58=>0, 0=>25, 24=>50, 45=>75)); $allings[87] = new Ingredient('Monkshood Root Pulp', 87, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(57=>0, 9=>25, 24=>50, 0=>75)); $allings[88] = new Ingredient('Morning Glory Root Pulp', 88, 1, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(0=>0, 15=>25, 35=>50, 11=>75)); $allings[89] = new Ingredient('Mort Flesh', 89, 10, 2, 3, NULL, array(7=>0, 10=>25, 26=>50, 62=>75)); $allings[90] = new Ingredient('Motherwort Sprig', 90, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(46=>0, 7=>25, 62=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[91] = new Ingredient('Mugwort Seeds', 91, 1, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(51=>0)); $allings[92] = new Ingredient('Mute Screaming Maw', 92, 1, 0.1, 0, 'SI', array(58=>0, 16=>25, 1=>50, 51=>75)); $allings[93] = new Ingredient('Mutton', 93, 2, 2, 3, NULL, array(26=>0, 7=>25, 17=>50, 11=>75)); $allings[94] = new Ingredient('Nightshade', 94, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(8=>0, 0=>25, 10=>50, 29=>75)); $allings[95] = new Ingredient('Nirnroot', 95, 0, 0.2, 0, NULL, array(19=>0, 18=>25)); $allings[96] = new Ingredient('Ogre\'s Teeth', 96, 75, 3, 2, NULL, array(9=>0, 45=>25, 60=>50, 32=>75)); $allings[97] = new Ingredient('Onion', 97, 1, 0.2, 3, NULL, array(50=>0, 63=>25, 16=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[98] = new Ingredient('Orange', 98, 2, 0.2, 2, NULL, array(50=>0, 16=>25, 0=>50, 59=>75)); $allings[99] = new Ingredient('Painted Troll Fat', 99, 75, 2, 0, NULL, array(29=>0, 51=>25, 26=>50, 54=>75)); $allings[100] = new Ingredient('Pear', 100, 1, 0.2, 3, NULL, array(50=>0, 13=>25, 31=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[101] = new Ingredient('Peony Seeds', 101, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(57=>0, 8=>25, 13=>50, 50=>75)); $allings[102] = new Ingredient('Pinarus\' Prize Minotaur Horn', 102, 55, 5, 0, NULL, array(58=>0, 0=>25, 24=>50, 45=>75)); $allings[103] = new Ingredient('Potato', 103, 1, 0.2, 4, NULL, array(50=>0, 59=>25, 0=>50, 35=>75)); $allings[104] = new Ingredient('Primrose Leaves', 104, 3, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(58=>0, 55=>25, 28=>50, 14=>75)); $allings[105] = new Ingredient('Pumpkin', 105, 2, 5, 3, NULL, array(50=>0, 5=>25, 12=>50, 16=>75)); $allings[106] = new Ingredient('Purgeblood Salts', 106, 0, 0.4, 1, 'VL', array(54=>0, 8=>25, 29=>50, 17=>75)); $allings[107] = new Ingredient('Radish', 107, 1, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(50=>0, 6=>25, 1=>50, 0=>75)); $allings[108] = new Ingredient('Rat Meat', 108, 1, 0.5, 4, NULL, array(7=>0, 16=>25, 11=>50, 62=>75)); $allings[109] = new Ingredient('Red Kelp Gas Bladder', 109, 1, 0.1, 5, 'SI', array(56=>0, 63=>25, 2=>50, 29=>75)); $allings[110] = new Ingredient('Redwort Flower', 110, 4, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(44=>0, 4=>25, 8=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[111] = new Ingredient('Refined Frost Salts', 111, 40, 0.1, 0, NULL, array(34=>0, 35=>25, 43=>50, 62=>75)); $allings[112] = new Ingredient('Rice', 112, 1, 0.2, 4, NULL, array(50=>0, 62=>25, 61=>50, 5=>75)); $allings[113] = new Ingredient('Root Pulp', 113, 1, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(2=>0, 15=>25, 32=>50, 9=>75)); $allings[114] = new Ingredient('Rot Scale', 114, 1, 0.1, 2, 'SI', array(0=>0, 8=>25, 62=>50, 39=>75)); $allings[115] = new Ingredient('Rumare Slaughterfish Scales', 115, 2, 0, -1, NULL, array(15=>0, 63=>25, 8=>50, 64=>75)); $allings[116] = new Ingredient('S\'jirra\'s Famous Potato Bread', 116, 30, 0.5, 0, NULL, array(16=>0, 51=>25, 5=>50, 14=>75)); $allings[117] = new Ingredient('Sacred Lotus Seeds', 117, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(44=>0, 8=>25, 20=>50, 17=>75)); $allings[118] = new Ingredient('Scales', 118, 5, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(15=>0, 63=>25, 8=>50, 64=>75)); $allings[119] = new Ingredient('Scalon Fin', 119, 1, 0.1, 4, 'SI', array(63=>0, 8=>25, 60=>50, 0=>75)); $allings[120] = new Ingredient('Scamp Skin', 120, 10, 1.5, 2, NULL, array(11=>0, 47=>25, 40=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[121] = new Ingredient('Screaming Maw', 121, 1, 0.1, 3, 'SI', array(58=>0, 16=>25, 1=>50, 51=>75)); $allings[122] = new Ingredient('Shepherd\'s Pie', 122, 0, 1, 1, NULL, array(2=>0, 59=>25, 23=>50, 17=>75)); $allings[123] = new Ingredient('Smoked Baliwog Leg', 123, 2, 1, 2, 'SI', array(50=>0, 20=>25, 51=>50, 7=>75)); $allings[124] = new Ingredient('Somnalius Frond', 124, 3, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(56=>0, 6=>25, 26=>50, 20=>75)); $allings[125] = new Ingredient('Spiddal Stick', 125, 2, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(8=>0, 11=>25, 21=>50, 50=>75)); $allings[126] = new Ingredient('St. Jahn\'s Wort Nectar', 126, 5, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(47=>0, 8=>25, 4=>50, 1=>75)); $allings[127] = new Ingredient('Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap', 127, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(54=>0, 21=>25, 44=>50, 0=>75)); $allings[128] = new Ingredient('Stinkhorn Cap', 128, 3, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(8=>0, 54=>25, 64=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[129] = new Ingredient('Strawberry', 129, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(50=>0, 4=>25, 8=>50, 40=>75)); $allings[130] = new Ingredient('Summer Bolete Cap', 130, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(48=>0, 59=>25, 12=>50, 6=>75)); $allings[131] = new Ingredient('Swamp Tentacle', 131, 2, 0.2, 3, 'SI', array(55=>0, 63=>25, 64=>50, 26=>75)); $allings[132] = new Ingredient('Sweetcake', 132, 1, 0.2, 1, NULL, array(50=>0, 20=>25, 51=>50, 0=>75)); $allings[133] = new Ingredient('Sweetroll', 133, 1, 0.2, 2, NULL, array(50=>0, 42=>25, 12=>50, 26=>75)); $allings[134] = new Ingredient('Taproot', 134, 1, 0.3, 2, NULL, array(53=>0, 6=>25, 46=>50, 61=>75)); $allings[135] = new Ingredient('Thorn Hook', 135, 1, 0.1, 2, 'SI', array(8=>0, 10=>25, 54=>50, 26=>75)); $allings[136] = new Ingredient('Tiger Lily Nectar', 136, 3, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(49=>0, 14=>25, 64=>50, 15=>75)); $allings[137] = new Ingredient('Tinder Polypore Cap', 137, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(58=>0, 42=>25, 36=>50, 11=>75)); $allings[138] = new Ingredient('Tobacco', 138, 5, 0.1, 1, NULL, array(50=>0, 45=>25, 11=>50, 17=>75)); $allings[139] = new Ingredient('Tomato', 139, 2, 0.2, 4, NULL, array(50=>0, 16=>25, 0=>50, 59=>75)); $allings[140] = new Ingredient('Troll Fat', 140, 25, 2, 2, NULL, array(5=>0, 30=>25, 15=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[141] = new Ingredient('Unicorn Horn', 141, 0, 1.5, -1, NULL, array(26=>0)); $allings[142] = new Ingredient('Unrefined Greenmote', 142, 1, 0.5, 4, 'SI', array(18=>0, 19=>25)); $allings[143] = new Ingredient('Vampire Dust', 143, 50, 0.2, 2, NULL, array(62=>0, 42=>25, 34=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[144] = new Ingredient('Vampire Dust (quest)', 144, 50, 0.1, 0, NULL, array(62=>0, 42=>25, 34=>50, 36=>75)); $allings[145] = new Ingredient('Venison', 145, 1, 2, 5, NULL, array(51=>0, 20=>25, 8=>50, 1=>75)); $allings[146] = new Ingredient('Viper\'s Bugloss Leaves', 146, 1, 0.1, 5, NULL, array(45=>0, 38=>25, 0=>50, 3=>75)); $allings[147] = new Ingredient('Void Essence', 147, 50, 0.2, 2, 'SI', array(51=>0, 26=>25, 32=>50, 24=>75)); $allings[148] = new Ingredient('Void Salts', 148, 30, 0.4, 2, NULL, array(54=>0, 8=>25, 29=>50, 17=>75)); $allings[149] = new Ingredient('Watcher\'s Eye', 149, 1, 0.2, 2, 'SI', array(52=>0, 29=>25, 37=>50, 41=>75)); $allings[150] = new Ingredient('Water Hyacinth Nectar', 150, 2, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(10=>0, 7=>25, 54=>50, 29=>75)); $allings[151] = new Ingredient('Water Root Pod Pit', 151, 3, 1, 3, 'SI', array(51=>0, 43=>25, 22=>50, 63=>75)); $allings[152] = new Ingredient('Watermelon', 152, 2, 5, 2, NULL, array(50=>0, 37=>25, 0=>50, 8=>75)); $allings[153] = new Ingredient('Wheat Grain', 153, 1, 0.2, 3, NULL, array(50=>0, 11=>25, 26=>50, 12=>75)); $allings[154] = new Ingredient('White Seed Pod', 154, 5, 0.1, 2, NULL, array(57=>0, 63=>25, 62=>50, 37=>75)); $allings[155] = new Ingredient('Wisp Core', 155, 2, 0.1, 4, 'SI', array(52=>0, 0=>25, 37=>50, 1=>75)); $allings[156] = new Ingredient('Wisp Stalk Caps', 156, 1, 0.1, 4, NULL, array(8=>0, 15=>25, 9=>50, 31=>75)); $allings[157] = new Ingredient('Withering Moon', 157, 1, 0.1, 5, 'SI', array(54=>0, 59=>25, 2=>50, 41=>75)); $allings[158] = new Ingredient('Worm\'s Head Cap', 158, 1, 0.2, 5, 'SI', array(53=>0, 38=>25, 25=>50, 39=>75)); $allings[159] = new Ingredient('Wormwood Leaves', 159, 2, 0.1, 3, NULL, array(25=>0, 36=>25, 8=>50, 11=>75)); ?>