TEXT.RSC Index Descriptions Created By Brendan ( free_king@ureach.com ) Attribute descriptions 0000-0007 0008=Buy training dialogue 0010=Regional location dialogue 0011='don't know' dialogue 0012=no spells message 0013='no place by that name' map message 0014=Bonus points to distribute message 0015=surrended to guards y/n message 0016='Too many days' room rental message 0017='vagrancy illegal' message 0018=good health message 0019=no affiliations message 0020='Azura's Star empty' message 0021="You cannot train a skill that above 50%."(sic) 0022=Info message (Place, time, date, region, legal reputation) 0023='12 hour wait' training message 0024="This does not need to be repaired." 0025=drop gold pieces message Rest and loiter time limit messages 0026,0027 0028="%hnt" 0029=broken item message 0030="You have no diseases." 0031="Do you wish to travel to %tcn?" 0032=Azura's Star 'soul released' message 0033="You cannot repair magic items." 0034="You don't have any potion ingredients." 0035=Reputation change message 0036=Vampire 'feed before resting' message 0037=Private Propery message 0038=Access wagon from dungeon Contracted disease descriptions 0100-0116 0117="You have been poisoned."(added in patches) 0200=racial jokes Oaths by race 201-0208 0250=VOID 0255="From where dost thou hail?" 0256=Residence entering messages Merchant dialogue 0260-0265 Shop description messages 0266-0270 Banking dialogue 0282-299 Custom Character creation messages 300-0307 Rest command messages 0349-0355 0360=Banking dialogue, bank warned of PC loan default(not in original) Demo version messages(not in original) 0361-0364,400 0401='Death is not eternal' message(not in original) 0402=Spymaster's introduction dialogue 0403="Do you want to reset your character's attributes back to their original values?"(not in original) 0454="You do not have enough gold." Knightly rewards 0460-0463 0465=Sorceror recharge Castle Daggerfall, Wayrest, Sentinel 0475-0477 Daedra summoning dialogues 0480-0484 0499='pick up map' messages Dungeon overland area entered messages 0500-0518,0520-0538 Thieves' Guild, Dark Brotherhood Judge-bribeing messages 0550,0051 0600=null quest offering dialogue 0606=Mages' Guild 'worthy to join' dialogue 0611=Mages' Guild 'ineligible to join' dialogue 0612=scholarly guild 'ineligible to join' dialogue 0666=Dark Brotherhood promotion dialogue 0667=demotion messages (guild unknown yet) 0668=expulsion messages Fighters' Guild acceptance/rejection messages 0679-0681 0684=Fighters' Guild response to joining 0686=Fighters' Guild promotion Temple Donation messages 0702,0703 0705=Zen's blessing 0707=Mara's blessing 0709=Akatosh's blessing 0710=Julianos's blessing 0712=Dibella's blessing 0716=Stendarr's blessing 0717=Kynareth's blessing 0740=Temple eligibility dialogue 0744=Temple ineligibility 0745=Order ineligibility Fighter or knight ineligibility 0750,0751 0752=Knightly order acceptance Poetic preambles 0850-0855 Guild/Organization info dialogues 0860-0894 Poetry phrases by rhyme (somewhat mixed) 0900-0921 Item info (type, material, condition, worth, etc.) 1000-1014 1015=Oghma Infinium info 1016="Item powers:" 1068=Class prohibts equip message 1069=Game exit confirm message 1071,1072=Exhaustion messages 1073=House deed message 1200,1201,1203=VOID Spell effect descriptions for spellbook, interrupted 1202,1204-1207,1209-1289 1290-1292=VOID cont.'d 1293-1311 Spell effects not used in game 1279=Morph Self (removed in patches, never truly implemented) 1280,1281 1284=Dimunition (removed in patches, never truly implemented) 1294,1295,1300,1301,1304,1306-1311 1350=Advantage/Disadvantage conflict message Skill Descriptions 1360-1396 Skills never implemented=1370,1373,1375 Rumor dialogue, politics and war 1400-1409 Rumor dialogue, misc 1410-1418 Rumor dialogue, occult & artifacts 1450-1453 Rumor dialogue, underworld 1454,1455 1456=Rumor dialogue, misc 1457=MOST USED 'out of info' DIALOGUE Town bulletin messages, part I 1475-1479 1480=Rumor dialogue, change of leader 1481=Formal relations dialogue? Town bulletin messages, part II 1482,1483 1500,1501=VOID Spell effect descriptions for spellmaker 1502,1504-1507,1509-1589 1590-1592=VOID cont.'d 1593-1611 Spell effects not used in game 1579=Morph Self (removed in patches, never truly implemented) 1580,1581 1584=Dimunition (removed in patches, never truly implemented) 1594,1595,1600,1601,1604,1606-1611 Magic Item Creation/Enchanting messages 1650-1660 1700="This page is full. Start a new scroll."(don't know useage) 1701="The word you seek does not appear in your notes."(not used in game?) Spellmaker messages 1702-1709 Spellmaker button descriptions 1800-1814 1850="You do not have enough magicka" Playable Race descriptions 2000-2007 Guilds' description of self dialogue, join y/n question 2050-2077 Class descriptions (last 2 digits match classXX.cfg numbers) 2100-2117 2200="Select thy character's gender." Help messages 2400-2407 2500="%qdt - %pnq in %plq told me "%qot""(?!?) 3100='Services reserved for rank' dialogue 3353="Oh Shit!!!" (not used in game?) Daedra Summoning dialogue 3503,3504,3506-3509 4000,4001=Teleportation messages 4020,4021=Master of Skill message 4022='too high to train' dialogue 4023='wait for training' dialogue 4050=Temple/shrine sites names Dungeon name templates, %ln 4051-4054 Temple building names 4055-4062 4063=Dungeon name templates, %ln(not in original) 4075,4076=Temple site adjective preambles Gods' names 4077-4084 Biography templates (in order of class list) 4116-4133 4134=Biography for characters imported from TES:Arena Biography add-ins from different answers to questions 4150-4183=phrases 4190-4196=items(second modifying question?) 4200-4205=weapons expertise 4206-4211=magicka expertise 4212-4215="personal hatred"? 4216-4266,4300-4311,4400-4459,4500-4539,4550-4570,4650-4657,4700-4706 not used: 4194 Misc. phrases, adjectives, words(not evaluated yet) 4707-4714,4750-4754 Non-standard god names 4755-4761 4762,4763=biog add-ins not used(Wild Elves,Faerie) Biography add-ins; biog14, language 4764-4771 4773=biog14 option, "bow" Biography add-ins, biog12,16,&17 4773,4900-4905 Tavern room renting dialogue 5100-5102 5221=post-training message Thieves' Guild promotion and dungeom map giving messages 5225-5229 Mages' Guild promotion messages 5230-5234 5235=Thieves' Guild promotion (to Filcher?) 5236=Mages' Guild prmotion dialogue 5237=Knightly Order promotion dialogue(not in original) Knightly Order promotion dialogues 5238-5241 Temple promotion dialogues 5242-5249 Temple joining dialogues 5287-5290 5291=Join knightly order dialogue 5292=Join Dark Brotherhood dialogue 5293=Join Mages Guild dialogue 5400="Action type twelve. (do not translate)~" Guardian and Riddle Door dialogues 5404,5406,5423,5424 5464=Castle Daggerfall guard dialogue 5656="Answers start here. (do not translate)~" Answers to riddle dialogues 5660,5662,5679,5680,5720 Geography, Animal, Plant nouns(possibly used with paintings) 6100-6113 Town landform nouns(possibly used with paintings) 6114-6116 6117="Nude"(possibly used with paintings) 6118,6119=woman and man titles,nouns(possibly used with paintings) 6120,6121=settlement building nouns(possibly used with paintings) Adjectives, colors(possibly used with paintings) 6201-6215 prepositional phrases(possibly used with paintings) 6301-6310,6401-6412 Temple promotion messages 6600-6609 6610=Temple join message Dark Brotherhood promotion messages 6611-6614 Prostitute dialogue messages(not used in game?) 7200-7203 7204="You cannot talk to that.~"(not used in game?) 7205='no response' message Greeting dialogues 7206-7209 7210="Comment already copied to notebook.~"(not used in game?) PC inquiry dialogues 7211-7214 PC greeting/preamble dialogues 7215-7220 "Buddy" dialogue names 7221-7223 'Where is' PC dialogues 7225-7227 PC informing NPC dialogues(not used in game?) 7228-7230 'Any news?' PC dialogues 7231-7233 7234=Sexual proposition dialogues(not used in game?) 7235=PC rejected sex dialogues NPC 'don't know' and dislikes PC 7250-7264 NPC 'don't know', ambivalent to PC 7265-7269 7267=the famed "drink of air" scholarly babbling. NPC knows and tells PC 7270-7279 NPC regretfully doesn't know 7280-7284 NPC knows and happily tells PC 7285-7289 NPC knows and tells PC in confidence 7290-7294 7332=location marked on your map dialogue 7333=directional indication dialogue 7700=Start inserting action type 99 here... (do not translate)~" Bored guard, don't pass door message 7701-7705 Special door info messages 7717,7764-7770 Courtroom dialogues/messages 8050,8052,8053,8055,8057,8058,8060,8062-8064 Work inquiry response dialogues 8076-8078 Dungeon template names 8200-8215 8100=%n Dungeon name templates 8200,8208=%vn Dungeon name templates 8201="%on" 8202,8203,8205=%mn Dungeon name templates Holiday messages 8350-8403 Holiday NPC dialogue 8525-8540 Inter-guild based help/no help dialogues 8550-8569 8570="Well met, stranger." 8571=distainful response to dialogue initiation 8600="Insert action type 11 here... (do not translate)~" Some kind of God dialogues 8604,8605,8609 8616,8617=Sentinel palace guard messages Game Hint!s (probably from tutorial) 8690-8693 Artifact info messages 8700-8722 8999=Pickpocketing 'nothing of value' messages 9000=Character class 'select by answering question' messages 9400="Reserved to 9912 for Bruce and Co. (do not translate)~" 9999="Dummy entry. Must always ~" -0001=VOID