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This page contains the complete guide to completing all the Imperial Cult quests.
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or corrections.
General Quests and Information | |
Synnolina Tunifus's Quests, Imperial Chapels, Ebonheart | |
Iulus Truptor's Quests, Imperial Chapels, Ebonheart | |
Kaye's Quests, Imperial Chapels, Ebonheart | |
Lalaia Varian's Quests, Imperial Chapels, Ebonheart | |
Imperial Cult Ranks
27 June 2002
Favoured Skills Are: Speechcraft, Unarmoured, Restoration, Mysticism, Blunt Weapon, Conjuration, Security and the skills for the various ranks are those required to achieve that rank.
Rank | Required Attributes | Required Skills | Other |
1. Layman | 50 gold membership fee required | ||
2. Novice | Personality 30 Willpower 30 |
One skill at 10 and two at 5 | |
3. Initiate | Personality 30 Willpower 30 |
One skill at 20 and two at 8 | |
4. Acolyte | Personality 30 Willpower 30 |
One skill at 30 and two at 10 | |
5. Adept | Personality 30 Willpower 30 |
One skill at 40 and two at 12 | |
6. Disciple | Personality 31 Willpower 31 |
One skill at 50 and two at 15 | |
7. Oracle | Personality 32 Willpower 32 |
One skill at 60 and two at 18 | |
8. Invoker | Personality 33 Willpower 33 |
One skill at 70 and two at 20 | |
9. Theurgist | Personality 34 Willpower 34 |
One skill at 80 and two at 25 | |
10. Primate | Personality 35 Willpower 35 |
One skill at 90 and two at 25 | |
The Imperial Cult is just the name of the Imperial Religion related to the worship of the 9 Divines, including the great Tiber Septim, the first emperor of Tamriel. To join speak with:
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Though not really a quest per-se, once you obtain the Wraithguard from Vivec (via the main method), the Imperial Warrior Wulf will appear in Ghostgate's Temple of Dusk. Speak to him and he will ask you to carry an old coin to the Red Mountain as a favour. After you leave the Temple, he will disappear for good. The coin isn't anything special in itself, but when you accept it, you gain a new power, the Luck of the Emperor (Fortify Luck by 20 points for 120 seconds). It turns out that Wulf was actually the manifestation of the god Tiber Septim. If you talk to Varian in the Imperial Chapel, she will explain this event to you and you'll gain 2 Reputation points. You'll also be able to hear about it through the rumour mill. a
Five Pieces of Marshmerrow the Cult
27 June 2002
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Synnolian Tunifus in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to run an errand to fetch 5 pieces of the Marshmerrow ingrediant. He suggests that you visit the farmer Balur Salvu near Pelagiad to get it, and gives you a Fortify Strength potion to use a gift. You can get the Marshmellow anywhere, including Alchemist shops and in the wild (in which case you get to keep the potion). Though if you do visit Balur, you can get an Alchemy skill book in addition to the Marshmerrow (ask do you for to receive it). Balur can be found along Lake Hairan a little South East of Pelagiad.
Return to Tunifus with the Marshmerrow to receive a Restore Health potion in addition to a Mortar and Pestle (you might also be eligible for a rank advancement).
Muck and Potion Delivery
27 June 2002
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Synnolian Tunifus in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to run another errand to fetch 5 pieces of Muck while delivering 4 Restore Health Potions (which Tunifus will supply as well as some travelling money). The potions are to be delivered to the chaplain in Gnisis (a few Silt Strider journeys away), in the chapel at the bottom level of Fort Darius. The Muck can be found in a patch between Abishpulu Shand's Hut and the Legion Barracks (North West of the Fort). You can also buy the Muck or harvest it from another place if you so desire.
Return to Tunifus with the 5 Mucks to receive a Cure Common Disease potion, a Retort (Alchemy), and a book with 10 Alchemy recipes.
Borrow Some Willow Anther
27 June 2002
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Synnolian Tunifus in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to run another errand to fetch 5 pieces of Willow Anther to create a Cure Paralysis potion. Tunifus says that he usually steals the Willow from Gurak gro-Bagrat who's farm can be found North of Vivec, East of the farmer Balur Salvu who you visited previously. The Anther can be found on the Lavender Flowers in the box to the right of the front door (Gurak is hiding inside so its relatively safe). Alternatively, you can also get the Anther from any other source.
Return to Tunifus with the 5 Willow Anther to receive a Cure Paralysis potion, and a Restoration skill book.
Search for Scrib Jelly
27 June 2002
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Synnolian Tunifus' in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to run another errand to fetch 5 pieces of Scrib Jelly, harvested from the body of dead Scribs. He also provides directions to an Eggmine with some Scribs but, like always, any Scrib Jelly will do. The Shulk Egg-Mine named by Tunifus is just South West of Balmora. You may need to kill a number of Scribs to get the 5 units of Jelly, and you can talk to the Miners outside for another 2 units if you need them (if your disposition is high enough).
Return to Tunifus with the 5 Jellies to receive a Cure Poison and Cure Blight potions, and an Alembic apparatus.
Harvest Some Cork Bulb
27 June 2002
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Synnolian Tunifus in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to run another errand to fetch 5 pieces of Cork Bulb root. Tunifus tells you to visit the Arvel Planation to get the ingrediant which is North of Vivec along the South shore of Lake Amaya (just North East of Gurak gro-Bagrat who you visited earlier). If you cannot find all 5 units of the root here, try checking at the Llovyn far, South West of the Dren Plantation (though any Cork Bulb will work).
Return to Tunifus with the 5 Cork Bulb to receive a Cure Common Disease and Restore Health potions.
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Synnolian Tunifus in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to run another errand to fetch 5 pieces of Rat Meat for some Cure Poison potions, and directs you to Vivec's Underworks. You can find a number of rats in the Underworks of each Canton in Vivec, so just keep visiting them until you find enough meat. Again, any Rat Meat is acceptable and if you perform a lot of travelling, you might already have the five pieces on you.
Return to Tunifus with the 5 Meats to receive a Cure Poison potion and an Unarmoured skill book.
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Synnolian Tunifus in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to run another errand to fetch a piece of Netch Hide to make some Cure Paralysis potions. The Netch are those very large, floating Jellyfish-like creatures you see just about everywhere. Since you only need one hide, just wander around till you get one (though the area around Balur Salvu's farm has a number of Netchs nearby).
Return to Tunifus with the Hide to receive 5 Resist Magicka potions and a magical healing belt. Fortunately, this is the last errand you will receive from Tunifus.
Skyrim Mission Donations
27 June 2002
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Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to perform a collection of donations from the Skyrim Mission in Ebonheart. Be careful when asking for donations as you receive only one chance. Raise your disposition with the person before you ask t receive a higher donation.
Return to Iulus with the donation proceeds. If you raised only 100 gold, you will receive 2 Fortify Personality potions (in addition to the usual Faction and Disposition increases). At 200 gold the Faction/Disposition increase is doubled and you receive the magical Shoes of Conviction. Anything over 200 gold you get to keep, so it pays to try and get a good disposition with the NPCs first.
Argonian Mission Donations
27 June 2002
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Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to perform a collection of donations from the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart. Return to Iulus with the donation proceeds. If you raised only 100 gold, you will receive 2 Fortify Luck potions. At 200 gold you receive the magical Frock of Zenithar. If you find the slave at the bottom of the Mission, you can blackmail Im-Kalaya into donating more.
Ald'ruhn Donations
27 June 2002
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Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to perform a collection of donations from citizens in Ald'ruhn. You'll find the members in the town a little tougher than your previous donation runs. In general, most or all of the Dunmer will completely ignore any attempts to get them to donate. Even the non-Dunmer citizens will not donate as much and you will be hard pressed to collect the full 200 gold. Return to Iulus with the donation proceeds. If you raised only 100 gold, you will receive 2 magical scrolls. At 200 gold you receive a Mercantile skill book.
Red and Black Shirt
24 September 2002
Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to find a red shirt and black vest for the upcoming Harvest End festival. There are a number of places to buy a red and black shirt, and Iulus will suggest looking in Vivec, Balmora, Caldera, and Pelagiad. Agrippina in Vivec doesn't have any but Falanaamo does and you can either buy it or persuade him to donate it.
Return to Iulus with the shirt to receive a mercantile skill book as a reward.
Walkthrough Contributed by Wyza.
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to collect 5 bottles of Cryodilic Brandy from the citizens of Balmora. Checking around the various taverns in town will only yield you up to 3 bottles, and you'll have to buy or 'find' the rest. You can find a number of extra bottles in a closet in the Council Club (who weren't find enough to donate any, so don't feel bad about stealing it). Return to Iulus with the 5 bottles for a pair of magical gloves (Hands of Zenithar).
Collect Pledge from Pelelius
11 November 2002
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Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to collect a promised pledge of 500 gold from Cunius Pelelius, owner of the Caldera Ebony Mine, who can be found just inside the door to the Governer's Hall. You can talk to him, and persuade him all you want, but you'll find he won't agree to give anything to you. Of all the people in the Hall, only Olumba gro-Bolgar in the South hall upstairs will be of any assistance. Olumba will tell you that Cunius is solving his money troubles by skimming from the Ebony Mine and smuggling Ebony.
If you visit the Ebony Mine to the South West of Town and speak with the slaves, this rumour will be verified (you may need to persuade the slaves to talk). If you return to Cunius with this information, you should be able to squeeze 3 pieces of Ebony from him, which you should be able to sell for anywhere up to 500 gold. If you go through the door to your right ( if standing behind his desk) and go up the stairs, you'll come to his bedroom. You can go through the door on the left and up the stairs also, you end up in Odral Helvi's room, just continue on to the next room. You need pretty good lock skills, but there is a chest there with a ledger in it for the mine. If you take the book back to Pelelius and use the option "show him the book", he gives you three pieces of ebony.
Return to Iulus with the money to receive 6 magical scrolls. Alternatively, you can just pay the 500 gold pledge yourself, up front, if you can afford it.
Includes Contributions from Ron Hirst.
Collect Pledge from Ponius
27 June 2002
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to collect another promised pledge of 1000 gold from Canctunian Ponius of the East Empire Company in Ebonheart (in his office at the read of the company hall). When you ask him about his pledge, he'll instead ask you to track down 3000 gold of money embezzled from the treasury by the clerk Mossanon. Once you recover this money, Ponius says he'll pay his pledge.
Start right off by asking around the hall about Mossanon and you'll soon talk to Shazgob gra-Luzgan who will tell you that the clerk had been seen using the Mages Guild teleport service in the Vivec guild hall (Foreign Quarter Plaza). Okan-Sei in the hall will further tell you that this is because Mossanon has a Telvanni girlfriend. Travel to the Mages Guild in Vivec and speak with Flacassia Fauseius who will tell you that Mossanon has travelled frequently to Sadrith Mora, as should you. Many members of the guild in Sadrith will direct you to a High Elf trader named Sinyaramen at the Gateway Inn in town. Sinyaramen cannot help you buy suggests you talk to Dark Elf females if you want info on a Telvanni will a High Elven boyfriend. Confused yet?
If you talk to any Dunmer females in Sadrith Mora about Mossanon, they should report having seen a High Elf in the company of Volmyni Dral who lives near Wolverine Hall in town. Find and enter Dral's house to find the clerk Mossanon hiding upstairs. Talk to him about his embezzled funds and he'll admit the deed. Depending on your speechcraft skill and disposition with Mossanon, you may be able to get him to give back the money.
Return to Ponius in the East Empire Company Hall in Ebonheart with the news. You have the option of returning all or only a part of the money, since he doesn't know how much you recovered. Return to Iulus with the money to receive ???. Alternatively, you can just pay the 1000 gold pledge yourself, up front, if you can afford it, though you won't have the pleasure of trying to find Mossanon. This is the last donation run you'll receive from Truptor.
Missing Limeware Bowl
28 June 2002
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Kaye in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to track down a missing Limeware bowl that went missing after treating the High Elf Caryarel for Swamp Fever. Though Kaye only knows that Caryarel lives somewhere on the coast, he suggests that you talk to other High Elves in the Hawkmoth Garrison in town to find out more information. Either of the two High Elves in the fort (Landorume or Fanildil) will tell you that Caryarel can be found in the small villageof Gnaar Mok on the coast West of Caldera.
Once in Gnaar Mok, you can find Caryarel wandering around town, though he denies any involvement with the missing bowl. You can find his shack by the docks and the bowl is inside in a partially hidden barrel (the door to his shack is locked).
Return to Kaye with the Limeware Bowl to receive 200 gold and 3 Divine Intervention scrolls.
Haunted House in Caldera
28 June 2002
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Kaye in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to help a Bosmer named Nedhelas who is having problems with a ghost in his house in Caldera. Once in Caldera, you should find Nedhelas wandering around on the street, He'll tell you that he things the ghost is in his cellar and gives you a key to his house. Nedhelas's house is just inside the South Gate of town. If you note the name of the cellar entrance, the problem should be obvious...the house was built on top of the Heleran Ancestral Tomb. Once inside the tomb / cellar, find and kill the ghost of Galos Heleran to stop the haunting.
Return to Kaye with the Limeware Bowl to 2 magical scrolls.
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Kaye in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to take care of a witch Thelsa Dral in the Asha-Ahhe Egg Mine South of Khuul. Grab a ship or Silt Strider up to Khuul and head South out of town along the path, past another Egg Mine (Panud). If you speak with the Miners outside of the mine, you'll get a general idea of what to expect inside. The witch has two bodyguards which you may need to take care of, and is capable of summoning more help, so take care once inside.
Return to Kaye when Dral is dead to receive a magical ring.
Recover the Silver Staff of Shaming
28 June 2002
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Kaye in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to try and recover the Silver Staff of Shaming which vanished several ago along with its owner, acolyte Linus Iulus. The cult's Oracle apparently had a dream which saw the staff lying in a land of burning rock in the shadow of the Mountain of Fear, otherwise known as Mount Kand North of Molag Marr. You are to find the staff and any of Iulus's personal effects that you can find.
This quest is a bit trickier that most at first, since you don't have an exact location. All you know is that the staff lies somwhere on the slopes of Mount Kand, and most likely the East/West slopes since the item lies in the mountain's shadows. Iulus corpse and the staff are actually lying out in the open, and not in a dungeon, and the detect enchantments ring that Kaye gave you will definitely be of help. The corpse of Iulus, along with the staff, can be found just West of the Cavern at the top of Mount Kad.
Return to Kaye with the Staff to receive a magical shirt that restores fatigue. If you also return Iulus' belt and amulet, you also receive the Silver Staff as a reward (note that eventually, you'll receive your own belt and amulet from the Cult).
Restless Spirit in Hla Oad
28 June 2002
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Kaye in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to investigate the Argonian Okur in Hla Oad who claims that she is being visited by the ghost of a murder victim. The guards can't (or won't) do anything and you are to see if justice can be served in this case.
Grab a ship to Hla Oad and find Okur's house in the North East of Town. Okur will tell you that she is being visited by the ghost of a Julie Aumine who will only be put to rest when the 4 smugglers who killed her are dead, and when her amulet is returned to her husband. The 4 smugglers (Dudley, Larisus Dergius, Ralos Othrenmin, and Thervam Drelas) and are hiding out in Yasami along the road South of town (which you may have already taken care of if you are lucky). The smugglers might be a little tougher than the usual cave dweller, so take care. Othrenim is the one that has the amulet. Return the amulet to Okur who will return it to Julie's husband.
Return to Kaye for your reward of 3 powerful magic scrolls. This is the last quest you receive from Kaye.
Recover the Ring of the Wind
15 October 2003
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Once you reach the rank of Acolyte, Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to find the ledgendary Ring of the Wind which she has seen in a vision. Since this is her first quest she offers, you might need to pledge an oath to serve her first. Rather than offer an exact location, she says that she has seen the wind upon a dark elf's hand, the fire gleam on the Dwarf's face, and darkness upon the ring of water and heard no name whispered in the mounth of stone. Unfortunately, Varian does not offer to translate this riddle for you, and leaves it up to you.
To dechiper Varian's cryptic message, speak with Llaalam Dredil, a Dunmer Savant and Scout on the second floor of Castle Ebonheart (others might be able provide some help as well). Speaking with Dredil you'll quickly find that Varian was probably speaking of the cavern of Nammu, on the mainland coast West of Tel Aruhn (which is the closest fast travel point).
Nammu starts out as a typical smugglers cave and the ring can be found on Galmis Dren. You can speak with the other person here, Jon Hawker, to learn that he is/was Dren's prisoner and he will accept a Divine Intervention scroll for his escape, leaving you with some powerful magic items (as it turns out, Jon is a manifestation of the god Zenithar).
Return to Lalatia Varian with the ring which you will get to keep. If you mention the story of Hawker you gain additional reputation.
Note: When you find Nammu and rescue Jon Hawker, he will disappear but you will still be in dialogue with him. Keep mentioning Divine intervention after he disappears and he will keep giving you the two gloves, Zenithar's Warning and Zenithar's Wiles. You can only do this for as many Divine Intervention scrolls that you have so it would be best to stock up at the local Imperial Cult Shrines before going. The gloves have a value of 2000, so you should be able to sell them for around more than half of that.
Includes Contributions from Nicolas Lerma.
Recover the Boots of the Apostle
28 June 2002
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Once you reach the rank of Acolyte, Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to recover the Boots of the Apostle. Varian is considerably less cryptic in her prophecy this time, and actually names the ruins of Berandas, the stronghold on the West coast, South East of Gnisis.
Like most strongholds, Berandas is large and hard to miss from the outside, and has several levels inside and you shouldn't encounter anything too tough until you get to the bottom level, which has the body of the fallen hero with the boots. Use the boot's levitate ability to find a few hidden places in the stronghold, including another god manifestation, this time of Mara.
Return to Lalatia Varian with the boots which you will get to keep.
Recover the Ice Blade of the Monarch
28 June 2002
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Once you reach the rank of Acolyte, Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to recover yet another artifact, the Ice Blade of the Monarch. There's no prophecy to decrypt this time, just a plain message to rain the Dunmer stronghold of Rotheran, in the Sheogorath region, South of Dagon Fel. One of the many Dunmer in the stronghold is Llaren Terano who has the Blade you are seeking. You can also free all the slaves from the Arena, including one named Assurnarairan who takes a ring you found and teleports out.
Return to Lalatia Varian with the Blade which you will get to keep. If you freed Assurnarairan you'll get her ring back as well in addition to another reputation point.
Recover the Scroll of Fiercely Roasting
28 June 2002
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Once you reach the rank of Acolyte, Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to recover the powerful artifact, the Scroll of Fiercely Roasting. The scroll has last carried by the healer Urjorad who went to the Daedric Shrine of Ashalmimilkala, which is on the West coast, North of Hla Oad and West of Balmora, to avenge his master's death. The shrine can be confusing to get through and is defended by Carecalmo and his bodyguard who are tough opponents. The body of Urjorad, and the scroll, can be found by levitating up to a ledge within the ruins.
Return to Lalatia Varian with the Scroll to receive the magical Gauntlets of Glory.
Recover Skull Crusher
28 June 2002
This quest walkthrough has not yet been verified.
Once you reach the rank of Acolyte, Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) will ask you to recover the powerful warhammer named Skull-Crushe, which has stolen way back in the First Era. Varian will relate to you another strange vision which might reveal the location of the item. She saw a Daedric ruin with a forge of molten stone, sealed by fallen rocks, though the forge can still be accessed through the Halls of the Dead. Varian suggests that you talk to a Dunmer scout, such as Nalasa Sarothen at the Elven Nations Cornerclub in Vivec. Nalasa will suggest that you try the ruins of Anudnabia (East of Sadrith Mora). You can also talk to Llaalam Dredil at Castle Ebonheart who will equate the Halls of the Dead with any Dunmer ancestral tomb. Putting the two together yields that you are looking for an Ancestral Tomb near to Anudnabia.
The nearest tomb to Anudanbia (which you cannot actually enter) is actually visible (barely) from the shrine, and is the Omaren Ancestral Tomb (should be on one of the most Eastern island East of Sadrith). From the within tomb you can access the shrine and reach the Forgotten Vaults of Anudnabia. Inside, use levitate to reach the Skull-Crusher in a chest suspended over the forge.
Return to Lalatia Varian with the mace which you will get to keep, in addition to a nice magical ring which increases your Blunt Weapon skill. This is the last quest you'll receive from Varian.
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