DFQEDIT v0.30 Beta - Daggerfall Quest Editor


Copyright © 1996-97 - by Dave Humphrey

DFQEdit is the start of hopefully a full TES: Daggerfall quest editor. Right now it can only modify the QRC quest files which contain all the texts needed for a quest. It can't accurately determine the type of each text, although it tries to, since the format of the text type is not well understood at the moment. It is being released as a Beta program since I have only been able to test it on a limited number of quest files and am not sure if it can load all quest files (although it should). I have tested some QRC files altered with DFQEdit in Daggerfall and it appears as though it works correctly, but there's simply too many variables to say for sure. Bugs, comments, and suggestions are gladly accepted at aj589@freenet.carleton.ca


  1. Features
  2. Installation Guide
    1. Startup
    2. Loading a QRC
    3. Saving a QRC
    4. Edit QBN/QRC
    5. New Quest
    6. About DFQEdit
    7. Exiting DFQEdit
    8. Editing a QRC
    9. Editing a QBN
  4. Text Editor - Users Manual
  5. A Few Notes about Editing Quest Text
  6. Sites
  7. Errors - What to do in Case of
  8. Known Bugs
  9. Credits
  10. Included Files
  11. Version Changes
  12. Programming Notes
  13. Legal Stuff
  14. APPENDIX A - Listing of %string Variables
  15. APPENDIX B - Listing of _string_ Variables
  16. APPENDIX C - Listing of =string_ Variables
  17. APPENDIX D - Included Data File (*.DAT)


  1. Load QRC files and change quest texts to your liking. Can change some of the quest parameters to some extent.
  2. Displays all known quest type parameters such as guild, minimum rank, and character status.
  3. Edit the quest texts in a simple built-in editor which displays special quest variables and codes in different colors.
  4. Change the various quest parameters which automatically builds most of the quest filename for you.
  5. Edit the item and npc sections of the QBN file to some extent.
  6. Can't really create quests from sratch yet, but it's getting there.


DFQEdit should be installed in it's own directory to help organize files and directories better. I reccomend a directory in the DAGGER directory such as \DAGGER\DFQEDIT\ but it is up to you. DFQEdit initially looks for all files in the current directory upon startup, but directories and drives can be specified when loading/saving files (elimating the need for a CFG file for now).


Editting quest files (all .QBN and .QRC files in the ARENA2 directory) is not a simple task, even with an editing tool such as DFQEdit. If something is not done quite right it is possible that Daggerfall will crash when it attempts to use the modified quest. The best method, in my opinion, is to copy quest files I wish to modify into the DFQEdit dir and then copy them back into the ARENA2 dir when finished. Thus, I can be sure the quest won't be used until I want it to. Also, backups of modified quests should be create in case an 'Un-documented DFQEdit Feature' (read bug) ruins that quest file you took days to rewrite (remember, it's currently only a Beta version and is not thoroughly tested).

DFQEdit requires that both the QRC and QBN files of a quest are present in the same directory. If you save a new QRC file DFQEdit will automatically save the QBN file, notifying you if the quest files already exist. Quest file names are also very important as they give information such as which guild, minimum rank etc... In general, the only characters in the quest name which can be safely changed are the last two which are simply a quest index number to differentiate files. DFQEdit will automatically generate the quest file name, except for the last two characters which can be specified when you save.

When you first start DFQEdit you should be presented with a colorful text screen in 80x50 resolution (a standard VGA text mode which permits twice as much information to be displayed at a time than the normal 80x25 mode). The top center of the screen displays the current quest loaded, which at startup should be none, the new quest filename (in red). The new quest filename is automatically built based on the quest parameters below on the page. Thus you can save quest with the right name so that Daggerfall can correctly read the file.

Below this are several lines of quest information telling you various information about the current quest. If you click on the little green arrows you will get a listing of possible values. Changing these values will modify the new quest filename at the top of the screen.

The next section below this is a listing of quest texts. Currently up to 32 different texts can be shown at a time, hopefully many more than you'll ever need (all quests I've seen have had less than 20 different texts). The quest text description, which is not currently 100% accurate, can be clicked to edit that text. To the right of the description is a value 'Yes/No'. This represents if that text section has any text in it currently. The number in brackets to the left of the quest text description represents the hexadecimal text type loaded from the QRC file. It is only useful if you are into determing more of the format for quest files.

At the bottom of the DFQEdit screen are the buttons Load QRC, Save QRC, New QRC, and Exit which should be self-explanatory and are described in more detail below.

To load a QRC file click the LOAD button at the bottom of the screen (eventually text shortcut keys will be assigned to everything). A new window will appear on the screen listing files, directories and drives. When DFQEdit is first started, this list is the current directory but on subsequent saves and loads it will remember where you left it. Use the mouse, TAB, and cursor keys to select a directory or QRC file. Wildcards are accepted in the file name box (default is *.QRC). When a QRC file a wish to edit is found, press the ENTER key or click the OK button, otherwise ESC or CANCEL will exit the window. The QRC file should now be loaded. The main DFQEdit screen will be changed to the new file. Unless you are particularily lucky however, many of the quest texts will be labled as 'Unknown'. This is because the type of quest seems to affect how the texts are labelled in the QRC file and the quest type in the QBN file is not understood. Likewise, the quest type box at the top of the screen will probably not be correct at the moment either. I have programmed it to find the closest matched quest type but only a handful of types are programmed into DFQEdit at the moment (did I mention the quest type in the QBN file isn't understood?). No worries though, you can still edit 'Unknown' text types although you'll have edit the text to see what it contains.

Saving a QRC file is much the same as loading. Simply click the SAVE button and enter a new or existing filename. If the file already exists you will be asked if you wish to overwrite or not. If you save to a new QRC file you will need to copy the appropiate QBN file to the new name as well, since both Daggerfall and DFQEdit require both QRC and QBN files for loading quests. The new quest filename based on current quest parameters will be the default filename. All that's needed is to add a two digit index and save.

This is a new button as of version 0.30b. It allows you to change the editting mode from QBN to QRC and vice-versa. See the sections 'Editting a QRC' and 'Editting and QBN' for more information on each screen.

This simply clears the contents of the window. Will be more useful when you can create quests from scratch.

This button displays a window listing information about DFQEdit and the current environment.

You can quit DFQEdit by either pressing the EXIT button or by the ESC key when in the main DFQEdit window. You will be asked if you trully want to exit but it won't currently tell you of unsaved files.

To edit a qrc text simply click on the text description (even if it says 'Unknown'). This will bring up another window with allowing you to Edit, Delete, or Cancel. Deleting the text will clear it from memory and the text section will be omitted if you save the file. This might cause problems in Daggerfall if it needs that text for the quest (deleting the quest description and then saving is asking for disastor). If edit is selected you will be brought to the text editor which looks much like the DOS edit program, although much simpler (see the TEXT EDITOR MANUAL below for more information). Here you can edit text, load new text, or save text for later. When you load or save text, you are loading normal text files, nothing related to the QRC file. Special quest variables and codes are displayed in different colors. Help can be found by pressing F1 or ALT-H and the file menu can be activated by mouse or ALT-F. The text editor's code appears to be quite solid and I have yet to have it crash, although loading too large a file or binary files might cause undefined behaviour. When you quit the text editor, any changes in the text are automatically recorded although you still need to save the QRC file. If you delete all text by the 'NEW' command, DFQEdit assumes you don't want the text section and 'turns it off'.

First of I'd like to say that editting the QBN section of a quest file is not for everyone at the moment. We don't currently completely under- stand the QBN file format but I've included what sections we do mostly know, the Item and NPCs. When in the QBN Edit mode you will notice several buttons on the left-hand side of the screen. These are the various QBN sections which can be currently editted. Right now these include only Items and NPCs. The outlined box in the center of the screen represents the current object data. At the top of the box is a line giving the current object number with current number loaded and the maximum allowed to be loaded. The object number can be changed with the 'Prev' and 'Next' buttons at the bottom of the screen (the 'Add' button is currently disabled at the moment).

The values you can edit will appear as list boxes or text fields. Simply click on the arrow to display lists and click on text fields to edit their contents. The values in light-blue below these are the numerical values of the fields. This is useful in recording a value the fields show as 'Unknown'. If you can identify such a value, please let me know.

Sometimes, if a particular field is not currently well understood, the actual numerical value of the field is displayed. This value is always a decimal, or base 10, value. The title of the field should also contain one of the words, char, int or long to identify the length and allowed values of the field as follows.

		char	0-255

		int     0-65,536

		long    0-4,294,967,295

If you input a value greater than the allowed limit it will 'wrap'. For example entering '256' in a char field will result in the value of 0 being displayed and saved. The values are always unsigned so inputting a negative value will also result in 'wrapping'. For example entering -1 in a char field results in the value 255 being displayed.

The input text fields also accept hexadecimal, octal, and binary input as well as decimal as follows

	Binary (base 2)	  Ends with a b, ie: 10001b, 001100101111b, etc...

	Octal (base 8)	  Start number with a 0, ie: 056, 01462, etc...

	Hexadecimal (16)  Starts with a 0x, ie: 0xFA45, 0x45, etc...

Entering an invalid value in a certain base (such as 0xT6, 12356b, etc...) will result in a 0 being displayed. Please note that even though you may input the number in another base, the value is still displayed as a decimal.

The item sections is completely free for one to edit, although we are not completely sure what all the values do yet. The item types and the item fields should be self-evident. Usually one should use the 'Item' or 'Gold' values in the item type field as the 'Artifact' and 'Unknown' values are not well understood. The item list is loaded from the file ITEMS.DAT in the DFQEdit directory and can be editted to add more items if you're sure you follow the correct format (don't get fancy). If you can identify the value of an unknown item, please let me know as there are currently many I'm missing.

The item message type usually relates to the message variable used in the QRC texts. Sometimes, however, the number is not related to such a variable, usually when the item represents a letter. If you click on the 'Find Msg' button the program searches through all current QRC texts for any texts which have this message variable. It shows a list of matches which you can then edit/view.

The Message ID #1 field is not well understood but we believe it to represent the text message displayed when the PC receives the item. This is only if the ID is non-zero. Click the 'View Msg' button to view the message if there is one.

The Letter MSG ID field represents the message id displayed when the PC uses an item, such as for a letter. A zero value here implies no message. Click the 'View Msg' button to view the message if there is one.

The NPC section is still scetchy at best but it's values are useful for hacking purposes. All but 5 bytes of the NPC field can be edited (the value1 and value2 fields cannot yet since their purpose is unknown).
The gender field is a guess at best since it usually contains one of 4 values (but mostly one of 3 values).
The gender message type is similar to the item message type described above. Click the 'Find Msg' Button to search QRC texts for a match to this variable. It usually relates the NPC to a variable name in the QRC texts. The two message id fields are also currently unknown at this time. Click the 'View Msg' buttons to view the messages if the value is non-zero.

The location section is still very unknown at the moment so we'll concentrate on only the location numbers for now.

The general location value places the location of the quest either in the current town (like the kill the rats type quests) or the more common Outside Town type (for dungeons, other towns, etc...). There is a third option which may indicate the quest takes place in the current house/dungeon but this is not verified.

The location type places the quest in a random home, a random dungeon, or a specific place. The specific locations are not yet known at the moment but most of them occur in the main quest files (S*.QBN)

There are many unknown fields here, of which I haven't the foggiest idea what they do...yet. Feel free to test them out if you're brave enough.

Like most sections, the location field also has a message type value.

The monster section is a small one, with only three editable fields which are relatively well understood.

The monster index field selects exactly which monster is to appear. A monster can be a non-human monster (rats, orcs, daedra etc...) or a human one (barbarians, assassins, thieves, etc...). The human monsters are not well documented at the moment but feel free to try them out (and let me know what they are).

There is one unknown field with a few limited values. Most of the time the value is '1' here. It may govern the number of monsters appearing but that is merely a guess.

Again, this section has a message type value associated with it.


The built in text editor in DFQEdit is a simpler one, much like the EDIT program found in DOS. The mouse can be used to move around the screen and activate the File and Help menus. Keyboard commands can be found below.

	ALT+F / Mouse - Activate File Menu         

	ALT+Q - Quit Text Editor

	F1 / ALT+H - This help Screen

	F2 - Save Text to TXT file (not to QRC!)

	F3 - Load TXT file                         

	CTRL+Y - Delete Current Line

Special quest variables and codes are displayed in different colors and are explained in the edit help screen (F1 or ALT+H). The text editor's code appears to be quite solid and I have yet to have it crash, although loading to large a file or binary files might cause undefined behaviour. The header at the top of the screen also displays what type of text you are editing (although this is currently quite inaccurate...have I mentioned the quest type in the QBN file is not known?).

The text editor assumes that TAB's in loaded text files are 5 spaces. It saves TABS as spaces and currently doesn't accept the key TAB as input. The editor has many shortcoming in combining lines with deleted or added text since lines are currently limited to 78 characters or less (you can't scroll left or right).


Editing quest text is relatively straight forward, just like in any text editor, but there are a few things you should be aware of listed below.


I programmed DFQEdit to exit and notify the user when an error occurs. If DFQEdit exits suddenly with the message 'BUG:...' you should record the displayed information along with what you were doing at the time of the crash (what files were you editing) along with a brief description of your system (OS, memory, type, etc...). You than may e-mail aj589@freenet.carleton.ca with the resultant bug report. Likewise, if the program crashes but doesn't give a BUG message, record what you can and send it in. These types of crashes are more serious as there is no detection for them in the program. Remember, only if I receive proper bug reports can I fix them.

In the DFQEdit's about window (and in the exit messages) there is a line giving the far heap's status. Now, without going into too much technical stuff, the heap is related to the memory available to the program for loading files and for variables (i.e., very important). The status of the heap _should_ return OK at all times. If the heap is corrupted it may result in crashes and data loss in DFQEdit (the heap is corrupted usually by some bug in the program or some option which was overlooked). If, when exiting or checking the About window, the heap status returns corrupted you should immediately exit the program, reboot and send in a bug report. The reboot is probably not nessecary, but better to be safe (during debugging I used to get a corrupt heap every 5 minutes and only rarely did the system lock-up after exiting the program). If you wish to save the current quest, do so in a different file name as it may or may not be corrupted. If the program crashes (or other wierd stuff) when you load it, the save file is corrupt and should be deleted.

Occasionally DFQEdit will not be able to free up all the memory allocated while it was running. This is a less serious bug but still should be reported. Include the difference between initial and final memory.



A number of people have contributed invaluable information concerning the format of quest files. Many thanks go to the following...

	 Peggy S Hanks (df4@juno.com)

	 Lord Phoenix (gozer@esoterica.pt)

This prgram also uses 3rd party keyboard and mouse routines which have saved me much time from writing and debugging them myself.

	INT9 (IRQ1) keyboard handler #9 by Patch (hamell@cs.pdx.edu)

	MOUSE Routines by Michael Chen  (mchen@groucho.cs.psu.edu)


To contact the creator of DFQEdit E-Mail Dave Humphrey at aj589@freenet.carleton.ca

For latest version updates of DFQEdit, The ESP: Daggerfall Files

For the Quest Editing Guide, The ESP: Quest Editing Guide

If there's any other sites you think should be included here, feel free to suggest them.


	DFQEDIT.EXE ... Main Executable

	GUILDS.DAT .... Contains listing of guilds/factions

	MSG.DAT ....... Contains listing of variable names

	ITEMS.DAT ..... Contains listing of items and their codes

	MOBS.DAT ...... Listing of known human and non-human monsters



	SEC43.DAT ..... Listing of values for the three unknown fields of

			QBN section 4

	SEC71.DAT ..... Listing of values for the unknown field of QBN

			section 7

	LOC.DAT ....... Listing of known locations

	DFQEDIT.TXT ... Program documentation (this file)

	DFQFAQ.TXT .... Quest hacking guide

	Source Code ... Is not included in archive due to size, but is

			freely available if you want it.


v0.30 Beta - Current Version

v0.20 Beta

v0.10 Beta

Future Versions


This program is considerable larger and more complicated than the other Daggerfall utilities I've released (DAGPIC and DAGREFL). It uses several source files and some old code I've used for a while (like the text editor base I created about a year ago). It also uses 3rd party keyboard and mouse routines which have saved me much time from writing and debugging them myself.

	INT9 (IRQ1) keyboard handler #9 by Patch (hamell@cs.pdx.edu)

	MOUSE Routines by  Michael Chen  (mchen@groucho.cs.psu.edu)

Also, a number of people have contributed invaluable information concerning the format of quest files. Many thanks go to the following...

	 Peggy S Hanks (df4@juno.com) - General info

	 Lord Phoenix (gozer@esoterica.pt) - General info

	 Michael P. Schneider (slannesh@pacbell.net) - Much information on

		the file formats, variable names.  Has his own quest editor

		for any 32bit Windows system (Win32s, Win95, WinNT).


Although this program has not ever caused any sort of damage to my computer (short of the odd lock-up/reboot) in the many hours of testing and debugging, there is no guarentee that it won't. I cannot be held responsible for any software or hardware damage incurred through the use of this program.

I am in no way connect with BETHESDA, the computer gaming company who created TES: Daggerfall. This is completely a third party hack of the quest files.

All files in the above file list are free domain software and can be copied, duplicated, at will. If you wish to use the source for a project of your own, I would consider it a curteousy to tell me and give credit somewhere.

APPENDIX A - Listing of %string Variables

		Variable        Description

	       ===========    ==========================

		%cn             country

		%di             some direction

		%g              He/She etc...

		%g1             He/She ???

		%g2             Him/Her etc...

		%g2self         Himself/Herself etc...

		%g3             His/Hers/Theirs etc...

		%god            some god (listed in TEXT.RSC)

		%jok            a joke

		%kno            appears to be a guild name 

		%mn             A person's name?

		%n              Quest Giver's Name

		%nam            came up empty for me

		%nrn            seems to be a random name inserted

		%oth            an oath (listed in TEXT.RSC)

		%pcf            character's first name

		%pcn            character's current name

		%pct            character's title in guild

		%qdt            Quest date

		%ra             player's race

		%reg            Current region

		%rn             Regent's Name

		%rt             Regent's Title

		%t              Regent's Title ( again? )

		%vam            Vampire Name

		%vcn            Vampire's Clan

APPENDIX B - Listing of _string_ Variables

       ITEM Variable           ITEM Variable

      ===============         ===================

	_1stparton_             _2myndung_

	_agent_                 _agentplace_

	_agentuk_               _alchemist_

	_alchemyshop_           _ally_

	_amulet_                _apothecary_

	_arena_                 _artifact_

	_artifact2_             _artifact4_

	_assassin_              _aurielsbow_

	_aurielshield_          _bank_

	_banker_                _betrothed_

	_betrothedhome_         _book_

	_bookstore_             _bow_

	_bribe_                 _brother_

	_casfort_               _castfort_

	_castle_                _chemist_

	_child_                 _childlocale_

	_cleric_                _clothes_

	_clothing_              _coastal_

	_competitor_            _conhouse_

	_contact_               _contact1_

	_contact2_              _cousin_

	_damsel_                _darkb_

	_darkbmember_           _daughter_

	_daughterhouse_         _db_

	_dbgold_                _dbguild_

	_depository_            _destination_

	_dirtypit_              _dispatcher_

	_drugs_                 _duelist_

	_dummy_                 _enemy_

	_evilfocs_              _evilitem_      

	_fakename_              _fakeplace_

	_father_                _finger_

	_flowers_               _foil_

	_friend1_               _friend2_

	_friend3_               _friend4_

	_gaffer_                _gem_

	_gems_                  _giant_

	_giver_                 _givershouse_

	_gold_                  _gold1_

	_gold2_                 _goldgoth_

	_guard_                 _guard4_

	_guardian_              _guildhall_

	_healer_                _heist_

	_hermit_                _hidingplace_

	_home_                  _hooker_

	_hookerhouse_           _house_

	_house2_                _house3_

	_hunter_                _informant_

	_ingredient_            _inn_

	_item_                  _item1_

	_item1_                 _item2_

	_item3_                 _itemplace_

	_jewelry_               _key_

	_kidnapper_             _knight_

	_lady_                  _lessgold_

	_local_                 _lordsmail_

	_love_                  _lovechild_

	_lover_                 _lovgold_

	_mage_                  _mageguild_

	_magesguild_            _magic_

	_magicitem_             _magicsword_

	_maker_                 _man_

	_mansion_               _marknpc_

	_master_                _meetingplace_

	_mensclothing_          _merchant_

	_messenger_             _metal_

	_mfriend_               _mg_

	_mggold_                _missingperson_

	_mistresshome_          _mitem_

	_mondung_               _money_

	_monster_               _murder_

	_necs_                  _newplace_

	_noble_                 _noblehouse_

	_nobleman_              _npc_

	_npc1_                  _npc2_

	_npc3_                  _oblivion_

	_orsinium_              _other_

	_painting_              _palace_

	_patsy_                 _pawn_

	_pickuplocal_           _pickupregion_

	_place_                 _poison_

	_potion_                _priest_

	_prophet_               _prophouse_

	_qgenemy_               _qgfriend_

	_qgiver_                _qgiverhome_

	_queen_                 _queenreward_

	_questg_                _questgiver_

	_rebel_                 _relartifact_

	_religiousitem_         _religitem_

	_replace_               _reward_

	_reward2_               _ring_

	_ripperhouse_           _rippername_

	_rock_                  _ruler_

	_safehouse_             _sage_

	_scarab_                _scholar_

	_scholarreward_         _sister_

	_sistershouse_          _sleepingmage_

	_soldier_               _spouse_

	_store_                 _storehouse_

	_target_                _targethouse_

	_tavern_                _teacher_

	_temple_                _thief_

	_thiefhouse_            _thiefmember_

	_thiefplace_            _thievesguild_

	_townhouse_             _traitor_

	_traitorreward_         _transporter_

	_treasure_              _upfront_

	_vamp_                  _vamp1_

	_vamp2_                 _vamphouse_

	_vampire_               _vampitem_

	_vampname_              _vampproof_

	_vamprelic_             _vampreward_

	_victim_                _victimhouse_

	_villager_              _villains_s

	_warrior_               _weapon_

	_weapons_               _weapons_s

	_widow_                 _witch_

	_withouse_              _witness_

	_wizard_                _womensclothing_


	__agentplace_           __alchemyshop_

	__arena_                __bank_

	__banker_               __betrothedhome_

	__castfort_             __castle_

	__chemist_              __childhouse_

	__childlocale_          __competitor_

	__conhouse_             __contact_

	__contact1_             __contact2_

	__darkb_                __daughterhouse_

	__db_                   __dbguild_

	__depository_           __destination_

	__dirtypit_             __dispatcher_

	__dungeon_              __gaffer_

	__giver_                __guard_

	__hidingplace_          __home_

	__hooker_               __house_

	__house2_               __house3_

	__informant_            __inn_

	__itemdung_             __kidnapper_

	__knight_               __local_

	__lovehouse_            __lover_

	__mageguild_            __magesguild_

	__mansion_              __master_

	__meetingplace_         __merchant_

	__mg_                   __missingperson_

	__mondung_              __newplace_

	__noblehouse_           __npc1_

	__npc2_                 __oblivion_

	__oracletemple_         __palace_

	__patsagent_            __pawn_

	__priest_               __qgfriend_

	__qgiver_               __questgiver_

	__rebelhouse_           __safehouse_

	__sage_                 __school_

	__shop_                 __sistershouse_

	__store_                __target_

	__targethouse_          __tavern_

	__temple_               __thiefplace_

	__thievesguild_         __traitor_

	__tranporter_           __vamp_

	__vamp2_                __vamphouse_

	__vampire_              __widow_

	__witch_                __witness_

	___agent_               ___alchemist_

	___ally_                ___apothecary_

	___bowdung_             ___casfort_

	___chemist_             ___competitor_

	___contact_             ___contact1_

	___contact2_            ___contactdung_

	___cousin_              ___crypt_

	___darkb_               ___darkbmember_

	___db_                  ___dispatcher_

	___dummy_               ___dungeon_

	___dungeon1_            ___dungeon2_

	___dungeon3_            ___father_

	___fatherdung_          ___gaffer_

	___giver_               ___guard_

	___guardian_            ___healer_

	___hideout_             ___hintdung_

	___hooker_              ___house2_

	___informant_           ___itemdung_

	___kidnapper_           ___knight_

	___local_               ___lover_

	___maker_               ___mapdung_

	___merchant_            ___mfriend_

	___mg_                  ___mondun_

	___mondung_             ___mondung2_

	___myndung_             ___newdung_

	___noble_               ___npc1_

	___npc2_                ___oblivion_

	___orsinium_            ___other_

	___patsagent_           ___pickuplocal_

	___pickupregion_        ___priest_

	___qgfriend_            ___qgiver_

	___questg_              ___questgiver_

	___ringdung_            ___ruler_

	___sage_                ___scholar_

	___scholardung_         ___sleepingmage_

	___spouse_              ___stronghold_

	___thief_               ___thiefmember_

	___traitor_             ___ukcrypt_

	___vamp_                ___vamp2_

	___vampire_             ___villager_

	___witch_               ___witness_

	___woodsman_            ___wrongdung_

	____dungeon_            ____newplace_

	____tavern_             ____temple_

APPENDIX C - Listing of =string_ Variables

	  Variable                Variable

       ===============         ===============

	==daedra_               ==dummydaedra_

	==other_                ==priest_

	==qgiver_               ==questgiver_

	==vampire_              =1stparton_

	=2dagger_               =2dung_

	=2mondung_              =2myndung_

	=2ndparton_             =2palace_

	=2ransom_               =2shedungent_

	=2storehouse_           =acolyte_

	=assassin_              =atronach_

	=bloodfather_           =bodyguard_

	=boss_                  =chemist_

	=child_                 =cleric_

	=competior_             =contact_

	=contact2_              =cousin_

	=daedra_                =daedroth_

	=db_                    =decoy_

	=elder_                 =enemy_

	=executiondelay_        =fighter_

	=finddaughter_          =firedaedra_

	=gettraitor_            =giant_

	=guard_                 =guardian_

	=guards_                =hooker_

	=huntstart_             =itemindung_

	=keytime_               =kidnapper_

	=knight_                =lich_

	=lover_                 =mage_

	=mage1_                 =mage2_

	=mage3_                 =mage4_

	=man_                   =merchant_

	=mmaster_               =monster_

	=monster_               =monster1_

	=mummy_                 =noble_

	=npc1_                  =npc2_

	=orc_                   =other_

	=pawn_                  =posse_

	=priest_                =prophet_

	=qgfriend_              =qgiver_

	=qtime_                 =questgiver_

	=queston_               =queston1_

	=queston2_              =questtime_

	=realmummy_             =replace_

	=reward_                =scholar_

	=sneaker_               =snitch_

	=soldier_               =spy_

	=target_                =thief_

	=thug_                  =tiger_

	=time1_                 =time2_

	=timeforq_              =total_

	=towertime_             =transporter_

	=traveltime_            =vamp_

	=vamp2_                 =vampire_

	=vampleader_            =vamprival_

	=victim_                =wereboar_

	=widow_                 =witch_


APPENDIX D - Included Data Files (*.DAT)

When DFQEdit runs it expects to find several data files in the current directory.





These files contain data for the various lists used in the program such as guild names and monsters. Having these values contained in files make the program much more flexible and it is easier to change any value(s) in these files. It is possible for one to modify these files to reflect any new information obtained through editting quest files or by any other means. For instance, through many hours of quest editting you figure out that the Giant Rat and Giant Bat in the MOB.DAT file are switched. You could edit the file (with any text editor) to swap these values. If you do come across errors or any additions for these files, make sure to let me know (aj589@freenet.carleton.ca)

All data files except MSG.DAT are of the dual format. These files contain a number followed by a text description on one line.

	Example:  1043 Does Wierd Stuff

The number may be of binary (1001b), octal (0174), or hexadecimal (0x5Fa) as well as the usual decimal values. Each line of the data file contains exactly one record and the data is read until the end-of-file, there are no comment type characters. If after modifying one of these files the program unexpectingly crashes or the list outputs strange data, you probably made a mistake (I guess it's too late to mention back-ups...)

At the moment, only the file MSG.DAT uses this format. In this format each line represents one list item. Again, there are no comment characters and the entire file is read.

Document Last Modifed the 30 April 1997