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Morrowind Temple Quests

09 February 2011

This page contains the complete guide to completing all the Temple quests. Feel free to Contact the Webmaster to contribute any suggestions, or corrections.

General Quests and Information
Guild Ranks - 11 June 2002
The various ranks within the Temple and the requirements for each.
Pilgrimage of the Seven Graces - 11 June 2002
Your first task is to visit seven shrines throughout the island.
Expelled from the Temple - 3 December 2002
What to do if you are expelled from the Temple.
Archcanon Tholer Saryoni's Quests, High Fane Office
Pilgrimage of the Four Corners - 7 January 2004
Visit four shrines scattered across the island.
Pilgrimage to Mount Assarnibibi - 25 June 2002
Visit the shrine at the top of this mountain in the Molag Amur region.
Tuls Valen's Quests, Ald'ruhn Guild
Compassion - 11 June 2002
Cure a mortal enemy of Blight to learn of compassion.
False Incarnate - 13 June 2002
Investigate the claims of a possible Nerevarine in Suran.
Pilgramage to Maar Gan - 13 June 2002
Perform another pilgramage to the Shrine in Maar Gan.
Cult of Hassour - 13 June 2002
Destroy a dark Sixth House cult in the cave of Hassour.
Endryn Llethan's Quests, Vivec High Fane
Corprus Disease Victim - 13 June 2002
Convince a pilgrim in Vivec who has Corprus to leave the city.
Pilgramage to Sanctus Shrine - 13 June 2002
Take a vow of silence to perform a pilgramage to the Sanctus Shrine West of Dagon Fel.
Shoes of St. Rilms - 13 June 2002
Recover these precious artifact of the Temple in the depths of Ald Sotha.
Cult of Ihinipalit - 13 June 2002
Eliminate this foul cult operating somewhere in St. Delyn canton of Vivec.
Tharer Rotheloth's Quests, Molag Mar
Cure Lette of Swamp Fever - 13 June 2002
Cure a villager in Tel Mora of swamp fever.
Mount Kand Pilgramage - 13 June 2002
Demonstrate your wisdom and bravery by visiting the Moung Kand Shrine.
Necromancer Delvam Andarys - 13 June 2002
Eliminate the Necromancers Delvam in Mawia South East of Molag Mar.
Vampire Lair Galom Daeus - 13 June 2002
Cleanse out the vampire lair Galom Daeus and kill the elder vampire Raxle Berne.
Uvoo Llaren's Quests, Ghostgate
Cure Assantus Hansar - 13 June 2002
Cure an ill Ashlander in the Ahinanapal Camp.
Deliver Food to Sendas - 13 June 2002
Deliver some food to the hermit Sendas Sathis on Shuran Island.
Hair Shirt of St. Aralor - 13 June 2002
Recover this lost relic from Kogoruhn.
Cleaver of St. Felms - 13 June 2002
Recover this lost relic from Kogoruhn.
Crosier of St. Llothis - 13 June 2002
Recover yet another artifact in the crater of the Red Mountain.

Temple Ranks
11 June 2002

Favoured Skills Are: Unarmoured, Alchemy, Restoration, Conjuration, Mysticism, Blunt Weapon. The attributes and skills for the various ranks are those required to achieve that rank.

Rank Required Attributes Required Skills Other
1. Layman      
2. Novice Personality 30
Intelligence 30
One skill at 10  
3. Initiate Personality 30
Intelligence 30
One skill at 20  
4. Acolyte Personality 30
Intelligence 30
One skill at 30 and two at 5  
5. Adept Personality 30
Intelligence 30
One skill at 40 and two at 10  
6. Curate Personality 31
Intelligence 31
One skill at 50 and two at 15  
7. Disciple Personality 32
Intelligence 32
One skill at 60 and two at 20  
8. Diviner Personality 33
Intelligence 33
One skill at 70 and two at 25  
9. Master Personality 34
Intelligence 34
One skill at 80 and two at 30  
10. Patriarch Personality 35
Intelligence 35
One skill at 90 and two at 35  

Expelled from the Temple
3 December 2002

If you get yourself expelled from the Temple, most guildmembers will tell you to make amends and speak with the guildmaster. Archcanon Tholer Saryoni can be found in his office in Vivec's High Fane. If you haven't progressed far enough in the main quest his two doors should be well locked and you'll have to pick or open them somehow. When you speak with Saryoni, use the join the temple topic.

Pilgramage of the Seven Graces
11 June 2002

Any of the Temple quest givers will give you this quest just after you join. In order to receive any more quests from the Temple, you must first perform the Pilgramage of the Seven Graces, visiting 7 shrines across the island. Though none of the quests are particularily difficult, a good deal of mostly travelling throughout the Western portion of the map is required. You must visit and activate each shrine, which require you to provide a certain item for each one. You should be given the book The Pilgrim's Path which has a rather thorough description of each shrine. The shrines can be visited in any order and their approximate location should be marked on your map.

1. Fields of Kummu Shrine
This shrine can be found on the North shore of Lake Amaya, along the road between two trees. You need a piece of muck to activate this shrine (just North of the marker on your map, position 14600, -33300, 900). If you don't have one, proceed South West into the lake a bit and grab one from a Muckspunge. Once you activate the shrine, you will be blessed with a day long 100 pt Feather spell.

2. Shrine to Stop the Moon, Vivec Temple
This is one of three shrines in Vivec, found outside in the South West corner of the Temple Canton (31900, -102200, 1200). You will need a Potion of Rising Force (Levitate) in order to activate the shrine which can be bought from Danso Indules in the Temple tunnel or from other vendors around Vivec (any quality of potion will do, though you cannot use one you made yourself). Once you activate the shrine you will be blessed with a day long 100 pt Levitate spell.

3. Palace Shrine, Vivec Palace
This is one of three shrines in Vivec, found outside the entrance to the Palace (32800, -106600, 2100). With a donation of 100 gold you can activate the shrine and be blessed with a day long 10 pt increase to Luck and your Mercantile skill.

4. Puzzle Shrine, Vivec Puzzle, Level 3
This is one of the three shrines in Vivec and its entrance can be found on on Level 3 of the Puzzle Canal in Vivec's Palace Canton (in the center of the level in the tunnel). Once inside you will find a shrine that will only give you the cryptic message of Breathe the Waters if His Glory and the Way is Made Clear. What you have to do is drown yourself in the water to reveal the true shrine. Once your health drops to a certain level, you will black out for a second and be healed.

Cross the bridge to the revealed area and talk to the Dremora Krazzt at the top of the stairs beside the shrine. Give him a Silver Longsword (get one from the chest if you don't have one). You can now activate the shrine and receive a day long Swift Swimming and Water Breathing (though I didn't receive any spells until I activated the shrine several times).

5. Shrine of the Mask, Gnisis
This shrine can be found at the top of the Temple in Gnisis, next to the Mask of Vivec artifact. You need a Cure Common Disease potion to activate the shrine which can be bought within the Temple (check the rooms near the Temple entrance). Once you activate the shrine, try touching the middle panel again to reveal the true mask of Vivec. Touch the mask to be taught the spell Vivec's Touch (cheap but 100% effective Cure Diseas and Blight on Touch).

6. Shrine of Valor, Koal Cave
This shrine is a little more difficult to reach, being found inside the Koal Cave just South of Gnisis along the shore (exactly where it is marked on your map, under the stone arch). You will need some Dreugh Wax to activate the shrine just inside the entrance. You can buy wax in the Temple in Gnisis, or just find and kill the Dreugh Warlord found further inside the cave (the Warlord might be very tough for lower level characters). Activate the shrine to receive the blessing of a 10 pt increase in all your Armour skills for the day (I also received a Dreugh Cuirass).

7. Ghostfence Shrine, Koal Cave
This is the most difficult shrine to visit, mainly due to its remote location. You might want to pick up a soulgem before you head out since you need once to activate the shrine (any quality will do, and it doesn't matter if it is filled or not). Head towards the Ghostgate which should be marked on your map roughly South East of Ald'ruhn. Its a long walk and watch out for those Cliff Racers. Once you reach the Ghostgate, open both gates with the buttons to travel through the tunnel.

Once inside the Ghostfence region, follow the path North a little ways and then head North East in the little dip to find the shrine between two trees (position 24400, 45100, 4600). Activate the shrine with a soul gem to receive a blessing of 50 pts of Magicka for a day.

Once you visit and activate all 7 shrines, return to any of the quest givers to notify them that you've finished the pilgrimage.

11 June 2002

Tuls Valen in Ald'ruhn asks you to show compassion and cure Bulfim gra-Shugarz, a Sheogorath worshipper in Maelkashishi. You are given a potion of Cure Blight but Tuls suggests you learn the spell Rilm's Gift (or a similar Cure Blight spell) and return the expensive potion. Rilm's Gift can be bought from someone upstairs in the Temple.

Maelkashishi can be found roughly North East of Gnisis (South East of Khuul) along the hill/mountain line. It is a Daedric Shrine so it is easy to spot (position -43300, 108700, 1200). Bulfim can be found just inside the entrance and should not attack you on sight, though you may be attacked if you go further into the shrine. Cast a Cure Blight spell or give her the potion to cure her.

Return to Tuls for your reward, a nice book and further praise if you return the potion as well.

False Incarnate
13 June 2002

Tuls Valen in Ald'ruhn asks you to investigate Elvil Vidron in Suran who claims to be a Nerevarine. Tuls is certain that Elvil is not and you must convince him that he isn't or kill him. You can arrive in Suran quickly via the Silt-Strider routes and find Elvil hanging outside of Desele's House of Earthly Delights. If you have a high enough disposition with Elvil, you can convince him that he is not the False Incarnate that he thinks he is. If you have progressed far enough in the main quest, you can also show him the Moon-and-Star ring, proving that in fact you are the Nerevarine. Of course, the last option is to actually kill him outright, though you get less reward that way.

Return to Tuls for your reward of 3 Exclusive Restore Health potions.

Pilgramage to Maar Gan
13 June 2002

Tuls Valen in Ald'ruhn asks you to demonstrate your faith and perform a pilgramage to the Shrine in Maar Gan North of Ald'ruhn. Grab a Silt Strider up to Maar Gan and enter the Shrine in the East end of town. Activate the large Magic Rock just inside the entrance to learn that it was here where Vivec taunted Mehrunes Dagon to through the rock at him rather than the people. According to Tuls you are supposed to mimic this event...somehow. Though you cannot appear to find out what to do from anyone, you must talk to the Dremora standing near the rock and taunt him (through dialogue). Once you get the Daedra to attack you, activate the rock again to receive a day long blessing of a 10 pt Fortify Speechcraft and Personality spell (you may need to activate the shrine several times).

Return to Tuls for your reward of book which increases your Block skill.

Sixth House Base of Hassour
13 June 2002

Once you reach the rank of Disciple, Tuls Valen in Ald'ruhn will ask you to wipe out a dark cult residing the cavern of Hassour, South East of the Moonmoth Fort at the end of the Foyada Mamaea (roughly South of Balmora at position -19250, -38400, 400). The cavern has tbe usual assortment of creatures for a Sixth House Base, Dreamers, Ash Slaves adnd Ghouls, and a single Dagoth in the Shrine. There is also a Greater Bonewalker so be sure to have a few Restore Strength and Endurance magics handy. There's lots of good loot around so be sure to look around.

Return to Tuls for your reward of 2 Potions of Cure Blight and 2 Daerir's Blessing scrolls. This is the last quest you receive from Tuls.

Corprus Disease Victim
13 June 2002

Endryn Llethan in the Vivec High Fane Temple asks you to convince Tanusea Veloth here in Vivec to leave the city since she has contracted Corprus and may spread the uncurable disease to others. Endryn suggests that since she is a devout pilgrim, she may be impressed if you show your devotion to the Temple's teachings. Llethan only knows that she is somewhere in the Arena canton.

Make your way to the Arena just to the North and find Tanusea in the Arena Pit (you should be able to ask people where she is, but I didn't receive any dialogue topics for her, check the NorthEast corner). Talk with her and if your disposition is high enough (around 80) you can convince her to leave Vivec City just because you asked her to.

Return to Endryn for your reward of 2 Cure Blight Disease potions.

Journal Entry for Killing Tanusea
Journal, "TT_DiseaseCarrier", 40
Journal Entry for Making Tanusea Leave Vivec
Journal, "TT_DiseaseCarrier", 50

Pilgramage to Sanctus Shrine
13 June 2002

Endryn Llethan in the Vivec High Fane Temple asks you prove your wisdom and patience by performing the pilgramage to the Sanctus Shrine West of Dagon Fel. First, you must take a vow of silence and promise not to talk to anyone before you reach the shrine. This means no dialogue with any NPC, including bartering, travelling, etc... (though you can deal with the guards if you are charged with a crime). This means you must make the long trip under your own power. The shrine is actually a ways West of Dagon Fel and should be marked on your map.

There is no easy way to travel to the shrine since you cannot speak with anyone. The quickest way would be to delay the pilgramage, travel to the shrine and place a recall marker, and then return to Llethan to accept the pilgramage. You can also use Divine and Almsivi Intervention spells to make the journey a little shorter. The shrine is outside at the top of the island marked on your map. Activate it to complete the pilgramage and lift the vow of silence.

Return to Endryn for your reward of 4 books which increase you skill in Speechcraft, Illusion, Blunt Weapon, and Restoration. If you broke the vow of silence by talking with someone but still visited the shrine, you will still receive credit for completing the pilgramage, but will not receive any reward or increase in disposition.

Shoes of St. Rilms
13 June 2002

Endryn Llethan in the Vivec High Fane Temple asks you to retrieve a precious artifact of the temple, the Shoes of St. Rilms. Apparantly a priest had a dream about the shoes and saw them in the depths of Ald Sotha, a Daedric Shrine just North East of Vivec. The shoes were in a chest behind a statue of Mehrunes Dagon. Llethan warns you that it may be difficult but provides several good potions for you to use.

The shrine is just to the North East of Vivec and can be entered through an entrance along the water. The shrine has three areas (Upper Level, Lower Level, and Inner Shrine) with a good number of tough opponents (NPCs as high as level 25 and the usual Dremora). Most can be encountered one at a time if you are careful, or not at all if you would prefer the sleath method. The shoes are in a locked (50) chest under the statue in the well guarded Inner Shrine (the mage here has the key if you need it as well as several Sanguine items). The Shoes are a Constant Effect item of +5 Personality and Endurance.

Return to Endryn and give back the shoes.

Cult of Ihinipalit
13 June 2002

Endryn Llethan in the Vivec High Fane Temple asks you to eliminate the a foul cult that has been meeting in a place called Ihinipalit, somewhere in the St. Delyn Canton of Vivec. You are to find the place, and kill anyone there. Llethan gives you several scrolls to help you out. Ihinipalit can be found in the Underworks of St. Delyn and you will probably be attacked by everyone inside and outside (one person guarding outside and three inside). You only have to kill the leader Bjadmund and not the other three though all the three inside will most likely attack you at once, so be prepared before you enter (stealth and chameleon helps).

Return to Endryn for a reward of an Ancestral Wisdom Staff (only 3 to 7 damage but has the ability to summon a Ghost for 100 seconds). This is the last quest you receive from Llethan.

Cure Lette of Swamp Fever
13 June 2002

Tharer Rotheloth in the Molag Mar Temple asks you to cure a villager Lette in Tel Mora who has Swamp Fever and has no where to go to be healed. You will need either a Potion of Cure Common Disease or a Cure Disease type spell. The quickest route to Tel Mora is to grab a boat from Molag Mar to Tel Branora, Sadrith Mora, and finally Tel Mora. Tharer can be found wandering outside just North of Tel Mora.

Return to Tharer once you cure Lette for a reward of a Restoration skill book.

Pilgrimage to Mount Kand
13 June 2002

Tharer Rotheloth in the Molag Mar Temple asks you to make the Pilgrimage to Mount Kand Shrine. Tharer gives you 4 Nighteye Potions and warns that you that you should be good with riddles or find the book The Yellow Book of Riddles (found at random at many booksellers like the one in Balmora). Mount Kand should now be marked on your map and is North of Molag Mar.

The entrance to the Shrine is at the top of the mountain and is simply labelled as Mount Kand, Cavern (don't enter the Assu cave which is nearby). Inside you should first encounter a Flame Atronach which you should not attack but talk to (if you attack and kill it you will have to wait until it respawns which can be a few days). The riddle you receive is:

A metal neither black nor red
As hheavy as man's golden greed
What you do to ssstay ahead
With ffriend or arrow or ssteed
The choices to answer this riddle are: Ebony, Glass, Daedric, Lead, and Iron, with the relatively obvious correct choice of lead. IF you answer incorrectly you will have to kill thue creature and wait until it respawns. Continue on to find a Frost Atronach who again offers you a riddle:
If you lie to me I will slay you with my sword. If you tell me the truth, I will slay you with a spell.
The correct answer of this old riddle is You will slay me with your sword. Continue on to find a Storm Atronach offering the longer riddle:
My fellow Atronach, Zedias-soko, was lain. The Altmer claims the Dunmer is guilty. The Dunmer says the Khajiit did it. The Orc swears he didn't kill Zedias-soko. The Kahjiit says the Dunmer is lying. If only one of these speaks the truth, who killed Zedias-soko?
If you go through, race by race, and see what happens if only they are speaking the truth, you should see that it only works if the Orc is the guilty party. Continue pasts the Storm Atronach to the Shrine to finish your pilgrimage.

Return to Tharer for his blessings.

Necromancers Delvam Andarys
13 June 2002

Tharer Rotheloth in the Molag Mar Temple asks you to take care of the Necromancers Delvam Andarys in Mawia South East of Molag Mar. Mawia a domed structure on a small island just off the coast South East of Molag Mar (position 127600, -81200, 200). Other than a few undead, Delvam is the only other one here and can be found at the very top in his room. Don't forget to look around for loot as there's a good collection of stuff lying around including some books related to vampires.

Return to Tharer for his congratulations.

Vampire Lair Galom Daeus
13 June 2002

Tharer Rotheloth in the Molag Mar Temple asks you to clean out the Vampire lair Galom Daeus including the elder vampire Raxle Berne. Tharer marks the location of Uvirith's Grave on your map (far North of Molag Mar). Galom Daeus can be found roughly West of there. He also gives you three magical items to help you on your task. Veloth's Judgement is a powerful Daedric two-handed hammer, Warden's Ring casts a powerful dispel, and Balyna's Belt is for healing.

Daeus can be a little tricky to find, but keep in mind it is a dwarven ruin so it is easily spotted from a distance (position 68600, 6200, 1400). It is West and slightly South of the Uvirith's Grave location marked on your map by Tharer (the location doesn't actually correspond to any dungeon location). There are several less vampires (about 8 or 9 total in the ruins) in the entrance area, and Raxle can be found upstairs in the Observatory. Be well prepared before you try Raxle as he can be tough for the lower levels. Don't forget to check around for loot for there is a good amount of it, including a well hidden Daedric shield. Also, if you are interested in becoming a vampire at one point, you might wish to hold off doing this quest,

Return to Tharer for his congratulations (you get to keep those 3 items he gave you). This is the last quest you receive from Tharer.

Cure Assantus Hansar
13 June 2002

Uvoo Llaren in the Ghostgate Temple asks you to cure Assantus Hansar in the Ahinanapal Ashlander Camp just South of the Ghostgate. You will need either a Cure Common Disease potion or a similar spell. Assantus can his two friends are just South of the Ghostgate, within sight. Cure Assantus but be wary of his friends which might attack you on sight.

Return to Llaren for a reward of 3 Cure Common Disease potions.

Deliver Food to Sendas
13 June 2002

Uvoo Llaren in the Ghostgate Temple asks you deliver some food (4 Small Kwama Eggs) and some drink (4 Mazte) to the hermit Sedas Sathis on Shuran Island, just West of the Rotheran Stronghold in the far North of the map. Sendas can be found near his camp at the center of the island (position 39900, 154600, 1000).

Return to Llaren for her congratulations.

Hair Shirt of St. Aralor
27 January 2003

Uvoo Llaren in the Ghostgate Temple asks you recover the lost artifact, the Hair Shirt of St. Aralor (just don't ask what it's made of) in Lost Kogoruhn. An ordinator, Feril Salmyn, had been searching for the unknown location of Lost Kogoruhn and is assumed to be dead. If you've gone far enough on the main quest, you actually know where Kogoruhn is, a large underground network of caverns in the North. The body of Feril, with the shirt, is just outside the primary entrance and the best way is to exit the Ghostgate and follow the outside perimeter of the Ghostfence until you reach the Northern-most point. From there, head North until you reach the Kogoruhn stronghold (position 2800, 118700, 1500). The body of Feril can be found near the entrance to the Hall of Phisto along with the shirt relic.

Return to Llaren with the shirt for her congratulations.

Console Cheat for the Shirt: player->, "expensive_shirt_hair", 1

Cleaver of St. Felms
13 June 2002

Uvoo Llaren in the Ghostgate Temple asks you recover another artifact, the Cleaver of St. Felms in the vampire lair of Tureynulal, on the slopes of the Red Mountain. Tureynulal (also known as Kagrenac's Library) is inside the Ghostfence region, North East of the volcano crater (position 33400, 74800, 15000). The Cleaver can be found on the body of Mnedel Eves on the lower level (Bladder of Clovis). Watch out for the Sleepers and Dagoths here which are quite powerful.

Return to Llaren with the Cleaver for her congratulations.

Crosier of St. Llothis
13 June 2002

Uvoo Llaren in the Ghostgate Temple asks you recover yet another artifact, the Crosier of St. Llothis in the crater of the Volanco in Dagoth Ur's own stronghold (btw, a crosier is a staff carried by a bishop). From the Ghostgate, just follow the path straight up the mountain, though you may need a Levitate spell to get past the last part and into the crater. The staff can be found beside the body of Voruse Bethrimo (who has a nice set of glass armour) in the Inner Tower accessed through the Inner Facility of the ruins. Be cautious of the powerful creatures you will expect to encounter in the ruins.

Return to Llaren with the Crosier for her congratulations.

Pilgrimage of the Four Corners
7 January 2004

This walkthrough information is not yet confirmed...

Once you reach the rank of Diviner, Archcanon Tholer Saryoni in his quarters in the High Fane will ask you to perform yet another Pilgrimage, this time the Pilgramage of the Four Corners. You must visit and activate four shrines related to the four 'bad' Daedra Lords (Four Corners of the House of Troubles). The shrines must be visited the correct order for you to be able to complete the quest. Visit Saryoni after you complete each portion to get more information on the next part.

  1. Shrine of Malacath: Visit this shrine South West of Dagon Fel with four Daedra Hearts and recite the poem, Four Corners of the House of Troubles. If you've been fighting any Daedra, chances are you have a good supply of hearts already, but it not, a good number of alchemist shops also sell them (Nalcarya in Balmora for example). Once you have your hearts, find the shrine (there should be a number of Orcs nearby since Malacath is the patron of the Orcs) which is simply a large statue of Malacath. Activate the shrine with your 4 hearts to receive the poem (which you don't really have to recite) and a Strength blessing.

    NOTE: There is another Malacath Shrine inside Assurdirapal, Inner Shrine which will not work for this quest (and vice-versa).

  2. Shrine of Ald Sotha: The shrine is just North East of Vivec. This one is pretty simple and just requires that you find and activate the shrine for your peom and blessing.

  3. Shrine of Bal Ur: This shrine can be found North of Suran on the East side of the river. The Shrine has two entrances and you'll want the lower to access the shrine. Like most shrines, the people here will not take kindly to your intrusion. There are several tough opponents here and combined with the lava makes it a challenge for most adventures, so take care (Levitate definetly helps). Once you've taken care of the opposition, you can simply activate the shrine to receive a nice blessing of a cheap Command Human spell (not to mention the nice loot lying around the now 'abandoned' shrine).

  4. Shrine of Ald Daedroth: This shrine can be found on the large island East of Dagon Fel and requires the magical gauntlet, Gambolpuddy, in order for you to activate it. The glove is supposedly somewhere in the shrine. You might have visited this shrine if you have gone far enough on the main quest. It is a large shrine with two feuding factions of Cultists and Imperials. The glove can be difficult to find as it is hiddeen under the pillow of a bedroll (check the uppermost room in the Antechamber area). You can also find out the glove's location by chatting with Ra'Gruzob, the Orc who thinks he's a Khajiit. Once you have the glove, find and activate the statue in the Inner Shrine to complete the pilgrimage (you receive a day long blessing/curse which will randomly add/subtract from some of your attributes).

Return to Saryoni in Vivec to receive his acknowledge of the pilgrimage and, hopefully a promotion.

Pilgrimage to Mount Assarnibibi
25 June 2002

This walkthrough information is not yet confirmed...

Once you reach the rank of Master, Archcanon Tholer Saryoni in his quarters in the High Fane will send you to Mount Assarnibibi and visit the shrine there. Assarnibibi is in the Molag Amur region in the South East of the island and is North East of Mount Kand (which is North of Molag Marr). The shrine is at the top of the mountain in a ring of five large stones. Activate the shrine to receive the Ebony Mail (a nice cuirass).

Return to Saryoni in Vivec to receive his acknowledge of the pilgrimage (you get to keep the Mail) and the promotion to Patriarch of the Temple (though he retires to write some sermons, he still gets to keep his office for some reason).

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